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李冰 《石家庄经济学院学报》2013,(6):28-31
近年来中国东、中、西部地区经济差距有逐渐扩大的趋势,再次引起了政府和学术界的关注。中央在十八大明确提出要实施全国经济协调发展战略,让不同地区的人民都能实现中国梦。实现中国梦的第一前提是公平。而区域差距的扩大显然有违公平原则,在这个大背景下,缩小区域差距便成为中国当前时期一个亟待解决的艰巨任务。参考大量国内外研究区域经济差距的重要文献,按照逐步深入的顺序,从区域经济差距的研究方法到中国区域差距度量和变化趋势,再到中国区域经济差距的成因和对策,依次进行概括总结,并进行了相关评述,提出了一个缩小区域差距的新思路,作为下一步研究的重点方向。 相似文献
文章以福布斯2008年排行榜全球2000家企业在中国设立的地区总部为研究对象,对其分布的特征及决定因素进行了研究。研究发现:在分布特征上,跨国公司地区总部在我国呈现出了地区集聚(96%集中于北京、上海两个城市)和国别集聚(73.9%集中于美日等6个国家)的特点;在决定因素上,最为显著的指标是城市大小与人口规模、第三产业占GDP比重和信息传递水平。研究还表明:跨国公司在我国选择非政治、商业、金融中心的城市时,表现得极为谨慎;同时,全球仅有34.3%的跨国公司在我国设立地区总部,说明世界各国在我国的投资强度目前仍较弱。 相似文献
传统农业时代乡村粮食安全水平估测 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
传统农业时代中国单位面积的粮食产量长期在世界处于领先地位,农业技术水平的提高在很大程度上降低了饥荒风险,减缓了饥荒的发生。隋唐以前粮食生产能力处于持续上涨阶段,粮食生产能力完全能够应对可能发生的饥荒,而且还可以供养更多的人口。宋元明时期粮食生产能力依然高于秦汉时期的水平。入清以后由于人口增殖过快,人口压力剧增,粮食供应空前紧张。清代中国人均粮食占有量倒退到2000多年前春秋战国时代的水平上,饥荒的频繁发生已经呈现出不可避免的恶化趋势。因此提高粮食产量水平成为20世纪中国最为关键的问题,在耕地资源基本开发殆尽的情况下,唯有采取改进农业技术提高单位面积产量的办法最为可行。战争和自然灾害是导致粮食波动的根本性因素,局部地区因此而出现粮食短缺,饥荒的发生成为可能。农民是粮食生产的主体力量,同时也是最易遭受饥荒危害的社会群体。中国传统社会农民生活水平长期处于贫困化的状态,直至20世纪中叶依然没有发生根本性变化。 相似文献
中国工业发展的区域差异分析 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
本文采用主成分及聚类分析方法,通过对中国的29个地域单元1996年人均工业产值和所有制结构状况进行分析,把中国工业发展划分为5个类型区,在此基础上,进上步分析了所有制结构对区域工业发展水平的影响。 相似文献
Markus Schermer 《国际农业可持续发展杂志》2013,11(2):92-101
This paper provides a closer look into the concept of eco-regions in Austria. The idea behind the eco-region is to merge organic farming and rural development into a territorial strategy. The actors proposing this are farmers as well as various stakeholders in regional development. A survey of current manifestations of eco-regions in Austria provides an overview and a base for a preliminary classification. It also indicates the eco-region concept as a potential answer to individual problem situations. The ‘Eco-region National Park Hohe Tauern’ serves as a specific case to assess the impact of this concept using the sustainable rural livelihood (SRL) framework. The case study proves that the concept of eco-regions delivers a range of improvements in the livelihood of small organic farms in less favoured regions. Moreover it supports the forging of new alliances, which can extend the principles of sustainability inherent to organic farming to other actors and sectors in the region. Thus it provides the framework for a territorial application of the principles of organic farming. But the case study also reveals potential dangers, especially from powerful market partners who use the concept for their purposes, dominating further development and creating new dependencies. Finally some general conclusions on the preconditions necessary to establish eco-regions are presented. 相似文献
The promotion and support of urban agriculture (UA) has the potential to contribute to efforts to address pressing challenges of poverty, under nutrition and sustainability among vulnerable populations in the growing cities of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This may be especially relevant for HIV/AIDS-affected individuals in SSA whose agricultural livelihoods are severely disrupted by the devastating effects of the disease on physical productivity and nutritional well-being. This paper outlines the process involved in the conception, design and implementation of a project to strengthen technical, environmental, financial and social capacity for UA among HIV-affected households in Nakuru, Kenya. Key lessons learned are also discussed. The first has been the value of multi-stakeholder partnerships, representing a broad range of relevant experience, knowledge and perspectives in order to address the complex set of issues facing agriculture for social purposes in urban settings. A second is the key role of self-help group organizations, and the securing of institutional commitments to support farming by vulnerable persons affected by HIV-AIDS is also apparent. Finally, the usefulness of evaluative tools using mixed methods to monitor progress towards goals and identify supports and barriers to success are highlighted. 相似文献
This paper explores an unusual community-supported agriculture pilot project in London, concentrating on the contribution of ICTs in its development and impact. The paper contextualises the project within wider waves of local food activism and reflects on the relevance of using ICTs to increase awareness and community participation in the production and consumption of locally-grown food. The results are also analysed in light of the author's parallel research on the use of ICT for agricultural development, or “e-agriculture”, in Kenya. The paper contributes to ongoing debates on ICTs and agricultural development, by highlighting community-building and the emergence of new voices and conversations as key roles played by ICTs, contributing to the development of more participatory, resilient and locally-centred food systems. The results of the pilot however also acknowledge the essential role played by activities in real life in building communal food growing practices, which can be enhanced but not substituted by online communities. 相似文献
东中西三大地带上市公司之间的区域差异是客观存在的,这种差异对区域经济发展产生了不同程度的正面效应和负面影响。随着社会经济的发展,上市公司与区域经济的关联性会大大加强。 相似文献
作为一种区域软实力,地方政府公信力是影响区域经济发展的一个重要因素。良好的政府公信力能够为区域经济发展营造公平的市场竞争秩序、促进区域内社会稳定发展以及塑造良好的区域形象。而目前我国一些地方政府公信力存在下降的趋势,在严重影响社会信用环境及地方投资环境的同时,也妨碍了政府与公众之间良好的互动关系的建构,增加了政府管理成本,制约着地方经济的发展。因此,有必要提高政府公信力,为区域经济发展营造一个良好的诚信环境 相似文献