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A sample of firms where employee stock options and other long‐term incentives are absent but an annual bonus is required is examined. A positive relation is found between firm equity value and stock bonus but not cash bonus. The positive relation is stronger when the firm has greater investment opportunities. Additionally, the relation is shown to be nonlinear in the sense that the marginal effect of stock bonus on equity value is positive but decreasing (negative) when the stock bonus is below (above) the breakpoint. Overall, the annual stock bonus is valued positively by investors even though it is linked to the firm's contemporaneous but not future performance.  相似文献   
转移价格是指跨国关联企业之间进行交易时使用的价格。70年代以后,随着日本经济实力的增强,日本企业经营国际化迅猛发展,出现了许多利用国际关联企业转移所得而避税的情况,而日本有关跨国公司转移定价的税制的实施,使这一避税现象得到了了的避免。随着我国加入WTO后外资的更多进入,加强转移定价的管理势在民行,学习发达国家的先进做法,将有助于我们在这方面少走弯路。  相似文献   
本文阐述了时间压缩信号及其频谱、各种差分信号的产生方法及频带压缩过程.最后对图象带宽为4.2MHz的TV系统用8.4MHz带宽传送三个TV信号的具体执行力式作了介绍.  相似文献   
In his 1960 book, Sraffa suggested using a composite commodity,which he called the ‘Standard commodity’, to solveRicardo's search for an invariable measure of value, i.e., astandard capable of isolating the price movements of any othercommodity induced by changes in income distribution. The absencein Sraffa's book of an explicit proof of the invariance propertyof this standard gave rise to many misunderstandings about itsmeaning and its role as an invariable measure of value. In orderto clear up these questions, Bellino (On Sraffa's Standard commodity,Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 28, 121–32, 2004)has proposed a ‘proper’ definition of an ‘invariablemeasure of value’, showing that Sraffa's Standard commoditydoes fulfil the requirements of this definition. He claims thatthe fulfilment of this property (but not the constancy of its‘nominal’ price) qualifies the Standard commodityas an invariable measure of value. In this paper, a proof ofthe invariance of the price of the Standard commodity with respectto changes in income distribution is given, and the equivalenceof this property with Bellino's definition of invariance isshown.  相似文献   
公司财务控制机理:一个基于制度博弈的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财务控制的目标是对出资者和经营者之间形成的代理契约的冲突进行管理和协调.以出资者与经营者的制度博弈模型为分析基础,可以清楚表明财务控制机理特征:首先,财务控制本身具有的制度成本(控制成本)是制约控制成效的关键因素;其次,财务控制作为一种制度安排,应具备使经营者违背代理契约的外部成本内部化的功能;最后,财务控制本质是一种契约安排,是出资者和经营者之间多次动态博弈的结果,因此需要不断进行修正完善.  相似文献   
传统的旅游者行为分析方法,主要是进行定性的分析,将各个因素进行框架分析,而对旅游者行为的影响因素分析深度不够。借助行为经济学的理论和分析方法,从旅游者的心理活动角度入手,注重旅游者的心理变量分析,应用前景理论和心理账户分析旅游者行为,充分考虑了情境因素和体验因素,使得关于旅游者的行为分析更加细化和接近现实生活。  相似文献   
科学技术的飞速发展、经济的全球化以及竞争的日益激烈,使得企业要想在市场上取得成功,就必须和供应商、客户建立紧密的伙伴关系,通过整体协作增强各节点企业的竞争力。对于供应链伙伴关系,可以从交易费用、资源观、博弈论等到不同视角进行研究,本文将从博弈的视角,通过企业间博弈的不同阶段,包括囚徒困境、鹿的陷阱以及单方承诺三个阶段,对供应链内企业间的伙伴关系进行探讨,揭示其内在规律。  相似文献   
考虑到企业信息化建设过程中知识转移的能力具有灰色性和模糊性的特点,传统的分析方法具有很大的局限性。本文采用基于信息熵权值的多层次灰色评价理论,对信息化过程中知识转移的能力的多级指标体系进行综合评判,为企业提供决策以及改进的依据,最后给出运用该方法的一个实例。该方法具有较强的实际应用价值。  相似文献   
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