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<正>“清风无力屠得热,落日着翘飞上山”。夏季,气候炎热潮湿,人体汗液分泌旺盛,血液黏稠而运行缓慢,容易形成瘀血和痰浊,诱发胸闷、心痛等,为胸痹之症。“The breeze cannot drive away the heat as if sun never sets.” In summer, the climate is hot and humid.Sweat secretion of human body is strong. Blood is sticky and runs slowly, which is easy to form blood stasis and phlegm, induce chest tightness and heart pain. The symptom is called “Thoracic Obstruction”.  相似文献   
<正>过去两年,本栏目围绕一年四季气候变化,讲述中医治疗易发时令病、脏腑病症的经典名方,从中医药传统文化层面向读者展示了方剂背后的民间故事、组方机理及其蕴含的五行玄机,并揭示其治疗的标准密码。从2024年开始,本栏目将以《按照传统既是食品又是中药材的物质目录》明确的食药物质为题眼,根据二十四节气对应的脏腑特点,讲述选用方法,展示中医“药食同源”的养生观念和“天人相应”的养生智慧。本主题将分十二期连载,第一期从岁初的立春和雨水节气开始,每期讲述两个时令节气,内容包括节气气候特点、人体生理特点、传统膳食习俗、适宜的食药物质及中医理论依据等。  相似文献   
<正>“岁暮阴阳催短景,天涯霜雪霁寒宵。”五脏之中,肾为封藏之本,与冬日之气相通。冬季肾阴失养,烦劳过度,容易出现腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、咽干口燥等症状。"At the end of the year,the days are getting shorter and shorter, and the cold winter nights when the frost has stopped are as bright as day under the light of the snow."  相似文献   
<正>“金井梧桐秋叶黄,珠帘不卷夜来霜。”秋季,干燥的天气容易影响人体输布津液功能,使胃肠燥热,脾被约束,形成大便不畅或便秘,中医称之为“脾约”。’’Autumn leaves of the sycamore next to the golden well are yellow Autumn yellow and frost flies into the room at at night because the curtains are not rolled upup’’. In the fall, the dry weather easily affects the body’s.ability to transmit fluids and makes the stomach and intestines hot and dry. As a result, the spleen was restrained to work so there will be constipation, which is called was restrained to work so th...  相似文献   
<正>“溪深古雪在,石断寒泉流。”冬季气温较低,凛冽的寒气很容易损伤肾中阳气,影响肾阳的蒸腾气化,使人体水液输布代谢失常,患上水肿、泻泄等病证。"The ravine streams are deep and is secluded with thousands of years of snow,the cliffs and rocks are broken,and cold springs flow from them."Winter temperatures are low and the biting cold is easy to damage the kidney-yang,affecting the its transpiration and gasification.As a result the body’s water distribution and metabolism will be abnormal,then people will suffer from edema,diarrhea and other diseases.  相似文献   
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