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Organizational agility, the ability to sense and respond to changes quickly, has been regarded as an important index of organizational performance in rapidly changing environments. However, research on agility has largely overlooked the dynamics of the resource configuration process, which includes resource selection, acquisition, development, and management. Prior studies have mostly taken for granted a set of organizational resources deemed sufficient for developing agility, and overlooked the efforts required to render the resources ready for agility development. Adopting the resource-based view, this study aims to close such a theoretical gap by conceptualizing a dynamic resource configuration process. Based on a case study of the Shanghai Social Security Card System (SSSCS) project, we inductively develop a process model for resource configuration in agility development. This model demonstrates the configuration process of IT resources and institutional resources to create agility. Simultaneously, it stresses that IT resources may serve in initiating corresponding institutional resources, assist in the molding and shaping of new institutional resources, and also serve in sustaining institutional resources. Our research contributes to the organizational agility literature by elaborating on the dynamic resource configuration process embedded in the agility development process. Our findings offer suggestions to governments and guide them in configuring 1T and institutional resources to develop organizational agility.  相似文献   
供应链竞争力评价指标体系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王勇  孙良云 《商业研究》2002,(19):38-40
供应链竞争力是指实施供应链管理的核心企业整合其合作伙伴(供应商、分销商和零售商)的组织结构和业务流程,通过对顾客多变的需求作出比竞争对手更快速、更有效的反应来获取市场竞争优势的能力。通过对影响供应链竞争力的关键因素进行分析,提出了竞争力指标体系的设计原则并建立了供应链竞争力评价指标体系,给出了各指标的含义及计算方法。  相似文献   
李娜  隋静  申依婷 《科技和产业》2024,24(20):38-46
员工感知和自我调节学习能力、大数据能力、组织敏捷性、可持续性商业模式创新  相似文献   
胡勇强 《科技和产业》2024,24(15):81-86
以中国346份企业数据为研究对象,引入组织敏捷性作为数字转型对企业创新影响的关键路径,探究环境不确定在这个过程中的调节作用。研究发现:数字化转型与产品创新与工艺创新显著正相关,组织敏捷性在数字化转型与企业双元创新之间起着部分中介作用;环境不确定性对数字化转型与双元创新、组织敏捷性与双元创新关系的调节作用视企业所属行业不同而存在差异。  相似文献   
In order to enhance performance, manufacturing firms are building various capabilities and utilizing supply chain networks that are geographically dispersed around the globe. This study examines how decisions related to supply chain architecture and product architecture influence organizational competitiveness. Building on the co-specialization perspective, we evaluate the performance implications of product modularity and supply chain agility. While, product modularity constitutes a product configuration related to sourcing and assembling of products, supply chain agility is a supply chain configuration related to velocity (sensing, comprehending, and responding) and visibility (supplier network, internal operations, and external environment). Both the product and supply chain architectural decisions can impact performance, individually and in conjunction with each other. We empirically test the hypothesized relationships using data collected from 103 manufacturing firms. Results show that supply chain agility and product modularity directly enhance responsiveness and enable organizations to reduce cost. Furthermore, supply chain agility partially mediates the relationship between product modularity and both responsiveness and cost reduction. We elaborate on the key contributions of this study for both research and practice, discuss limitations, and also offer various avenues for further research.  相似文献   
自从工业革命以来,生产典范历经一连串的移转过程,由大量生产逐步发展出大量客制化、精实生产、敏捷及最新的精敏等概念。这些概念中,又以20世纪末才出现的敏捷与精敏较少为人所知。本研究试图将敏捷与精敏的学术成果作较完整的回顾,以找出关于这两个概念的问题中,什么论点已经被回答,以及还有什么论点有待进一步的探索。此外,由于许多学者都指出,企业如果要达到敏捷与精敏,须通过延迟战略才能实现。因此本研究也试图回顾有关评估延迟战略之效益的研究,以对未来的研究发展提供方向。  相似文献   
生产计划是企业得以顺利运营的核心组成部分,为了使企业适应外部动态竞争环境的动态变化,生产计划应具有动态响应能力—敏捷性。本文将生产计划敏捷性分为四个层次:时间(Time)、成本(Cost)、鲁棒性(Robustness)和自适应性范围(Scope of Change),并构建了生产计划敏捷性的评价指标体系。为了体现影响决策因素的多样性,本文基于证据理论建立面向多专家决策的生产计划敏捷性模型,并通过算例分析,说明生产计划敏捷性的评价过程。  相似文献   
欧阳芳  苏华  施国洪 《企业经济》2022,41(1):104-112
突发事件引起供应链中断或失效而造成商品断供或滞销的情况,对供应链敏捷力提出了新的要求。本文在全面梳理供应链敏捷力理论内涵的基础上,对新冠肺炎疫情期间283家复工复产企业进行调查,实证分析了决定供应链敏捷力的关键要素及其对供应链敏捷力的直接作用以及各要素之间的二阶交互调节作用。研究发现:市场响应对供应链敏捷力的正向促进作用不明显,但有显著的正向调节作用;物流服务则对供应链敏捷力正向促进作用明显,而正向调节作用几乎不存在;协调一致、供应能力、制造能力对供应链敏捷力均起正向作用,其中协调一致最为显著。在突发事件下,协调一致在某种形式上表现为“集中管理”模式,它有助于提高供需匹配的时效性。  相似文献   
基于敏捷性的企业动态联盟模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以古诺模型为基础 ,引入由敏捷性为用户增加的效用参数分析企业动态联盟。敏捷性实现策略 ,在于遵循RRS设计原则 ,进行员工培训 ,重视功能小组的作用  相似文献   
敏捷企业的敏捷性指标评价体系与方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
敏捷企业敏捷性度量是企业敏捷化所不可或缺的步骤。对企业敏捷性的体系构建与评价是目前研究的一个热点问题。该文在综述了国内外的企业敏捷性研究文献基础上,构筑了一个基于实效的敏捷性评价指标体系,提出新的评价方法,并结合案例进行了分析,从而为更准确地评价敏捷企业的敏  相似文献   
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