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和买,泛指官府向民间购买物品的行为。其核心便是“和”,即蕴含着自愿交易、买卖的官民双方地位平等、官府购买民间物品应以货币的形式支付对价等含义。为了规范和买行为和保障和买秩序,元继于宋,确立起了一整套包括均平摊派、时估、法定程序、和买钱货两清的支付原则、税课管理制度等在内的和买法律制度体系。然而,和买法律制度在“商品化/赋税化”“和/不和”的博弈中,最终滑向了政府主导、赋税化的境地,而随意的摊派与吏治的败坏在其中起到了催化剂的作用。和买法律制度只能在一定程度上起到减缓其由“和”向“不和”的赋税化性质蜕化的作用。  相似文献   
为了对普光高含硫气田地面集输系统实施有效的腐蚀监测,针对普光气田地面集输系统的特点,从腐蚀监测目的出发,设计腐蚀监测方案,确定腐蚀监测点,运用腐蚀挂片、电阻探针、水分析等先进的监测技术和分析手段,对普光气田地面集输系统进行综合的腐蚀监测。根据监测数据显示:普光气田地面集输系统主要在硫沉积与积液部位发生了点蚀,但整体腐蚀速率控制在标准允许范围以内,防止存在积液和沉积物的压力容器及压力管道的局部腐蚀是目前腐蚀与防护工作的重点和难点。  相似文献   
阐述对项目工程施工现场作业班组实行合同协议条件的动态工资管理,制订了“标 准化”作业条件,按条件要求提出了动态工资的构成及其管理办法。  相似文献   
The use of private schools in Australia has increased greatly since the 1970s. This article shows that most of the growth has been concentrated in attendance at low-fee schools, while the growth in using high-fee schools has been modest. Furthermore, the increase has occurred for households at all income levels, for both single-parent and two-parent households, for households of all sizes, and irrespective of whether the household reference person is born in Australia or elsewhere. However, increasing income and changes in household composition can account only for a small part of the trend.  相似文献   
现阶段随着经济社会发展转型,我国畜牧业发展面临的约束增加,保障畜产品有效供应也面临着问题和挑战。本文认为加强对主要畜禽产品生产扶持和市场调控、做好信息监测预警、转变发展方式、完善调控手段是保障畜牧业长期稳定健康发展和肉蛋奶有效供应的重要举措。  相似文献   
ADR是什么? 当今世界,注册会计师职业深受"诉讼爆炸"的困扰,法律责任特别威胁着注册会计师职业及其从业人员.当发生针对事务所的诉讼纠纷时,合伙人面临着潜在的个人责任,即使事务所赢得了诉讼,其主要花费和一些隐性费用也是很昂贵的.  相似文献   
刘国常 《中国审计》2001,(12):57-58
审计法律责任客体是指审计法律责任的受益方.有权对会计师事务所提出民事赔偿要求的有关方面都构成会计师事务所的民事责任客体(对象).从历史的发展来看,会计师事务所民事责任客体的范围有一个比较大的变化过程.在本世纪60年代之前,注册会计师和会计师事务所法律责任的对象主要是客户(被审计单位),从60年代后期这一问题开始变得复杂,审计法律责任客体的范围逐渐扩大.本文从研究会计师事务所民事法律责任客体的一般内容入手,进而研究其他利害关系人的范围及对其审计法律责任的确认.  相似文献   
Non-compete covenants are widely used in employment contracts to promote employee stability. Using legal amendments of non-compete enforceability as a natural experiment, we find that as non-compete enforceability increases, firms display an increased likelihood of meeting short-term earnings benchmarks, lower discretionary expenditures, and declining future performance. These effects are more pronounced when CEOs have lower ability or shorter tenures, and when firms have more growth opportunities or operate in localized industries. Our results suggest that managers actively adapt investment and financial reporting practices to the changing environment that affects their contractual relations with firms.  相似文献   
Since the Split Share Structure Reform took effect in China in 2005, holders of nontradable shares (controlling shareholders) have had to negotiate with holders of tradable shares (minority shareholders) to gain the liquidity right. In a typical deal reached, the controlling shareholder agrees to pay share compensation to minority shareholders and, in many cases, also pledges to meet a specific firm performance target (performance commitments). Using this reform setting, we examine the impact of performance commitments on earnings management behavior, and find the following results. First, less profitable firms have greater incentives to make performance commitments that help to reduce the share compensation that controlling shareholders have to pay. Second, firms entering into such commitments engage in earnings management to meet the promised performance target when actual performance falls short, and firms facing greater default costs tend to manage earnings more aggressively. Third, depending on the performance metric stipulated in the commitment contract, firms employ varying methods to manage earnings. We also find that firms that rely on earnings management to meet their performance targets display inferior performance in the postcommitment years relative to firms that do not. Overall, our evidence is consistent with performance commitment contracts (with costly defaults) between a firm's controlling and minority shareholders causing incentives for earnings management.  相似文献   
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