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为了系统的分析事故发生的原因,本文在基础工业工程的方法之上,通过5W2H提问技术对G企业的安全事故从类型、发生地点、时间、责任人、造成损失方面进行分层提问、回答,弄清楚问题的现状。然后再运用ESCRI法对安全事故管理流程进行取消、简化、合并、重排、新增来改善和探讨改进的可能性。丰富并发展了安全管理的方法,并具取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   
健全而有效的风险控制对发现P2P平台投融资新业务市场空间有着积极的作用。P2P平台风险控制的供求关系说明风险控制不仅是融资者和P2P平台内部的管理措施与行为,而且,作为投资者等外部需求的组成部分,这也成为P2P平台投融资业务市场交易的必要条件。健全有效的风险控制,能够给予P2P平台投融资业务更大的发展空间。  相似文献   
P2P网络借贷是近年来在互联网金融创新大潮下新兴的行业,它在推进金融创新,促进普惠金融发展,拓宽居民投资渠道,增加居民收入,解决目前困扰我国中小企业融资难等问题方面具有巨大的促进作用,对推动我国的金融体制改革也起着一定的倒逼作用。然而,任何一个新事物出现的同时也会伴随产生相关的问题,P2P网络借贷也不例外。特别是近期以来,大量P2P网贷平台公司出现大量的负面事件,成为困扰该行业健康发展的重要问题。本文通过分析当前P2P网贷平台发展中存在的问题,提出旨在促进P2P网络借贷有序健康发展的四项举措。  相似文献   
设计了系统的基本思路,在Visual Studio 2008数据库的基础上,利用OpenGL对矿山巷道,硐室设计等进行三维可视化虚拟,并通过数学模型,对矿井设计进行分析与纠错处理,用C#实现系统的功能。  相似文献   
通过因子分析从诸宏观经济变量中提取了金融政策因子和宏观经济状态因子,建立了基于VAR的股价波动、金融政策和宏观经济三变量回归模型。研究表明:金融政策影响股价的表现,而宏观经济状态对股价、股价对金融政策和宏观经济状态的影响均不显著;基于标准差的VAR(5)模型相对于基于收益率的VAR(3)模型能更好地刻画股市波动与金融政策、宏观经济三者之间的关系。  相似文献   
Colin Wren 《Fiscal Studies》2005,26(2):245-275
Regional grants have recently come under scrutiny and are controversial. Some estimates put the employment effect of these grants at no more than 6,000 jobs in the first half of the 1990s, against expenditure of £500 million. Other aspects of the grants are questioned, such as their ability to attract foreign direct investment and their effect on productivity. This paper reviews these issues, focusing on the recent evidence for the Regional Selective Assistance scheme. It describes the nature and difficulties involved in policy evaluation, and finds that differences over the employment effect of the grants result from possible biases induced by the evaluation methodology and from differences in the job measure used. Overall, the paper argues that the regional grants are cost‐effective in employment terms, but that expenditure is small relative to the scale of the problem, so that an expansion of the grants may be desirable.  相似文献   
We study the effect of local market bank concentration on business loan originations and on the pass-through of the federal funds rate to business loan originations. Economic theory on the relationship between concentration and the pass-through of input prices to quantity (or price) is ambiguous. We find that more concentrated markets have lower business loan originations and experience smaller changes in business loan originations in response to changes in the federal funds rate. Our results support the idea that market concentration dampens quantity reactions to input price changes.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the dynamics between the financial freedom counterparts of the economic freedom index drawn from the Heritage Foundation database and bank efficiency levels. We rely on a large sample of commercial banks operating in the 27 European Union member states over the 2000s. After estimating bank-specific efficiency scores using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), we develop a truncated regression model combined with bootstrapped confidence intervals to test our main hypotheses. Results suggest that the higher the degree of an economy’s financial freedom, the higher the benefits for banks in terms of cost advantages and overall efficiency. Our results also show that the effects of financial freedom on bank efficiency tend to be more pronounced in countries with freer political systems in which governments formulate and implement sound policies and higher quality governance.  相似文献   
在西方经济学的教学中,思想和技术的学习应该完美地结合起来,缺一不可。而中国大学西方经济学的课时安排与教材选择,基本的倾向是侧重于技术的学习而忽略了思想的学习。经过几年尝试性的试验,我们认为,应该在现在的教学模式上再增加一些基础课时来学习经济学基础,这对今后理解和掌握西方经济学并且借鉴西方经济学的有益部分不无好处。  相似文献   
We use panel data to estimate nonlinear Euler equations for preferences that are nonseparable in consumption and leisure. This approach departs from existing panel data studies that investigate linearizations and/or separable preferences. Intuitively plausible estimates are obtained only when excluding nonassetholders from the sample, which indicates the importance of asset market participation. For market participants, estimated parameter values are intuitively appealing, but differ from existing estimates. They also differ from parameter values commonly used in computational experiments. These findings have implications for the extensive literature in macroeconomics and finance that studies models of intertemporal decision-making, and they confirm the importance of market incompleteness.  相似文献   
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