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This research introduces and delineates the concept of insecurity in IJV relationships. We define relationship insecurity as a parent firm's concerns about the continuance of the alliance arrangement and its partner's future provision of need satisfaction. According to interdependence theory, exchange partners that experience high dependence inevitably experience this ‘anxiety of dependency’, and the emergence of insecurity can destabilize the working relationship from within. We develop a conceptual model of the drivers and consequences of relationship insecurity in IJVs. Our survey results from 125 IJVs indicate that focal firm dependence and partner firm dependence both negatively affect insecurity, though the former is the dominant predictor. This surprising finding implies IJV partners experience ‘anxiety of low dependency’. The results suggest insecurity not only reduces directly IJV performance, but also lowers the quality of interpartner communication, which in turn dampens performance. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
The paper examines the economic impact of pricing and access to public basic research‐related intellectual property (IP) in the presence of downstream interfirm spillovers using a Salop circle model of monopolistic competition. Depending on the nature and extent of spillovers and with free access to upstream basic research, firm entry can be excessive, insufficient, or socially optimal. When interfirm lump‐sum spillovers are absent or sufficiently small, competitive entry is excessive, so policies that restrict access to basic research IP can enhance social welfare. When lump‐sum research spillovers are sufficiently large, policies to induce entry and a clustering of downstream research activity can be welfare enhancing. Le présent article examine, à l’aide du modèle de Salop de concurrence monopolistique positionnant les firmes sur un cercle, l’impact économique de l’attribution d’une valeur à la propriété intellectuelle de la recherche fondamentale financée par des fonds publics et de l’accès à cette recherche lorsqu’il y a des retombées entre firmes en aval. Selon la nature et l’étendue des retombées et compte tenu de l’accès gratuit à la recherche fondamentale en amont, l’entrée de firmes peut‐être excessive, insuffisante ou optimale sur le plan social. Lorsque les débordements de la recherche vers d’autres firmes sont absents ou faibles, le niveau d’entrée de concurrence parfaite est excessif. Dans ce cas, les politiques qui restreignent l’accès à la recherche fondamentale financée par des fonds publics peuvent accroître le bien‐être social. Lorsque les débordements de la recherche sont assez importants, les politiques mises en ?uvre pour encourager l’entrée et le regroupement des activités de recherche en amont peuvent améliorer le bien‐être.  相似文献   
While the public sector has historically played a very significant role in the direct provision of agricultural research, the appropriate role of government in the future is no longer apparent in a world with intellectual property rights (IPRs) and a concentrated privatized biotech research industry. This study develops a search/imperfect competition framework to examine the public role. The analysis shows that private firms have inadequate incentives to invest in research for varietal improvement relative to the social optimum even with completely enforceable IPRs. A government subsidy on research output can efficiently increase the amount of applied research to the socially optimal point. Government subsidy of the research cost can have the same effect on research and development expenditure. Expanding direct applied public research increases social welfare but cannot achieve a social optimum, as it reduces the already limited incentives for private firms to invest. Finally, in situations where basic research is underprovided, government should address these market failures as part of an optimal research policy. Overall, the analysis suggests that there is a role for public support of applied research, but this role is no longer direct public involvement in applied research where IPRs are well established.  相似文献   
The management literature suggests that setting strategic goals facilitates the identification of appropriate business strategies and focuses management attention and available resources on their accomplishment, enabling subsequent goal realization. Yet the literature also indicates that firms often find it difficult to realize their strategic goals and may find it even more challenging to do so when operating in foreign markets. However, little is known empirically about the extent to which strategic goals enable desired strategic positions to be achieved and factors that may affect this relationship. We examine this important issue using primary data from a sample of exporting manufacturers. Results support the existence of previously theorized strategic goal–realized strategic position gaps and show that these negatively impact performance. Thus, simply setting strategic goals does not necessarily aid in accomplishing the desired outcomes, and any failure to do so is costly. Drawing on organization theory, we find that internal capabilities and knowledge, and external market factors play important roles in minimizing such strategic goal–realized strategic position gaps. Specifically, we show that businesses with stronger architectural capabilities, those with higher levels of internationalization, and those operating in less dynamic market environments are better able to realize their intended strategic objectives and thereby enjoy superior performance.  相似文献   
Although we are beginning to comprehend the fundamental importance of relationship quality in interorganizational exchange, a relatively small, but growing, body of literature that has not kept pace with the tremendous growth in global channel transactions has been devoted to the development of cross-border relationship quality. This study addresses this gap in the literature by investigating the extent to which certain market and exporter characteristics affect the development of relationship quality in the context of importing distributors trading with exporting manufacturers of industrial products. Relationship quality is viewed as a higher-order construct composed of trust, commitment, and satisfaction. Findings reveal that psychic distance is related negatively to relationship quality, while transaction-specific investments and role performance are associated positively with relationship quality. No link is found between environmental uncertainty and relationship quality. Managerial implications of the findings are considered and limitations along with future research directions discussed.  相似文献   
