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When designing a new patient care process or modifying an existing one, healthcare leaders should: Set specific goals for frontline staff, Move beyond gathering and discussing data to acting on the data, Issue data reports frequently, Prepare to take advantage of success, Do not expect a silver bullet.  相似文献   
现代信息服务业是国民经济和现代服务业的重要组成部分。加快现代信息服务业发展是经济社会转型升级的必然选择。文章在分析我国现代信息服务业发展现状及问题的基础上,探讨了经济社会转型升级需要现代信息服务业推动,并从科学制定发展规划、加强人才培育与引进、优化产业结构等方面提出了加快现代信息服务业发展的对策。  相似文献   
成渝经济区对外开放的战略构想要有新思维,要从“西部与世界相连”、两个前沿地带、国家新的增长极三个视角审视成渝经济区对外开放战略,要从产业振兴、川渝合作、西部高科技金三角崛起三个途径夯实成渝经济区对外开放基础,要从毗邻区域合作、泛区域合作、国际区域合作三个维度拓展成渝经济区对外开放空间。  相似文献   
Measurement efforts to reduce the uncertainty concerning theattributes of heterogeneous goods may simply redistribute wealthand result in social waste. Individuals bearing the cost ofsuch distributional measurement have incentives to develop buyingand selling practices that limit such measurement. We examine,both theoretically and empirically, the determinants of thelevel of distributional measurement efforts in a competitiveauction framework. The empirical application, which uses a sampleof private timber sales, provides strong support for the implicationsof the theoretical model of presale measurement.  相似文献   
阐述了安徽省高新技术产业发展取得的主要成就,剖析了安徽省高新技术产业发展存在的主要问题,并根据问题产生的原因,针对性地提出了解决问题的对策建议,以期能对促进安徽省高新技术产业进一步发展有所裨益。  相似文献   
创业农场水资源可持续利用评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了创业农场水资源可持续利用评价指标体系,对各项指标权重进行了量化,并且选取2000年作为评价年度运用恰当的评价模型进行评价,得出本年度农场在水资源利用上存在严重不可持续性的结论。  相似文献   
The central proposition of this paper is that African countriesshould start thinking through undertaking an orderly transitionfrom the current high dependence on foreign aid for financingeconomic and social development. Aid dependency should be reducednot because the international development community believesit will eventually happen, but because such dependence on foreignaid could substantially impair Africa's export competitivenessand therefore derail the Continent export-oriented developmentstrategies. A combination of further debt relief, reforms ofthe current aid regime and enhanced policy environment shouldallow a managed transition to a mixed menu of official developmentassistance (ODA) and private capital flows. However, the attemptby Africa to increase its share of investments from internationalprivate capital markets should be firmly anchored to the basictenets of an export-based development strategy. To provide thebasis for these policy conclusions, I estimate the relationshipbetween ODA, real exchange rates (RER) and non-traditional exportsfor a panel of 62 developing countries, including 28 from Africa.Unsustainable ODA flows were shown to have caused substantialpartial RER overvaluation in many African and non-African countries.Moreover, exceptionally high aid-dependent African countrieshave either experienced, or are likely to experience, overallRER overvaluation. Conditional on absence of RER overvaluation- a proxy for good policy environment of relevance to exportperformance - a robust Laffer curve-type relationship existsbetween aid and non-traditional exports through the misalignmentof RER relative to its equilibrium. The Laffer curve relationshipjustifies a 'precise' concept of aid dependency, based on theextent to which excessive ODA flows exceeded the threshold beyondwhich more ODA actually hinders rather than helps export expansion.According to this concept, several African countries were characterisedas being 'aid dependent'.  相似文献   
Recent developments, such as privatization and the private financeinitiative, have raised the issue of which assets should beowned by the public sector and whether assets have differentvalues in the public and private sectors. In order to answerthe questions, we first note that the allocative considerationsthat usually motivate government intervention need not requirethe direct provision of services by the government using government-ownedassets. We then argue that the government should own the assetsused to provide the services where the private sector fearsexpropriation by the government, or where ownership conferson the private sector such power as to preclude efficient allocations.Finally, we argue that the discount rate for governments' projectsequals the expected return on comparable investments in thecapital markets. The government should, however, discount pre-taxcash flows at the pre-tax discount rate, for it receives alltax revenues.  相似文献   
Buyer–Seller networks are pervasive in developing economies yet remain relatively understudied. Using primary data on contracts between the largest tractor assembler in Pakistan and its suppliers we find large variations in prices and quantities across suppliers of the same product. Surprisingly, “tied” suppliers – those that choose higher levels of specific investments – receive lower and more unstable orders and lower prices. These results are explained by developing a simple model of flexible specialization under demand uncertainty. A buyer faces multiple suppliers with heterogeneous types to supply customized parts. Specific investments raise surplus within the relationship but lower the seller's flexibility to cater to the outside market. Higher quality suppliers have a greater likelihood of selling outside and so this cost is greater for them. Therefore even if a buyer typically prefers high types, some low type suppliers might be kept as marginal suppliers because of their greater willingness to invest more in buyer-specific assets. Further empirical examination shows that the more tied suppliers are indeed of lower quality.  相似文献   
涉外票据纠纷随着我国对外经贸的迅速发展而日益增加。全面理解涉外票据的法律适用制度,认真分析票据行为的独特性及其构成要件,深入探讨涉外票据合法持有的必备条件,是目前审理涉外票据纠纷特别是处理其中疑难问题的基础和前提,更是对外经贸成败的核心环节。  相似文献   
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