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2010年开始,向基层赋权作为行政体制改革的重要内容在全国范围铺开。从权力义务视角对其进行研究有现实的必要性。赋权的核心是行政权力的转移,以权力转移过程中涉及的诸要素为切入点,可以分析出多重权力关系和有关主体在其中的权力义务。在此基础上,通过保障行政相对人对于赋权的参与权、设计上级行政机关实施赋权的制度、消除上级行政机关赋权的依据问题和设计基层行政机关行使权力的制度等方式完善向基层赋权,既使行政机关能够有效推进行政体制改革,又能对行政权进行有效规范、保障行政相对人权利。  相似文献   

Using the theory of indigenous alternatives and a benchmark of indigenous financial reporting expectations, this paper examines the challenges to accountable governance of the nine provincial governments of the Solomon Islands for the years 1998 to 2017. Every provincial government consistently received disclaimed or qualified opinions from the state auditor. The author explains why the regional development of all provinces of the Solomon Islands could be improved if rudimentary forms of financial reporting were to be addressed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the role that a professionalized context plays in shaping employee reactions to talent management decisions. We examined the mediating role of felt obligation in the relationship between talent ratings and organizational citizenship behavior. Further, the study tested whether professional identification moderates the relationship between talent ratings and felt obligation towards the organization. Five hundred and ninety-eight teachers that had recently received ratings of their talent status responded to a survey questionnaire. Felt obligation mediated the relationship between talent ratings and organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore, professional identification moderated the relationship between ratings of potential and felt obligation in such a way that the relationship was strongest for the teachers expressing the lowest professional identification. At high levels of professional identification, the relationship was not significant. These results indicate that conventional talent management might be less effective for increasing favorable attitudes and behaviors among employees in highly professionalized contexts, such as the education sector.  相似文献   
黑龙江经济社会资源优势的发挥有赖于人的科学文化素质的提高和人力资本潜力的发挥.目前黑龙江省人口受教育存在城乡差异、区域差异、行业差异等.为此要充分发挥黑龙江省教育资源优势;解决人才分布不均匀问题;提高初中毕业生的升学率;提高农村劳动力素质;加强职业培训,发展继续教育.  相似文献   
This paper applies the conceptual framework of ‘unbundling’, proposed by Baldwin (2016), to assess the value chain connectivity in Indonesia. Indonesia is a geographically large country, and three different levels of unbundling co-exist. The first unbundling aligns with the industry-wise international division of labour in plantation agriculture, mining, and labour-intensive industries; the second aligns with where the task-wise international division of labour dominates mainly in machinery industries; and the third aligns with where face-to-face costs are reduced by the digital economy. We argue that the further upgrading of unbundling and the more effective use of advanced piecemeal technologies among different levels of unbundling will enable Indonesia to achieve rapid and equitable economic development. Overcoming distance is key for effectively using the mechanics of unbundling. We propose that three key elements are be promoted: enhancement of connectivity, development of the service sector, and improvement of the policy environment.  相似文献   
The post-2010 technological resurgence in artificial intelligence (AI) was followed by a series of public warnings by prestigious intellectuals, scientists, and entrepreneurs presenting AI as an existential threat. While their expertise in other fields is undeniable, their knowledge of AI remains questionable. With expert studies as a theoretical point of departure, the empirical data collected narrate the events which systematically shaped this view between 2014 and 2018. This chronology captures the interplay between such statements by ‘expanding experts’ in the press and traces their impact on governmental policy documents in the EU, UK, and US, while highlighting the overall absence of experts in these debates. The conclusions recommend the inclusion of AI experts in relevant policymaking schemes and the further exploration of the networks between such prestigious individuals, the purposes and origins of emerging future/risk studies institutions, and their impact on AI R&D in the long run via empirical means.  相似文献   
现代贸易方式不仅导致贸易利益在全球价值链上进行分配,还带来了贸易隐含污染排放在全球贸易网络中的分布。两国之间的贸易利益分配除了表现为贸易经济福利的分配,还表现为贸易隐含碳福利的分配。本文将贸易增加值分解法结合MRIO模型对2000—2014年中美双边工业品贸易增加值所隐含的碳福利分配及影响机制展开深入分析。研究结果表明:(1)在中美双边工业品增加值贸易隐含碳福利分配中,碳福利逆差在中国,碳福利顺差在美国;(2)中美工业品贸易碳福利级差经历了“先扩大,后收窄”的过程,美国次贷危机之后双边碳福利不平衡状况重新呈现扩大趋势;(3)中国碳排放强度下降、价值链地位提升以及对美进口规模扩大都有助于改善碳福利逆差的局面,但美国对中国不断扩大的中间品和最终品需求以及双边复杂的技术关联结构仍是中国碳福利逆差的主导因素;(4)全球价值链的深化可能将导致对出口国加征关税会通过降低进口消费侧排放的方式恶化加征国的贸易隐含碳福利。本文研究的时间范围同时覆盖中国加入WTO以及美国次贷危机两个重要节点,这对于重新审视中美经贸关系新格局下双边贸易隐含碳福利分配构建了一个新的分析视角,为中美未来贸易谈判以及全球碳排放责任认定提供了一个新的解读方向。  相似文献   
虞涛  杭佳男 《特区经济》2020,(5):126-129
温州是民营经济的发祥地,民间融资始终为温州经济发展提供强有力的支持。新金改后,温州经济止住颓势,地区金融生态环境得到了进一步改善,正规金融利率呈现下降的趋势,然而自2018年8月以来民间融资利率连续11个月同比上升,出现了民间融资利率与正规金融利率的背离。本文将基于温州指数运作的状况,分析两者背离的原因以及民间融资存在的问题,并提出相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   
在高校中构建休闲体育的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
休闲体育是指在空闲时间里进行的,以一定的身体活动形式为手段而产生最佳心理体验的一种有意义的现代生活方式,人们不受限于活动的严格规定,积极追求内在的体验,使个人在精神和身体上都得到休息、放松和享受.它具有娱乐性、多样性、大众化等特点.目前我国大学生在余暇生活中出现了一种盲目、被动、无聊等严重缺乏主体性的现状.而休闲体育作为一种文明、健康、科学的休闲生活方式,应引入大学生的余暇生活,它对于促进高层次人才培养有一定的积极意义.  相似文献   
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