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KENNETH J. KLASSEN JEFFREY A. PITTMAN MARGARET P. REED STEVE FORTIN 《Contemporary Accounting Research》2004,21(3):639-680
We provide evidence on the impact of tax incentives and financial constraints on corporate R&D expenditure decisions. We contribute to extant research by comparing R&D expenditures in the United States and Canada, thereby exploiting the differences in the two countries' R&D tax credit mechanisms and generally accepted accounting principles. The two tax incentive mechanism designs are consistent with differing views of the degree of financial constraints faced by firms in these economies. Our sample also allows us to explore the effects of capitalizing R&D on Canadian firms. Employing a matched design, we document relations between tax credit incentives and R&D spending consistent with both Canadian and U.S. public companies responding as though they are not financially constrained. We estimate that the Canadian credit system induces, on average, $1.30 of additional R&D spending per dollar of taxes forgone while the U.S. system induces, on average, $2.96 of additional spending. We also find that firms that capitalize R&D costs in Canada spend, on average, 18 percent more on R&D. Collectively, this evidence is important to the ongoing debates in both countries concerning the appropriate design of incentives for R&D and is consistent with the assumptions found in the U.S. tax credit system, but not those found in the Canadian system. 相似文献
顺酐国内外生产现状与发展趋势 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
吕咏梅 《石油化工技术经济》2001,17(5):46-51
世界顺酐工业正由苯法合成向正丁烷法合成转变,正丁烷法的生产能力已占顺酐总生产能力的80%,我国顺酐消费需求发展迅速,生产工艺仍以苯法为主,我国应立足于苯法生产,并做好向正丁烷法转变的技术准备,不断改进工艺淘汰小规模不经济顺酐装置,增强竞争能力。 相似文献
胜利油田作为国有特大型石油企业,要进一步提升科学发展水平,其主要任务就是转变经济发展方式,提升经济发展质量。本文在对胜利油田内部结构性矛盾和问题进行分析的基础上,提出了要提升资源战略,提升市场战略,强化管理创新,凸显自主创新,加强民生建设,推进和谐油田建设等六大对策。 相似文献
人是文化的动物,由此决定了人的生命活动同动物的生命活动不同:人不仅有本能,而且有自我意识。资本时代造就了一个颠倒的世界,因此必然产生颠倒的世界意识和异化的自我意识。马克思主义的政治经济学批判提供了一种辩证逻辑,它能够帮助我们摆脱实证主义的单面性思维,却不能消除物化现象本身,从而也不能消除资本拜物教这种颠倒的世界意识和由此产生的物化的自我意识。消除资本拜物教不仅需要实现意识形态革命,建立和扩展社会主义核心价值体系,更需要的是坚持科学发展的实践。 相似文献
刘渊 《湖北经济学院学报》2012,(1):14-19
当代的经济学家认为可持续发展就是创造、保持和管理财富的过程。结合1995~2005年的国民财富变动数据,分析当前世界与中国的国民财富变化特征,可以从变化中对当前世界不同发展程度国家及中国的可持续发展现状做出评价。 相似文献
《Business History》2012,54(3):441-461
This article analyses the development and functioning of the microcredit industry in Palestine in the period between its establishment as a partially autonomous political entity (1994) and the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip (2008). The article shows how, despite the increase in potential demand for microcredit due to the deterioration of the economic environment, the growth of the sector has been below expectation. One of the most important causes of this phenomenon has been the reluctance to lend resulting from the growing risk of late or no repayment of loans. Using original data from one microcredit institution (Arab Centre for Agricultural Development) and a quantitative approach, the article investigates the causes of this problem. Results show that the risk of late repayment was negatively correlated to the level of interest rate, to macroeconomic conditions, and to the age of the borrower while it was positively associated to the share of investment in the Gaza Strip, and to the size of loans. 相似文献
文章论述了人的充分消费与人的可持续发展的内在本质共性,指出人的充分消费与人的可持续发展具有全面性、阶段性和连贯性,在此基础上提出实现人的充分消费与人的可持续发展的有机融合转变:实现提高赚钱本事为主向提高花钱本事为主有机融合转变,实现提高物质文明为主向提高精神文明为主有机融合转变,实现提高生存长久为主向提高快乐长久为主的有机融合转变。 相似文献
构建了环境—经济模型,并基于武汉城市圈9个城市2006年至2008的面板数据进行实证研究,结果表明:武汉城市圈经济发展与生态环境呈反向变化关系,其经济发展在某种程度上仍是以牺牲环境为代价的;同时,圈内9个城市环境与经济关系存在明显的个体差异。武汉城市圈应加大对污染产业的技术改造,推行清洁生产,并不断优化产业结构,大力发展具有高产出、低消耗、低污染的绿色产业。 相似文献
胡剑冰 《广西商业高等专科学校学报》2011,(4):32-34
本文根据马克思主义关于教育的基本原理,阐述了加强大学生劳动教育对全面贯彻党的教育方针和促进人的协调发展的重要意义与巨大作用,并由此提出了如何做好这方面工作的措施和对策。 相似文献