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抗战时期,由于战火的摧毁及日伪对资产的劫夺,中国通商银行难以在东南沿海一带发展,遂将重心内移,包括将总行内迁重庆,在大后方广设分支机构,并将部分资金和人员内调。该行战时在后方不仅使自身获得了长足发展,而且联合其他内迁金融机构,对抗战时期大后方的经济金融建设以及促进东西部金融格局趋于平衡做出了自己的一份贡献。但是,战后该行又将重点放在东南沿海发展,在内地的金融机构逐渐萎缩。  相似文献   
The proliferation of preferential trade liberalization overthe last 20 years has raised the question of whether it slowsmultilateral trade liberalization. Recent theoretical and empiricalevidence indicates that this is the case even for unilateralpreferences that developed countries provide to small and poorcountries, but there is no estimate of the resulting welfarecosts. This stumbling block effect can be avoided by replacingthe unilateral preferences with a fixed import subsidy, whichgenerates a Pareto improvement. More importantly, this paperpresents the first estimates of the welfare cost of preferentialliberalization as a stumbling block to multilateral liberalization.Recent estimates of the stumbling block effect of preferenceswith data for 170 countries and more than 5,000 products areused to calculate the welfare effects of the European Union,Japan, and the United States switching from unilateral preferencesfor least developed countries to an import subsidy scheme. Ina model with no dynamic gains to trade, the switch producesan annual net welfare gain for the 170 countries that adds about10 percent to the estimated trade liberalization gains in theDoha Round. It also generates gains for each group: the EuropeanUnion, Japan, and the United States ($2,934 million), leastdeveloped countries ($520 million), and the rest of the world($900 million).  相似文献   
中国通商银行开办不久,其北京、天津和镇江分行或因战争或因经理人的舞弊而先后发生严重的亏损,并使得该行陷入亏损深渊。此外,总行也曾发生被人倒骗巨款以及其钞票被几名日本人伪造等案件。这些事件不但凸显了该行生存的恶劣环境,而且暴露出该行运作机制的一些弊病。  相似文献   
论国民政府对中国通商、四明和中国实业三银行的改组   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白银风潮前夕,中国通商、四明和中国实业三银行银因长期经营不善而资金周转不灵。在白银风潮中,三行同时陷入挤兑的困境;法币改革后,三行因难以缴足发行准备金而再度陷入困境。在这两个过程中,国民政府以救济之名,行控制之实,最终对其增资改组,将其纳入政府金融体系。  相似文献   
南昆铁路建成后.对沿线区域经济发展产生了重要的影响、也为城镇的发展带来了新的机遇。结合南昆铁路建设.分析了把罗平建成滇东重镇的意义、所具备的资源条件、交通条件和商品集散条件。从罗平发展条件看。完全可以形成南昆铁路云南段的重要城市.带动沿线地区经济发展。还提出了加快罗平城镇建设的几项建议。  相似文献   
Infrastructure, Geographical Disadvantage, Transport Costs, and Trade   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The authors use different data sets to investigate the dependenceof transport costs on geography and infrastructure. Infrastructureis an important determinant of transport costs, especially forlandlocked countries. Analysis of bilateral trade data confirmsthe importance of infrastructure and gives an estimate of theelasticity of trade flows with respect to the trade cost factorof around –3. A deterioration of infrastructure from themedian to the 75th percentile raises transport costs by 12 percentagepoints and reduces trade volumes by 28 percent. Analysis ofAfrican trade flows indicates that their relatively low levelis largely due to poor infrastructure.  相似文献   
获取勘探新区块是石油公司捕捉油气发现、优化资产组合的一个重要手段.通过对选取的小型、独立及大型一体化三类样本石油公司在2001-2014年获取区块的类型分析,发现石油公司发展上游业尤其是勘探策略上的一些特点.在样本公司新获取的勘探区块中,地面勘探及钻井类型占比最大,但地表勘探类型近几年面积及占比都有较大幅度增加.新获取区块以深水和大陆架为主,陆上区块占比较小.每个样本公司都有各自的战略布局,小型公司专注某一领域重点聚焦;独立及一体化公司则全球化经营,除在传统核心国家重点布局外,也适时进入其他潜力大的非核心区域或国家.样本公司争取较大的作业者比例.这些经验和做法对中国石油企业国际化经营提供了启示和借鉴.  相似文献   
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