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刘利仄 《特区经济》2007,(2):213-215
知识型员工的作用和地位已日益得到彰显,但以往专家学者的激励模式中仍存在不足,本文在“以人为本”的理念基础上,建立了“家庭氛围型”激励模式激励知识型员工,以期实现员工、企业与国家之间的多赢。  相似文献   
王祖强 《改革》2006,(2):90-95
近年来,私营企业的劳资争议和劳资冲突有增多的趋势,但合作、互利是劳资关系的主流。就总体来看,这是一种新型的互利合作关系。在合作中谋求发展,在发展中实现各自的利益,这是劳资双方的共同选择。鉴于转型期劳动者所处的弱势地位,私营企业劳资关系的核心是如何保障劳动者的权益问题。因此,要确立劳资双方的主体地位,健全工会组织,促进集体谈判,加强政府对劳资关系的干预和协调,扩大劳资双方的利益共同点。  相似文献   
高校女职工中普遍存在“工作一家庭”兼顾的平衡模式,一方面,女职工承担起大部分家务,为丈夫的事业发展做出了牺牲;另一方面,女职工对工作有着积极的态度和较强的事业心。调查发现:这种“工作一家庭”兼顾的平衡模式并未在女职工生活中的造成重大冲突;由于女职工受到传统性别意识的影响,事业心不足,为家庭奉献的决心仍旧存在,因而她们较...  相似文献   
张婷婷 《价值工程》2012,31(14):99-100
本文通过对当今社会热点的关注,及系统的文献梳理,首先,分析了劳动密集型企业基层员工的工作现状及存在的问题;其次,从社会环境、企业管理、员工自身等方面剖析造成基层员工工作中存在问题的原因,最后提出有效的管理对策。  相似文献   
文章以文化视角为切入点,从儒家文化、关系和面子、权力距离、集体主义观念以及长期观念五个层面,来分析中国背景下企业员工沉默行为的文化根源。我们发现文化因素是员工沉默行为重要的前因变量,不同文化因素会造成员工表现出不同类型的沉默行为。  相似文献   
科技型中小企业核心员工股权激励模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李穗豫 《特区经济》2008,(7):295-297
本文通过分析科技型中小企业的特点及其人力资源管理方面面临的困境,提出了不同类型核心员工的股权激励模式,并在此基础上对股权激励模式运用中的主要问题进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   
Two studies investigate the immediate and long-term effects of job stressors on frontline service employees (FSEs). Using cognitive appraisal theory, we develop and test a conceptual model of two job stressors (crowding and emotional labor) that affect coping strategies and job outcomes. Study 1, which is a field experiment, investigates the immediate effects of crowding in a single firm. Study 2 extends the findings of Study 1 and investigates the long-term effects of emotional labor and crowding on FSEs across multiple firms. The results show that crowding has a negative impact on coping strategies and job-related outcomes. In addition, emotional labor can lead to long-term negative outcomes, such as emotional exhaustion and decreased job retention, for some FSEs. Consequently, service organizations should consider strategies or tactics that prevent high levels of customer crowding and help FSEs deal with emotional labor.  相似文献   
Organizations’ development of social capital and their decision to give back to society are becoming increasingly important to the business of managing organizations as much more than profit-driven entities. This article focuses on the rationale for an Australian–Canadian study on employees’ involvement in social capital initiatives and the communication management of these initiatives. As employees are key stakeholders, they play a vital part in achieving organizational goals. This study, a work in progress, highlights an in-depth, qualitative analysis of two organizations—one in Canada and one in Australia—committed to funding community projects as part of their corporate social responsibility development and commitment. The importance of a qualitative study that focuses on subjective components of social capital is that it develops understanding of employees’ attitudes, feelings, and viewpoints. It also begins to investigate why employees might/might not be committed, to organizations’ social capital initiatives. Using an interpretative analysis lens, an understanding of the moral, relational, and communication dynamics is explored. Questions surrounding concepts such as the moral fiber of social capital are highlighted and critiqued in the context of community engagement and what organizations’ social capital investments mean as part of their responsibility to society.  相似文献   
The study aimed to explore factors contributing to job dissatisfaction among frontend retail employees in India. It broadly contributes to the problem of talent retention and employee turnover which is one of the biggest challenges of the Indian retail industry. The study adopted mixed-method approach to inductively identify the contextual factors leading to job dissatisfaction. Qualitative data were analyzed using grounded theory approach followed by a survey based quantitative study, using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to validate the qualitative findings. Qualitative study revealed seven factors-customer aggression, abusive supervision, perceived job image, perceived unethical climate, lack of autonomy, work exhaustion and inter-role conflicts contributing to job dissatisfaction. Findings of quantitative study showed all factors except lack of autonomy were significantly related to job dissatisfaction. Theoretical contributions, managerial implication, limitations, and scope for future work are discussed.  相似文献   
郑海东  徐梅  胡杭 《技术经济》2007,26(12):101-106
以HD公司为研究对象,运用实地访谈和因子分析、方差分析等统计分析方法,研究员工个人特征通过激励机制对ESOP实施效果的影响。结果表明,公司员工整体素质影响了ESOP的实施效果;不同工龄的员工在工作态度上具有显著性差异;不同文化程度、工龄和岗位层次的员工在获利预期上具有显著性差异。根据这些结果,笔者就完善ESOP的实施提出了建议。  相似文献   
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