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An overlapping generations model of an exchange economy with two sources of uncertainty is considered. Individuals have a finite expected life span and uncertain annual income. Conditions concerning birth, death, inheritance and bequests are fully specified. Under such conditions, the existence of a stationary Markovian equilibrium is established in some generality, and several explicitly solvable examples are examined in detail. Received August 6, 2001; revised version received March 12, 2002 Published online: November 11, 2002  相似文献   
An equity market is called diverse if no single stock is ever allowed to dominate the entire market in terms of relative capitalization. In the context of the standard Itô-process model initiated by Samuelson (1965) we formulate this property (and the allied, successively weaker notions of weak diversity and asymptotic weak diversity) in precise terms. We show that diversity is possible to achieve, but delicate. Several examples are provided which illustrate these notions and show that weakly-diverse markets contain relative arbitrage opportunities: it is possible to outperform or underperform such markets over any given time-horizon. The existence of this type of relative arbitrage does not interfere with the development of contingent claim valuation, and has consequences for the pricing of long-term warrants and for put-call parity. Several open questions are suggested for further study.Received: January 2004, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 60H10, 91B28; 60J55JEL Classification: G10We are grateful for the helpful remarks offered by seminar audiences at Columbia, Yale, Princeton, the Sloan School of MIT, Boston University, the Mathematical Institute in Oberwolfach, and the Universities of Athens, Connecticut/Storrs and Texas/Austin. Special thanks go to Professors Jérôme Detemple, Julien Hugonnier, Ralf Korn, Andrew Lo, Mark Lowenstein and Steven Shreve. We are also indebted to Dr. Adrian Banner for a number of discussions that helped sharpen our thinking about these problems, and to the referees and editors for suggestions that improved the exposition. A significant part of this work was completed in the spring semester of 2002, while the second author was on sabbatical leave at the Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University. He is grateful to the Foundation for its hospitality.  相似文献   
Per capita real health care expenditure is examined against three major groups of explanatory variables: economic, demographic, and health stock, and it is found that the three groups of variables have an impact on real health care spending. Other subcategories, such as real private, and government health care, pharmaceutical, dental, home nursing, ambulatory, personal medical consumption, and in-patient expenditures have also been examined, and have been found to be affected by the explanatory variables. For several subcomponents there is evidence of supplier inducement. Of the demographic group of variables, the ageing population had an impact only on the per capita real overall, and private health care outlay, and pharmaceutical spending. Also, cointegrating relationships were found and consistent estimators of the elasticities found.  相似文献   
A first-order model for a stock market assigns to each stock a return parameter and a variance parameter that depend only on the rank of the stock. A second-order model assigns these parameters based on both the rank and the name of the stock. First- and second-order models exhibit stability properties that make them appropriate as a backdrop for the analysis of the idiosyncratic behavior of individual stocks. Methods for the estimation of the parameters of second-order models are developed in this paper.  相似文献   
We establish the equivalence of competitive industry equilibrium with a central planner's decision problem under uncertainty, when investment is irreversible. The existence of industry equilibrium is derived, and it is shown that myopic behavior on the part of small agents is harmless, in the sense that it leads to the same decisions as full rational expectations do. Our model is set in continuous time and allows for very general forms of randomness. The methods are based on the probabilistic approach to singular stochastic control theory and its connections with optimal stopping problems.  相似文献   
We study the existence of the numéraire portfolio under predictable convex constraints in a general semimartingale model of a financial market. The numéraire portfolio generates a wealth process, with respect to which the relative wealth processes of all other portfolios are supermartingales. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the numéraire portfolio are obtained in terms of the triplet of predictable characteristics of the asset price process. This characterization is then used to obtain further necessary and sufficient conditions, in terms of a no-free-lunch-type notion. In particular, the full strength of the “No Free Lunch with Vanishing Risk” (NFLVR) condition is not needed, only the weaker “No Unbounded Profit with Bounded Risk” (NUPBR) condition that involves the boundedness in probability of the terminal values of wealth processes. We show that this notion is the minimal a-priori assumption required in order to proceed with utility optimization. The fact that it is expressed entirely in terms of predictable characteristics makes it easy to check, something that the stronger NFLVR condition lacks.   相似文献   
We derive a formula for the minimal initial wealth needed to hedge an arbitrary contingent claim in a continuous-time model with proportional transaction costs; the expression obtained can be interpreted as the supremum of expected discounted values of the claim, over all (pairs of) probability measures under which the “wealth process” is a supermartingale. Next, we prove the existence of an optimal solution to the portfolio optimization problem of maximizing utility from terminal wealth in the same model, we also characterize this solution via a transformation to a hedging problem: the optimal portfolio is the one that hedges the inverse of marginal utility evaluated at the shadow state-price density solving the corresponding dual problem, if such exists. We can then use the optimal shadow state-price density for pricing contingent claims in this market. the mathematical tools are those of continuous-time martingales, convex analysis, functional analysis, and duality theory.  相似文献   
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