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Pan-Tilt-Zoom(PTZ)可变焦带云台的摄像机的功能使得人们能够对道路网络进行灵活的视频监视。操作人员不但能够选择需监视的方向,而且可以聚焦特定的区域。它们能给道路管理员提供大量的信息.其应用已经达到了一个意想不到的程度  相似文献   
The main objective of this paper is to estimate the economic capital for covering the external fraud risk within a financial institution. This is a kind of operational risk which is due to acts of a type intended to defraud, misappropriate property or circumvent the law, by a third party. From the methodological point of view, we apply the Loss Distribution Approach (LDA), based on the Internal Operational Loss Database (IOLD) provided by a Spanish Saving Bank. More specifically, we asses the potential impact of the severity distribution on the Capital at Risk (CAR). In absence of normality, we try to adjust the Lognormal, Weibull and Exponential functions when modelling the severity of losses. As a result, we find a high divergence in terms of capital charge depending on the statistical model selected. In consequence, in order to obtain a realistic model, we highlight the relevance of the goodness of fit between the empirical and the theoretical distribution.  相似文献   
Aim of this study is to discuss matters with HR and finn performance. Therefore, we used HR and firm performance questionnaire from Delaney and Huselid (1996). HR variables include recruitment, training, compensation and promotion. Firm performance divided into organizational and market performance. Therefore, correlation analysis demonstrates that HR has positive and significant relationship with organizational performance, and HR has positive but weak relationship with market performance. Therefore, we can propose that HR is partly correlated with firm performance for those companies in sample. Therefore, since we didn't realize demography of companies in study, it is arguable, findings of this study can be generalized to other companies in Turkey.  相似文献   
江西瑞金沙洲坝有一口闻名全国的"红井",井旁立一石碑,上书"吃水不忘挖井人,时刻想念毛泽东".隔着水塘,红井的正对面,几颗古樟绿阴掩映下典型的一座客家小院便是"中华苏维埃中央审计委员会旧址. 20212 年 4 月 8 日,江西省审计厅党员干部职工在建党 100 周年即将到来之际,来到了这座小院,开启了神圣的审计寻根之...  相似文献   
当前,企业在其IT规模不断扩大的过程中,缩短备份窗口的通用方法,是在系统设计过程中采用一种超出现实需要的解决方案,采用多台备份服务器连接多个磁带驱动器。另一种方法则是尽可能减少完全备份的次数。尽管这些办法将有助于提高备份速度,但却会使恢复流程更为缓慢和麻烦。  相似文献   
在现在全球经济衰退的情况下,我们不知道一切是否会往积极的一面发展。这个时期,人们都非常关注投资的有效性,要做出各种各样的选择,首要的是要根据顾客的需求,注重差异性。做强势品牌还是其他品牌,都必须要作出选择。  相似文献   
# 《审计与理财》2021,(4):59-59
国务院印发意见,进一步深化预算管理制度改革。国务院日前印发《关于进一步深化预算管理制度改革的意见》(以下简称《意见》),部署进一步深化预算管理制度改革的具体措施。《意见》指出,预算体现国家的战略和政策,反映政府的活动范围和方向,是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要支撑,是宏观调控的重要手段。  相似文献   
The analysis of spatial mismatches in access to employment remains a very important area of labour market literature. A particular case is that of the mismatches in urban labor markets, which can result in substantial differences in the employment opportunities available in city centre and suburbs. This study examines the spatial mismatches present in the labour market of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. To that end, the results of a survey taken in 2003-2004 with a sample of 2000 city residents were reviewed. Results confirm the importance of transport policy for city residents; they suggest that public transport linking the different districts to the city centre should be reviewed.  相似文献   
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