Drawing on information processing theory, this study integrates the conflict and learning literatures to examine an under-examined area in sales research: When do sales team task and relationship conflicts influence sales team performance, and what is the underlying process by which this occurs? Although there is burgeoning interest in sales research at the team level, very few empirical studies have shed light on sales team dynamics such as conflict and how they impact sales team performance. This study attempts to address this gap by developing a mediated moderation model and finds that (a) task and relationship conflicts have negative impacts on sales team performance, (b) team information exchange and information interpretation/implementation mediate the negative relationship between task and relationship conflicts and sales team performance, and (c) task and relationship conflicts stifle sales team performance when the team makes little use of a collaborative conflict handling style because this interactive combination (task/relationship conflict–low collaborative conflict handling style) hinders team information exchange and interpretation/implementation. Implications for conflict management in sales teams are discussed.  相似文献   
Awareness of the link between diet and health has led to an interest from consumers, the food industry, and policymakers in the health properties of foods. Food industry innovations are emerging that enhance the health attributes of foods. Recent scientific evidence has linked the consumption of foods high in trans fatty acids with elevated cholesterol levels and a higher incidence of coronary heart disease. Foods that reduce the risk of chronic diseases have potential social welfare benefits. This article values the potential health benefits of a healthy food: a trans fat‐free canola oil. Using a range of assumptions about the extent to which a trans fat‐free canola oil will substitute for existing oils, the paper shows how two alternative methods of computing reductions in the cost of illness reveal nontrivial benefits to society. Policy implications and suggestions for further research are discussed. La sensibilisation au lien qui existe entre l'alimentation et la santé a suscité chez les consommateurs, l'industrie alimentaire et les décideurs un intérêt pour les propriétés des aliments pour la santé. L'industrie alimentaire ne cesse d'innover afin d'accroître les attributs des aliments pour la santé. Des preuves scientifiques récentes ont établi un lien entre la consommation d'aliments riches en gras trans, des taux de cholestérol élevés et une incidence accrue de coronaropathie. Les aliments qui diminuent les risques de maladies chroniques ont des bienfaits potentiels sur le bien‐être social. Le présent article porte sur l'évaluation des bienfaits potentiels d'un aliment sain, soit une huile de canola sans gras trans. À l'aide de diverses hypothèses quant au degré de remplacement des huiles existantes par l'huile de canola, le présent article montre de quelle fa¸on deux méthodes de calcul des diminutions du coût de la maladie révèlent des avantages non négligeables pour la société. Nous discutons des incidences politiques et présentons des suggestions de recherche ultérieure.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the impact of M&As on bidder (CEO and other) executive compensation employing a unique sample of 100 completed bids in the UK over the 1998–2001 period. Our findings indicate that less independent and larger boards award CEOs significantly higher bonuses and salary following M&A completion both for the full sample and for the UK and US sub‐samples. UK CEOs and executives are rewarded more for the effort exerted in accomplishing intra ‐ industry or large mergers than for diversifying or small mergers and their cash pay is unaffected by other measures of their managerial skill or performance. US bidders are rewarded at higher levels than their UK counterparts and their remuneration is related only to measures of CEO dominance over the board of directors. Overall our findings offer support for the managerial power rather than the agency theory perspective on managerial compensation.  相似文献   
We draw on cross-cultural theory and the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness project to develop a model for the transmission of entrepreneurial intentions within families in different cultures. Using data on more than 40,000 individuals from 15 countries, we show that beyond the transmission of entrepreneurial intentions from parents to children, grandparents – either directly or “indirectly” via the parents – impact the offspring's intentions. Moreover, we find that parents' and grandparents' influences partly substitute for one another. The strength of these effects varies across cultures. Our results provide a more detailed picture of the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial intentions.  相似文献   
This paper measures and assesses the variation in total factor productivity (TFP) growth among Canadian provinces in crops and livestock production over the period 1940–2009. It also determines if agricultural productivity growth in Canada has recently slowed down as indicated by earlier studies. The paper uses the stochastic frontier approach that incorporates inefficiency to decompose TFP growth into technical change (TC), scale effect (SE), and technical efficiency change. The results indicate that productivity changes were mainly driven by TCs for crops, while the productivity changes in livestock was mainly driven by SEs and technical progress. Though change in technical efficiency is mainly positive (except for New Brunswick and Nova Scotia), its contribution to productivity growth was very little for the provinces. We also found that over the entire period, the productivity growth rates for the crop subsector are on average higher for the Prairie provinces than for the Eastern and Atlantic provinces. On the other hand, the productivity growth rates in the livestock subsector are on average higher in the Eastern and Atlantic provinces than in the Prairie region with the exception of Manitoba. Finally, we found that though there is some evidence of a recent decline in productivity growth for the crops subsector, there is no such evidence in the livestock subsector.  相似文献   
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