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The performance of service industries in Canada has been lower than that of good industries over the last four decades, with noticeable exceptions such as for railways and telecommunication carriers. Service industries were less economically (and technically) efficient in that they generated less output value (quantity) per hour worked (level and growth) or per combined unit of labour and capital (multifactor productivity growth) than good industries. The relative output price of services declined slightly over time compared with goods. At the disaggregated level, changing relative output prices were substantial and proved to be an important factor explaining the relative satisfactory economic performance of many service industries despite their low technical performance. Nevertheless, the output share of service industries increased over that period, sustained, mainly, by the growing recourse of all firms to outsourcing of services.  相似文献   
随着住房改革的深入以及国家政策层面的支持,房地产开发投资逐年递增,发展了房地产广告,也出现了很多社会责任方面的问题。本文通过总结其中一些问题,提出了解决这些问题的具体策略。  相似文献   
我国房地产市场垄断程度研究--勒纳指数的测算   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
房地产市场的一个重要性质就是竞争的不完全性和垄断力量的存在.勒纳指数是衡量市场垄断程度的一个重要的指标.本文分别针对我国和各省(市、区)的面板数据、各年截面数据以及我国和各省(市、区)的时间序列数据等样本,对房地产市场的勒纳指数(即市场的垄断程度)进行了测算.结果表明,我国房地产市场的垄断程度相当严重;虽然随着市场经济进程的深入和经济的发展,房地产市场的竞争状况逐渐好转,但这一过程非常缓慢;为了确保房地产市场的长期健康发展和居民福利的提高,今后政府应将促进房地产市场竞争作一项基本的方针政策.  相似文献   
工业互联网是推进我国经济高质量发展的重要引擎,是制造业转型升级的加速器。工业互联网平台已成为一种新的经济业态和服务载体,并渗透到产业与企业各个层面,深刻影响着制造业产业融合水平。基于2013—2019年省级面板数据,运用面板分位数回归法,分析工业互联网视角下平台经济发展水平与产业融合的关系,揭示工业互联网平台发展水平对产业融合的作用机理,检验制造业升级对平台经济发展水平与产业融合的中介效应。结果表明,工业互联网平台发展对技术融合与生产性服务业和制造业融合的影响不显著,对供应链与价值链融合有显著正向影响。进一步分析发现,制造业升级在工业互联网平台对供应链与价值链融合的影响中具有完全中介效应。研究结果对揭示工业互联网平台、制造业升级和产业融合三者间关系,推动工业互联网平台赋能制造业融合发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
马克思提出,劳动过程首先是人与自然之间的物质变换过程.本文通过对产业生态化的本质及其产生的时代背景进行探讨,进一步回顾产业生态化理论的渊源及其发展过程,指出目前以产业生态学为代表的产业生态化理论面临的挑战,最后对实现我国产业生态化进行思考.  相似文献   
Project Tiger has been India's premier case of conservation success. Since mid 1990s select Project Tiger Reserves in India were chosen for intensive funding by the Global Environment Facility, the International Development Agency (IDA) and the Government of India under the ‘India Eco-Development Project’. This project marked a modest shift towards debt based funding. The GEF Project has become a benchmark for tiger conservation in India both in terms of management outcomes and scale and scope of funding. However in the absence of large-scale budgetary support or self-generating income flows, it becomes difficult for the GEF type of project to be replicated in other tiger reserves of the country. Debt instruments hold promise as enablers of conservation finance. The paper proposes issue of ‘tiger bonds’ to meet the financial requirements of tiger reserves. Though attractive as a debt instrument, a ‘tiger bond’ could nevertheless entail interest rate and default risks.Bioprospecting activities form good revenue sources for tiger reserves to pay off their debts. However bioprospecting activities do not provide assured returns to tiger reserves. Pharmaceutical companies that prospect for genetic resources and practice ‘real options’ approach to R&D investment planning, adopt multi-phased investment systems and sequential searches that gives them the flexibility to abandon R&D projects. From the point of view of genetic resource providing entities like Project Tiger Reserves, the ‘postponement value’ generated by real options, enables a drug company to tap substitutes for the genetic resources that form the subject matter of bioprospecting contracts. To obviate possible repayment risks by tiger reserves, the paper advocates the institution of ‘put bonds’ as a risk management tool for Project Tiger Reserves in order to hedge themselves against loan defaults arising from possible loss in bioprospecting income. The paper also brings out the mechanics of the issue of tiger bonds in the Indian context. It is argued that a put bond not only hedges default risks but would also aid ‘value discovery’ and payment for ecosystem services as far as the Project Tiger Reserves of India are concerned.  相似文献   
2006年石油价格展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对影响2006年石油价格的因素做了系统分析。认为2006年形成油价风险的主要动因已从需求的波动转向供给的波动;2006年油价将由于供求的脆弱平衡维持高位运行的格局,并且,由于供给链中潜在的危机,油价波动性将会非常大;但在全球经济增速下降、石油需求增长放缓、石油生产国家和公司仍然在努力满足市场需求、炼油瓶颈有望缓和的大背景下,油价在2006年按2005年可比价格计不会大幅上升,不会对全球经济产生重大负面影响。  相似文献   
This study examines the global nature of the recent crisis under bivariate Markov-switching models for pre- and post-crisis periods using the breakpoint of August 9, 2007. It quantifies international synchronization of boom-bust regime switches to investigate contagion-type dynamic comovements of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). Global REIT markets display persistent bust regimes from September 2008 to May 2009, whereas the regime-switching patterns are not significant in the pre-crisis period. The results provide new evidence for global REIT contagion phenomena and suggest greater difficulties in diversifying risks across global REIT markets during the post-crisis period.  相似文献   
为了解我国房地产企业的绩效状况,以经济增加值作为绩效的代表指标,选取沪深A股91家房地产上市公司为样本,测算其2001-2012年绩效并开展产业内外的对比分析。结果显示:(1)2001—2012年,以经济增加值衡量的样本房地产上市公司绩效均值为0.99,不同房地产上市公司之间绩效差异程度较大,低于平均绩效水平的样本公司数量较多,样本公司的绩效均值在2006年以前为负,2006年以后为正;(2)房地产上市公司的绩效均值高于建筑业上市公司但低于制造业上市公司,不同所有权结构、地域和主营业务的公司绩效均值差异较大。  相似文献   
We advance the real-option-based empirical analysis of commercial real estate investment in three respects. First, we test several real option implications for real estate construction that have not been examined in the commercial real estate investment literature. In particular and in line with the predictions of real option models, we show that the effects of real interest rate and the expected demand growth on hurdle rent become more negative when the market volatility is greater. Second, we use a cointegrating vector of office employment and office stock to provide a better control of the demand for new construction than traditional indicators based on real estate prices and vacancy rates. Third, whereas the existing studies focus on the U.S. commercial real estate markets, we study two major office markets in Asia, namely Singapore and Hong Kong. We rely on the local stock market in the two city states to derive forward-looking measures of office demand growth expectations.
Maarten Jennen (Corresponding author)Email:
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