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ChihYing Chen† 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2003,30(7-8):941-974
A sample of firms where employee stock options and other long‐term incentives are absent but an annual bonus is required is examined. A positive relation is found between firm equity value and stock bonus but not cash bonus. The positive relation is stronger when the firm has greater investment opportunities. Additionally, the relation is shown to be nonlinear in the sense that the marginal effect of stock bonus on equity value is positive but decreasing (negative) when the stock bonus is below (above) the breakpoint. Overall, the annual stock bonus is valued positively by investors even though it is linked to the firm's contemporaneous but not future performance. 相似文献
In his 1960 book, Sraffa suggested using a composite commodity,which he called the Standard commodity, to solveRicardo's search for an invariable measure of value, i.e., astandard capable of isolating the price movements of any othercommodity induced by changes in income distribution. The absencein Sraffa's book of an explicit proof of the invariance propertyof this standard gave rise to many misunderstandings about itsmeaning and its role as an invariable measure of value. In orderto clear up these questions, Bellino (On Sraffa's Standard commodity,Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 28, 12132, 2004)has proposed a proper definition of an invariablemeasure of value, showing that Sraffa's Standard commoditydoes fulfil the requirements of this definition. He claims thatthe fulfilment of this property (but not the constancy of itsnominal price) qualifies the Standard commodityas an invariable measure of value. In this paper, a proof ofthe invariance of the price of the Standard commodity with respectto changes in income distribution is given, and the equivalenceof this property with Bellino's definition of invariance isshown. 相似文献
价值链理论提出,系统是由一系列创造价值的环构成,约束理论帮助选择了价值提升的关键环节,价值工程理论从功能与成本的关系进行了投入产出比的分析。三种理论的结合为企业合理选择,提升其核心竞争力提供了理论依据。 相似文献
根据最优货币区内生性理论,加入最优货币区的决定取决于一体化、对称性和劳动力市场弹性三种内生性。美国次贷危机导致欧元区对称性下降,金融一体化、劳动力市场弹性不足和财政转移支付等补偿机制的缺失,使得欧元区未能形成最优货币区。欧元区必须通过要素市场改革和推进财政一体化等措施,才能走出困境。 相似文献
理实一体化教学已广泛应用于职业学校,这种教学方法易被学生接受,改变了传统的汽车维修教学模式,将理论与实习融于一体进行组合教学,形象、直观,便于学生理解和掌握,能明显提高学生的学习积极性。理实一体化在汽车维修教学中占有独特的优势,应积极将该理论应用于汽车维修专业课教学。 相似文献
Jeffrey?P.?CarpenterEmail author Peter?Hans?Matthews Okomboli?Ong’ong’a 《Journal of Evolutionary Economics》2004,14(4):407-429
Recently economists have become interested in why people who face social dilemmas in the experimental lab use the seemingly incredible threat of punishment to deter free riding. Three theories with evolutionary microfoundations have been developed to explain punishment. We survey these theories and use behavioral data from surveys and experiments to show that the theory called social reciprocity in which people punish norm violators indiscriminately explains punishment best.JEL Classification:
C91, C92, D64, H41
Correspondence to: Jeffrey P. CarpenterWe thank Carolyn Craven, Corinna Noelke and two referees for comments, and Middlebury College for financial assistance. In addition, Carpenter acknowledges the support of the National Science Foundation (SES-CAREER 0092953). 相似文献
由心理学家和金融学家共同发展起来的行为金融学越来越引人注目,它以前景理论和各种行为金融模型为代表性成果,能有效分析金融市场中由于心理因素引起的投资者失误偏差和市场异象,是现代金融学理论的有益补充。未来的行为金融学如想成为现代金融理论体系的中心,或作为一门单独学科而存在,必须形成统一的理论基础、严密的分析范式、明确的研究主线、研究对象和研究方法以及建立新的基于行为的核心模型。 相似文献
本文以我国A股上市公司为例,实证检验了企业内部工资分配差距与企业绩效之间的关系。研究结果表明,二者之间具有显著的正向关系——较大的工资差距有利于提高企业绩效,该结果支持了竞赛理论。本文的研究结果具有明确的政策含义:放松对国有企业的工资管制有利于改善企业绩效。 相似文献
高校思想政治理论课"05方案"实施以来,怎样将教材优势转化为教学优势,一直是广大思想政治理论课教师探讨的问题。该文提出的建构"原理"("马克思主义基本原理概论"简称)课程教学体系应遵循教材体系所体现的马克思主义基本原理整体性原则、突出重点原则和理论联系实际原则,既符合中央对"马克思主义基本原理概论"课教学的要求,也符合"原理"教材的本真精神,对于把"原理"课程教材优势转化为"原理"课程教学优势是一个有益的探索。 相似文献
从经济哲学角度分析了《资本论》,并简要介绍了其中的商品货币理论。通过分析中国特色社会主义市场经济和其历史变迁及商品货币理论中价值规律、劳动二重性、劳动分工等理论,从企业管理、政府干预、经济均衡三个角度,分析了商品货币理论对中国特色社会主义市场经济的借鉴意义;从进步性、局限性、与时俱进性评价了商品货币理论。 相似文献