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This paper attempts to understand what drives Japanese venture capital (JVC) fund managers to select either active managerial monitoring or portfolio diversification to manage their firms' investment risks [J. Bus. Venturing 4 (1989) 231]. Unlike U.S. venture capitalists that use active managerial monitoring to gain private information in order to maximize returns [J. Finance 50 (1995) 301], JVCs have traditionally used portfolio diversification to attenuate investment risks [Hamada, Y., 2001. Nihon no Bencha Kyapitaru no Genkyo (Current State of Japanese Venture Capital), Nihon Bencha Gakkai VC Seminar, May 7]. We found that performance pay is positively related to active monitoring and that management ownership is positively related to active monitoring and negatively related to portfolio diversification. The managerial implication of our study is that venture capitalists should be as concerned about the structure of their incentive systems for their fund managers as they are for their investee-firm entrepreneurs. Agency theory says that contingent compensation is a self-governing mechanism for individual effort that is difficult to measure and verify. When properly applied, equity ownership and performance-based pay can have powerful influencing effects on the strategic choices of managers. 相似文献
This article examines the puzzle of why futures prices continue to react to USDA crop reports despite the fact that reports appear to be no longer "newsworthy," that is, provide no better production estimates than private forecasts. The information value of reports is measured in terms of their influence on rational agents' harvest-time corn price expectations, which are uncovered using a Hamilton-type modeling approach. Results show that reports are still "newsworthy," as they would contribute to agents' price expectations if released a day early. Thus futures price reactions, which closely reflect price expectations, are rational and consistent with efficient markets hypothesis. 相似文献
Two standard‐setting approaches have emerged globally to guide the choice of accounting for securitizations: the control and components approach (SFAS No. 125 and SFAS No. 140) and the risks and rewards transfer approach (IAS No. 39). A lack of consensus about derecognition accounting is a major impediment to achieving convergence in global standards that must be resolved. Thus, both SFAS No. 140 and IAS No. 39 will be reexamined, and evidence pertinent to the debate is timely and important. In this study, we present evidence consistent with the view of credit‐rating analysts, who view many securitizations as, in substance, secured borrowings. Specifically, for a sample of originators applying sale accounting guidance in SFAS No. 125 / 140 during the period 1997‐2003, we show that off‐balance‐sheet debt related to securitizations has, on average, the same risk‐relevance for explaining market measures of risk (that is, CAPM beta) as on‐balance‐sheet debt. We also find that, in a returns and earnings association framework, the pricing multiple on securitization gains declines as the amount of off‐balance‐sheet debt increases, implying that investors take off‐balance‐sheet debt into account when assessing the valuation‐relevance of such gains. For those who advocate the control and components approach to securitization accounting, our results suggest that, at least for frequent securitizers, the put option arising from implicit recourse is a “missing piece” that is not currently accounted for when calculating securitization gains. Our results challenge the extant measurement standards in SFAS No. 140. 相似文献
Bertrand Zuindeau 《Ecological Economics》2007,62(2):281-290
The article explores the relevance of a particular approach of the institutionalist movement, régulation theory, to deal with the relationship between the economy and the environment. Régulation theory, which appeared in France at the end of the 1970s, is mainly interested in macroeconomic issues. In contrast, until now it has tended to neglect environmental questions. By taking several key concepts of this theory (accumulation regime, mode of régulation, institutional forms), we have sought to assess its significance vis-à-vis the environmental field. More precisely, from the perspective of establishing an environmental regulationist theory, we propose considering the economic relation to the environment as the articulation of three forms: a transhistorical form, a general capitalist form and a specific capitalist form, the latter being variable in capitalist time and space. We give several illustrations of the variability of the relation to the environment, depending on the different accumulation regimes and the different modes of régulation. Two principal avenues of research are proposed: historical analyses for given economic areas, and comparative analyses relating in particular to different capitalist areas. 相似文献
十七大以来,我国提出了转变经济发展方式,推进产业结构优化升级,坚持走中国特色的新型工业化道路。特别是金融危机、经济危机后,在后危机时代,我国经济发展方式的转变面临新的挑战和问题。转变经济发展方式在当前成为经济理论界研究的焦点问题。本文首先在后危机的时代背景下,分析了经济发展方式转变的内涵;其次,构建评价指标,对我国经济发展方式进行综合评价;最后,提出后危机时代我国经济发展方式的战略转型。 相似文献
ISO9000族标准鼓励组织在建立、实施质量管理体系以及在提高质量管理体系的有效性和效率时采用过程方法。本文在深入解析将过程方法导入民营企业质量管理的过程,并绘制出该标准涵盖的四大过程中的“管理职责”和“资源管理”的过程网络图的基础上,以质量策划为例,针对民营企业质量管理过程方法缺失的诸多问题,提出了民营企业应按照ISO9000族标准中的过程方法进行质量管理体系建构,并系统论证了民营企业应用过程方法规范质量管理的理想途径。 相似文献
企业从诞生开始都要经历具有不同内外市场环境的若干阶段,这些不同的发展阶段构成企业生命周期,企业的生命周期一般包括初创期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期。企业的成本管理贯穿于企业的整个生命周期,成本改进需要持续推进。企业在生命周期的不同阶段面临的市场环境和经营风险不同,因此企业在同生命周期的不同阶段应该选择不同的成本战略。企业只有掌握企业生命周期的变动规律,并及时调整企业的成本战略,才能在优胜劣汰的市场中可持续发展。 相似文献