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西汉初期是我国农业经济迅速恢复并达到空前繁荣的时期,这与西汉初期统治集团采取了比较符合实际的"与民休息"的经济政策紧密相关。其时代背景主要是鉴于秦朝实行严刑峻法、横征暴敛政策而亡的历史教训,以及汉初经济崩溃、民生凋敝的实际状况。"与民休息"政策内容丰富,主要包括调整土地关系、赋予军功贵族免役特权、免部分官私奴婢为庶人、减免田税口算徭戍、崇尚节俭和轻刑慎罚等六个方面。"与民休息"的经济政策,将为我们今天解决"三农"问题,发展农业经济,建设社会主义新农村提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
The Bilateral Special Economic Zones is a new idea about economic co-operation ways. It is going to be set by both countries with a common boundary for promoting the economic co-operation between two sides. It can be firstly set along the boundary between China and Vietnam. It will promote the economic co-operation between them, but China and ASEAN. It can be set along the Chinese boundary with the neighboring countries and will promote the economic co-operation between the both sides for setting up a better environment around China.  相似文献   
农民工城乡迁移个人机会成本的构成及定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱雪飞 《乡镇经济》2008,24(8):24-28
农民工城乡迁移的个人机会成本可归纳为经济性个人机会成本、社会性个人机会成本和政治性个人机会成本三大类,基于笔者主持的1012名城乡迁移农民工的问卷调查,文章分析了这三类个人机会成本各自的构成,并对它们进行了定量分析。  相似文献   
经济增长方式范式转变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从自然资源价值评估机制和制度安排的优化机制两方面阐述了经济增长方式转变的动力机制,认为应该通过完善制度体系、建立技术支撑体系以及提高公众参与循环经济意识,实现我国经济增长方式的转变。  相似文献   
经济增长对自然资源消耗和环境污染是不可避免的,然而,当经济增长对自然资源与环境资源的需求超过其承载力的阈限时,就会出现由于资源枯竭与环境恶化的非和谐增长.在对和谐增长相关理论进行梳理的基础上,以我国经济增长对资源、环境的超"阈限"影响为背景,分析"三重失灵"对和谐增长的影响,并将和谐增长纳入制度和谐的框架内,试图从制度约束上探讨长期和谐增长的保障机制.  相似文献   
Replacement investment is essentially a regenerative optimal stopping problem; that is, the key decision concerns when to terminate the life of existing plant – and hence when to start over again. This paper examines this optimisation problem within a continuous time framework and studies the qualitative and quantitative impact of uncertainty on the timing of new investment (and the criteria that should be used for terminating the life of existing plant).  相似文献   
This paper empirically examines the relationship between government foreign debt and the growth rate of per capita GDP based on a total sample of 77 countries, as well as sub‐samples of various regions. Cross‐sectional estimates of the coefficient of foreign debt based on the total sample have a negative sign, but are not always statistically significant. Available data from African countries indicate that foreign debt and the growth rate of per capita GDP were negatively related at a high level of significance. For industrialized and Latin American sub‐samples, this relationship is negative but statistically insignificant. The sub‐sample Asian and other developing countries show a positive but insignificant relationship. JEL classification: F34, H6, O23.  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of a major road improvement programme on the economic development of North Wales. The paper identifies the economic impacts of the road on a selection of firms and organisations in North Wales, and provides a modelling framework to examine the static and dynamic effects of road improvements. Road improvements across North Wales are found to be a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for economic development in this peripheral area.  相似文献   
段学慧 《特区经济》2008,(4):188-189
相互制保险在农业保险领域有着明显的优势。然而,相互制保险管理制度上的缺陷及其与农业保险的矛盾制约着相互制农业保险的发展。目前,在我国合作意识不强、农村合作经济组织发育不健全的情况下,开展相互制农业保险还有一定困难。因此,要开展相互制农业保险,必须选择合适的范围和地区,并对相互制保险进行制度创新,为相互制农业保险提供财政补贴,建立再保险机制,加强引导,减少行政干预。  相似文献   
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