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本文分析基于SPOC的在线教育平台在解决高职人才培养目标与传统教学方式之间的矛盾,促进不同层次、不同专业学生个性化发展,激发学生学习兴趣等方面所具有的独特优势;进行了基于SPOC的在线教育平台在高职《计算机基础》课程教学中的应用模式探索和研究,为广大高职院校《计算机基础》课程教学改革提供了有益的借鉴和宝贵经验。 相似文献
以高职物流管理专业核心课程《物流信息技术》为例,进行了SPOC混合式教学改造探索。基于高职院校学生的学情分析,探究高职SPOC混合式教学模式“自主性学习”特质,刺激、唤醒学生的学习主动性,取得较好的教学效果。 相似文献
论文旨在探索利用SPOC进行CAI(Computer Aided Instruction、计算机辅助教学)课程混合教学的教学模式设计,分析对比CAI传统课程教学模式与基于SPOC的教学模式,结合微课等形式,探索更适合CAI课程教学的资源设计及应用,以此得出更加符合CAI课程的教学模式。 相似文献
SPOC作为一种小规模限制性在线课程提出了线上+线下的混合教学模式,为MOOC大型开放式网络课程提供了一种可持续发展的应用。为了探索互联网信息时代教学资源灵活而有效地同步应用于专业课程与通识课程,以重庆交通大学人居环境概论课程《栖居漫谈》的教学实践为例,从教学目标设定、教学内容组织、教学方式创新和教学成效评价4个方面进行了SPOC在线课程的设计与开发。为课堂教学与在线教学的深度融合,以教为中心向以学为中心的转变进行了一次有益的尝试。 相似文献
《Business Horizons》2016,59(4):441-450
Distance learning—that is, providing education to students who are separated by distance and in which the pedagogical material is planned and prepared by educational institutions—is a topic of regular interest in the popular and business press. In particular, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which are open-access online courses that allow for unlimited participation, as well as SPOCs (Small Private Online Courses), are said to have revolutionized universities and the corporate education landscape. In this article we provide a nuanced analysis of the phenomenon of online distance learning. We first provide an overview of its historical evolution, and subsequently define and classify key concepts. We further discuss in detail the optimal target group in terms of participating students and teaching professors and propose corresponding frameworks for driving intrinsic student motivation and for choosing a successful online teacher. We also outline the benefits that institutions can achieve by offering online distance learning. Finally, we speak about the specific connection between online distance learning and social media by focusing on the difference between MOOCs based on traditional lecture formats (xMOOCs) and connectivist cMOOCs. 相似文献