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Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - We examine the effect of the U.S. Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009 on the credit card lending rate...  相似文献   
This study investigates how equity investors react to bank loan announcements in China using an event study methodology. By estimating the average Cumulative Abnormal Returns (CARs) over the event period and controlling for the impact of other factors such as borrower, lender and loan characteristics, we find that the overall reaction is negative. However, the results for the two sub-sample periods are different. After the onset of the Global Financial Crisis, the average CARs are no longer statistically different from zero, indicating higher lending standards and improvement in the quality of credit analysis of Chinese banks.  相似文献   
公平性问题是衡量网络性能的重要参数。文章提出了一种新的算法,一方面针对非TCP友好流,利用TCP行为估算每个流的丢包可能性,减少具有不同tRTT(回路响应时间)TCP流之间网络带宽的不公平性问题;另一方面,针对非响应流(如UDP流),该算法将使它在进入路由器之前就丢包。实验结果表明新算法可以降低在网络中的丢包率,同时较好地实现流间带宽的公平分配,从而提高了链路的利用率。  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationship between bank lending rates and their cost of funds in New Zealand. Our results show that on average mortgage rates respond more quickly to changes in the cost of funds than base business lending rates. We also find an asymmetry in the initial (short-run) response of banks to changes in funding costs; in particular, our results show banks adjust mortgage rates downwards faster than upwards. The speed to which lending rates revert back to their equilibrium relationship with funding costs varies across the lending markets. We find the adjustment speed is faster when mortgage rates are below equilibrium, whereas it is slower when business lending rates are above long-run levels in relation to funding costs. Our analysis suggests that banks prefer the plain-vanilla type of lending such as mortgages in comparison to small business lending consistent with asymmetric information associated with business loans.  相似文献   
This study examines the relationship between inflation rate and reserve requirement ratio in China. Our findings show that there is a long-term relationship between reserve requirement ratio and inflation rate. In the short-run, the central bank adjusts the reserve requirement ratio upwards faster than they adjust them downwards. The asymmetric adjustment reflects the fact the Chinese economy was overheating over the past few years as a result of the stimulus package implemented after the onset of the global financial crisis and inflation was threatening the stability of the society.  相似文献   
全面认识城市房价联动的网络结构特征对于提高房价调控政策的精准性、构建跨区域房价协同调控机制具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。本文基于2011年1月至2015年2月中国69个大中城市50个月的新建商品住宅销售价格同比指数,利用社会网络分析(SNA)方法实证考察了城市房价联动的网络结构特征及其影响因素。研究发现:①从整体网络结构特征看,样本考察期内,中国城市房价联动呈现显著的网络结构形态,且通达性好、稳定性高。②中心性分析结果显示,上海、广州、深圳、北京等城市中心度较高,处于网络中心位置,具有房价“引领”作用。③块模型分析结果显示,北京等9个城市属于净溢出板块,在网络中扮演“引导”角色;长沙等17个城市属于经纪人板块,在网络中扮演“桥梁”角色;北海等25个城市属于双向溢出板块,在网络中扮演内、外部双向“引导”角色;九江等18个城市属于净受益板块,在网络中扮演“跟随”角色。此外,板块的“俱乐部效应”、“梯度效应”显著。④QAP分析结果显示,城市间人口数量、经济发展水平、工资收入水平、金融发展水平和产业结构差异对城市间房价联动关系具有显著影响。基于上述结论本文提出了中国城市房价协同调控的政策建议。  相似文献   
We examine whether the effectiveness of the monetary policy rate transmission differs before and after interest rate liberalization in China using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bound test and an error correction model (ECM). The results show that after liberalization the mark-up is lower, and both the long-run and shortrun interest rate pass-through has become faster and more complete. We attribute our findings to the ongoing reforms of China’s banking system, which has improved the competitiveness of Chinese commercial banks.  相似文献   
农业龙头企业在推进农业产业化过程中起到了至关重要的作用,但由于黑龙江省农业龙头企业的竞争力仍较薄弱,在推进黑龙江农业产业化的过程中没有发挥应有的作用.为此,黑龙江农业龙头企业应当在充分认清自身优势的基础上,发挥优势,规避劣势,把握机遇,在进一步提升农业龙头企业竞争力的基础上,促进黑龙江农业产业化健康发展.  相似文献   
Using exchange rate data from four different countries (time zones), we examine the relationship between the Yen exchange rate against major currencies (i.e. USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY, AUD/JPY and NZD/JPY) and measures of risk appetite (i.e. the S&P500 index, Dow Jones Industrial Average index and the VIX index). Our results show that the equity indexes, especially the Dow Jones Industrial Average, play a more important role in the determination of the Yen cross rates than VIX. The popular carry-trade currencies, i.e. NZD/JPY, AUD/JPY and GBP/JPY, are more affected by the US equity market than USD/JPY and EUR/JPY. While the long-term relationships are consistent across the four different time zones, the short-term dynamics are different. We find that the response of NZD/JPY, AUD/JPY and GBP/JPY to changes in the US stock market is much greater in the New Zealand and Australian zones than in the UK or US. Although the short-term relationship between exchange rates and the equity index is quite strong, the error correction speed is very sluggish. We also find evidence of asymmetric adjustment in the response of exchange rates to changes in global risk aversion. Carry trade currencies tend to appreciate gradually when conditions are favorable but fall sharply when market risk increases.  相似文献   
This paper examines the degree of pass-through and adjustment speed of retail interest rates in response to changes in benchmark market rates in New Zealand during the period 1994–2004. We consider the effects of policy transparency and financial structure of the monetary transmission mechanism. New Zealand is the first OECD country to adopt a full-fledged inflation targeting regime with specific accountability and transparency provisions. Policy transparency was further enhanced by a shift from quantity (settlement cash) to price (interest rate) operating targets in 1999. Using Phillips–Loretan estimates of cointegrating regressions we find complete long-term pass-through for some but not all retail rates. Our results also show that the introduction of the Official Cash Rate (OCR) increased the pass-through of floating and deposit rates but not fixed mortgage rates. In line with previous studies we find the immediate pass-through of market interest rates to bank retail rates to be incomplete. Although we find no statistical evidence for asymmetric response of retail rates to changes in market rates other than for business lending rates in the pre OCR period, differences in the magnitude of mean adjustment lags indicate that banks appear to pass on decreases to fixed mortgage rates faster. Overall, our results confirm that monetary policy rate has more influence on short-term interest rates and that increased transparency has lowered instrument volatility and enhanced the efficacy of policy.  相似文献   
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