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市场分割拖累了宏观经济发展,而微观层面的系统分析仍然缺乏。本文利用1998-2007年的中国工业企业数据库,系统地考察了市场分割对企业生产效率造成的影响,发现市场分割显著地降低了工业企业的全要素生产率。样本期间,市场分割程度降低了45%,贡献了约16%的企业全要素生产率的增长。我们还研究了这种负向影响产生的渠道,发现市场分割主要通过抑制规模经济效应、降低研发投入、过度保护国企和增加寻租行为等渠道对企业全要素生产率产生负面影响。  相似文献   
This study uses the Malmquist index with bias correction to analyze the performance of hotel chains from the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Oman. We show that Saudi Arabia hotel chains have the highest productivity growth, followed by the UAE and Omani hotel chains. A further decomposition of productivity indicates that a small number of hotel chains experienced an increase in revenues for lower occupancy rate, while most other hotel chains experienced an increase in occupancy rate for lower revenues. Related market discussions of the results are provided.  相似文献   
This paper estimates the magnitude of the Balassa-Samuelson effect for Greece. We calculate the effect directly, using sectoral national accounts data, which permits estimation of total factor productivity (TFP) growth in the tradeables and nontradeables sectors. Our results suggest that it is difficult to produce one estimate of the BS effect. Any particular estimate is contingent on the definition of the tradeables sector and the assumptions made about labour shares. Moreover, there is also evidence that the effect has been declining through time as Greek standards of living have caught up on those in the rest of the world and as the non-tradeables sector within Greece catches up with the tradeables.
Jim MalleyEmail:
熊伟  骆雅洁 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):71-81
信息技术与酒店业的结合给酒店业带来了新的发展机会.国外有大量的学者致力于信息技术投资与企业生产率及业绩之间关系的研究,但并没有一致的结论.文章通过对广州市高星级酒店的相关调查,获取了第一手数据,借助AMOS软件的验证性因子分析及SPSS软件的相关性分析和多元回归分析功能,以检验信息技术的应用对酒店业绩的影响.结果显示,信息技术“生产率悖论”在高星级酒店业内不存在,前厅应用、客人相关界面应用、餐厅及宴会管理系统及后台应用均对酒店业绩有积极的作用.其中,客人相关界面应用对酒店业绩影响最大,因此应着重投资.文章的结论将为高星级酒店业决定是否战略性地投资于信息技术或集中于某些特定领域提供重要的信息.最后,文章还对研究的局限性以及后续可以开展的研究进行了一定的展望.  相似文献   
Does exporting make firms more productive, or do more productive firms choose to become exporters? This paper considers the link between exporting and productivity for a sample of firms in US business services. We find that larger, more productive firms are more likely to become exporters, but that these factors do not necessarily influence the extent of exporting. This conforms with previous literature that there is a self-selection effect into exporting. We then test for the effect of exporting on productivity levels after allowing for this selection effect. We model both the relationship between exporting and productivity, and a simultaneous relationship between export intensity and productivity after allowing for selection bias. In both cases we find an association, indicating that productivity is positively linked both to exporting and to increased exposure to international markets.  相似文献   
We add to the literature on the US productivity slowdown and effects of public capital on productivity by employing Malmquist productivity indexes to measure productivity. These indexes allow us to decompose productivity growth into efficiency change and technological innovation. We derive these components for each observation, which we exploit to explore factors which may lead to differences in productivity across regions, including business cycles, both own-state and cross-border public infrastructure investment, and relative sizes of the manufacturing, service and public sector. Our results suggest that the components of total factor productivity change lend important insights into the fairly complex effects of public capital on productivity growth.  相似文献   
This study examines economic performance, environmental performance, and regulatory activity for plants in three industries: pulp and paper, oil, and steel. Stochastic frontier production function models show significant deviations from production efficiency. Older plants are less efficient in production, but perform no worse on emissions. Plants spending more on pollution abatement tend to do worse on both production efficiency and emissions. Stricter local regulatory pressure is associated with somewhat lower emissions, but has mixed effects on production efficiency. Positive correlations between SUR residuals for emissions and production efficiency suggest unmeasured plant-level characteristics that drive both economic and environmental performance.
Wayne B. GrayEmail: Phone: +1-508-793-7693
Stochastic productivity indicators are defined, and superlative measures of these indicators are derived. It is shown that, in the presence of complete markets or a common-expectations equilibrium, differences in the market values of firms are superlative indicators of cross-sectional productivity differences. Exactness results are used to decompose nonstochastic productivity indicators into a measure of true productivity change and a measure of ‘luck’. The decomposition is illustrated empirically.
Robert G. ChambersEmail:
Information and communication technology (ICT) products have undergone rapid technical change. Where quality improvements occur, they should be reflected in official price and quantity indices, otherwise there is a tendency to over-estimate price movements and under-estimate volume changes of ICT products. Statistical offices deal with this issue but the degree and nature of quality-adjustment of price indices of ICT products varies considerably between OECD countries. The present study simulates measurement effects on key economic variables (real output, private final consumption, government expenditure, investment, exports and imports) and productivity, under the assumption that the price indices of ICT products are fully quality-adjusted. The paper draws on a large selection of empirical studies to identify differences between quality-adjusted and unadjusted price changes and uses detailed information from input-output tables to assess their weights in final demand. Effects on GDP and its components are quantified for five selected OECD countries.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of internal and external research collaborations on the scientific performance of academic institutions. The data are derived from the international SCOPUS database. We consider both quantity (the number of publications) and quality indicators (the field-weighted citation impact and the share of publications in the 10% most-cited articles) to evaluate universities' performance in some European countries (Germany, France, Italy, the UK and Russia). To this end, we develop a non-overlapping generations model to evidence the theoretical idea of research externalities between academic institutions. Moreover, we implement an empirical model to determine the extent to which the impact of internal and external collaborations on universities' performance is sensitive to the geographical dimension of the data.  相似文献   
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