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在Bergman空间上讨论了以拟齐次函数为符号的Toeplitz算子的乘积问题.使用Mellin变换作为工具,得出了当拟齐次函数的度都为正度时两个Toeplitz算子乘积仍是Toeplitz算子的充分必要条件,完善了以往文献中的有关结果. 相似文献
The comparison of true cost of living indices between demographically different households (relative equivalence scale) is argued to be sensitive to the way demographic characteristics enter demand analysis. In particular, parameters reflecting the cost of demographic characteristics at base prices, though themselves do not have welfare (equivalence scale) interpretation, can alter the benchmark from which demographically varying inflation effects are measured. The empirical analysis, based on a rank‐3 demand system applied to UK individual household data, shows that the inflation adjustment of child benefits can vary with the way demographic costs at base period prices are specified. 相似文献
本文基于技术经济学项目评价指标的广泛适用性,对个人所得税扣除政策的成本与收益进行了评价与测度.这种探索有助于深化个人所得税制的研究. 相似文献
改革开放以来,我国根据各个时期所处国际国内环境的变化,制定了不同的出口贸易发展战略,取得了举世瞩目的成就,从1981年到2005年六个五年计划期间,我国出口额增长了34倍,由世界32位成长为世界第三大贸易国。但根据六个五年计划的出口贸易轨迹来看,还存在一些问题,另外国际国内环境不断变化,需要我们调整贸易战略,以适应不同的环境,完成我国从贸易大国向贸易强国的转变。 相似文献
新会计准则对企业的税务影响主要是相对影响,着重表现在对企业所得税费用的影响,但也有绝对影响,即对应纳所得税额的影响。本文结合实例分析新会计准则在投资性房地产等业务处理上适度引入"公允价值"作为会计核算计量模式后的税务影响。 相似文献
Terry L. Esper Thomas D. Jensen Fernanda L. Turnipseed Scot Burton 《Journal of Business Logistics》2003,24(2):177-203
The Internet has increased the level of importance of the end‐consumer market to transportation carriers. In two between subject experiments, carrier disclosure on retail merchant websites is examined as a strategic differentiation strategy. Predictions are offered concerning effects of carrier disclosure strategies on product delivery‐related expectations, consumer attitudes, and intentions to purchase a product online. Results from Study 1 reveal significant differences between disclosure and nondisclosure of the carrier for numerous product delivery‐related variables, as well as many differences between the six carriers examined in this first study. Study 2 extends these findings by showing that providing consumers with a choice of carrier leads to increased levels of satisfaction with the online experience and greater willingness to buy, relative to nondisclosure and disclosure strategies. 相似文献
Johan Adler 《The Scandinavian journal of economics》2006,108(1):81-95
This paper tests Barro's (1979) tax‐smoothing hypothesis using Swedish central government data for the period 1952–1999. According to the tax‐smoothing hypothesis, the government sets the budget surplus equal to expected changes in government expenditure. When expenditure is expected to increase, the government runs a budget surplus, and when expenditure is expected to fall, the government runs a budget deficit. The empirical evidence suggests that the model provides a useful benchmark and that tax‐smoothing behavior can explain about 60 percent of the variability in the Swedish central government budget surplus. 相似文献
Wolfram F. Richter 《Journal of urban economics》2004,55(3):597
Delayed integration (DI) is a rule for taxing migrants. It requires that immigrants be taxed in the host country only after some period of transition. Conversely, emigrants are released from the obligation to pay taxes only after a certain period. DI is an alternative to the Employment Principle and the Home-Country Principle. The former governs the international taxation of labor. The latter is a close substitute for the Nationality Principle, on which US tax law is based. The paper studies DI in a setting which allows one to trade off the efficiency costs of distortionary taxation and of wasteful government. 相似文献
国有企业资本结构分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
田旺林 《山西经济管理干部学院学报》2004,12(1):30-32
资本结构问题是国有企业最突出的问题之一。解决好这个问题,没有现成的模式可供借鉴。本文紧密结合我国实际,深入分析我国国有企业资本结构问题的性质和特点,针时性地提出几条措施,建议在现代科学理论指导下,增强意识,增加知识,增长见识,锻炼胆识,努力探索和积极实践适合我国国情的资本结构优化机制。 相似文献