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我国商业银行私人银行业务的发展现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王苹 《特区经济》2008,(12):72-73
随着我国富裕阶层队伍的不断壮大,我国私人银行业务显示出巨大的市场潜力,中外银行因此展开了激烈的竞争。但是,我国商业银行发展私人银行业务也面临着诸多制约因素。因此,我国商业银行应在市场细分、产品的研发与创新、品牌建设、组织架构、专业人才的培养、外部环境建设等方面采取切实措施,以促进私人银行业务的发展  相似文献   
品牌共同体是国外兴起的一种新型的企业与顾客互动的方式。品牌共同体的构建有助于增加顾客的社交利益,对于顾客间互动以及体会品牌的内涵意义重大。本文通过介绍品牌共同体的定义、特征、意义,从而向企业提出创建品牌共同体的建议。  相似文献   
The Internet has increased the level of importance of the end‐consumer market to transportation carriers. In two between subject experiments, carrier disclosure on retail merchant websites is examined as a strategic differentiation strategy. Predictions are offered concerning effects of carrier disclosure strategies on product delivery‐related expectations, consumer attitudes, and intentions to purchase a product online. Results from Study 1 reveal significant differences between disclosure and nondisclosure of the carrier for numerous product delivery‐related variables, as well as many differences between the six carriers examined in this first study. Study 2 extends these findings by showing that providing consumers with a choice of carrier leads to increased levels of satisfaction with the online experience and greater willingness to buy, relative to nondisclosure and disclosure strategies.  相似文献   
“真实性”是媒介传播中的重要范畴,也是当前学界和业界许多争论的核心问题之一。该文从意识形态的视角,结合媒介传播的特性,从三个方面对媒介传播的“真实性”进行了深入的讨论。第一,“个人观点不代表本台(报)”;第二,“诗人的尖塔高出党派的阁楼”;第三,媒介功能——中国特色的媒介传播的真实。  相似文献   
品牌扩展策略,是指企业利用其成功品牌名称的声誉来推出改良产品或新产品,企业采用这一策略,可以节省宣传新产品的促销费用,使新产品能迅速顺利地进入市场。但是,如果扩展的品牌已在市场上有较高的声誉,新产品也必须与其有同样良好的质量、服务等,否则不仅会影响新产品的销售,更重要的是会降低已有品牌的声誉。本文通过分析现今我国企业品牌扩展中的问题,试图找到一些对策。  相似文献   
品牌关系是近年来品牌理论研究中的一个热点问题,在品牌关系研究中,消费者——品牌关系一直是研究的中心,通过扩展对品牌关系主体的讨论,提出了一个基于品牌——消费者关系的品牌关系整合模型。该模型将参与品牌关系互动的主体区分为品牌外生因素和内生因素,其中外生因素包括其它品牌、利益关系人和环境,内生因素包括产品、公司和消费者;内生因素与消费者之间的互动,影响到消费者对品牌形成的认知。  相似文献   
品牌经营:旅行社竞争之发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
品牌是旅行社竞争力的核心,而我国旅行社目前缺乏品牌经营意识和科学管理,且市场化进程缓慢。因而要通过建立现代企业制度、实行科学管理、提高员工素质等措施来加强旅行社的品牌经营,提高其竞争力。  相似文献   
汪菲  郑春东  王寒 《现代财经》2007,27(3):26-30
从多元化的角度来说,企业的品牌延伸行为就是一种新产品的推出模式。在相关多元化和非相关多元化模式下,企业通过品牌延伸推出新产品会形成不同的相关利益者组合。而现有产品市场企业、延伸产品市场企业、行业内潜在进入者和行业外潜在进入者是构成相关利益者组合的基本企业类型,其中的现有产品市场企业和延伸产品市场企业是延伸企业的现实利益相关者,其行为模式对延伸效果有重要影响。  相似文献   
论我国企业品牌延伸的实施策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙勇  郑春东 《现代财经》2006,26(5):55-58
品牌延伸的具体实施策略是影响延伸效果的重要因素,而延伸实施中最常见和有效的措施就是一般营销策略和副品牌策略。对于国内品牌来说,由于自身状况和国内经济环境的影响,延伸实施中还需要更多关注品牌定位的维护、品牌知名度的提升以及延伸领域的选择等重要问题。  相似文献   
Blogs recently have demonstrated their enormous marketing potential, and more and more travel advertisements are being posted in blogs. In light of this observation, this study aims to provide insights into the structural relationship among travel bloggers' involvement level, the advertising effect from blog messages, and travel bloggers' intention to purchase travel products. A travel blogger's purchase intention model was constructed and empirically tested. A total of 900 questionnaires were distributed to identified travel bloggers; 398 valid responses were returned. The data were examined with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results demonstrated the positive impact resulting from the ad effect as well as the ad effect on purchase intention, which could be verified in travel blog environments. It also indicated that high-involvement travel bloggers are more likely to form favourable impressions with regard to ads in travel blogs. Travel blogs play a positive role in the processing of ad messages; brand management is essential to business marketers since brand attitude is the most influential factor related to the ad effect on purchase intention. Meanwhile, while ad attitude is not significantly effective concerning purchase intention, it remains essential in forming brand attitudes. Several implications for posting advertisements in travel blogs will be discussed and suggested in this paper.  相似文献   
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