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Using a measure of default likelihood based on an option pricing method, we provide evidence that Fed policy actions affect the financial distress of commercial banks. When the Fed increases (decreases) interest rates, the measure of default likelihood increases (decreases). We show that when the Fed uses a tight money policy, the increase in default likelihood is more pronounced for banks that have less capital, have greater financial leverage, are smaller, have fewer growth opportunities, and have lower asset quality. Additionally, the effects on bank default likelihood are more pronounced when the Fed's policy signals less concern about economic growth, as indicated by its bias toward further tightening, and when there is a market expectation of higher short‐term market rates in the future.  相似文献   
Several studies find that bond rating downgrades cause negative valuation effects. Other studies find that signals conveyed by earnings releases, earnings forecasts, bankruptcies, and stock offerings of individual firms can be transmitted to their corresponding industries. By combining the two sets of studies, we hypothesize that bond rating changes may contain relevant information not only about the firm, but also about the corresponding industry. We find significantly negative valuation effects for rating downgrades, which are transmitted throughout the industry. Furthermore, we find that intra-industry effects depend on particular characteristics of the bond downgrade, the downgraded firm, and industry rivals. Specifically, the negative intra-industry effects are more pronounced when (1) the downgraded firm experiences a more severe share price response to the bond rating downgrade, (2) the downgraded firm is dominant in the industry, (3) the downgraded firm is more closely related to its rivals in the industry, and (4) the downgrade is due to a deterioration in the firm's financial prospects.  相似文献   
We examine the impact of the events leading up to and including the passage of the Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) of 1999 on the stock returns of banks, brokerage firms, and insurance companies. We find that the impact is positive for all institutions. Bank gains are positively related to size and capitalization. Brokerage firms gain regardless of size, but the gains are inversely related to capitalization and insurance companies gain regardless of size or capital position. The strong positive reaction suggests that the market expects the institutions to benefit from the new opportunities created by the FSMA's passage.  相似文献   
We examine the impact of initial public offerings (IPOs) on rival firms and find that the valuation effects are insignificant. This insignificant reaction can be explained by offsetting information and competitive effects. Significant positive information effects are associated with IPOs in regulated industries and the first IPO in an industry following a period of dormancy. Significant negative competitive effects are associated with larger IPOs in competitive industries, those in relatively risky industries, those in high‐performing industries, and those in the technology sector. IPO firms that use the proceeds for debt repayment appear to represent a more significant competitive threat to rival firms relative to IPO firms that use their proceeds for other purposes.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the economic exchange rate exposure of 168 U.S.-based multinational corporations (MNCs) with foreign operations primarily in Europe. The sampling plan and other refinements may improve the estimation of exposure and detection of relevant determinants. Operating characteristics that represent economic exposure are evaluated for their ability, to explain cross-sectional differences in exposure. More specifically, the degree of imbalance, which is a proxy for matching cash inflows and outflows, and proportion of export sales are able to explain differential exposure. Furthermore, shifts in the degree of imbalance and proportion of export sales are found to significantly explain shifts in exposure.  相似文献   
It is well documented that financing decisions by firms can signal valuable information about that firm. Our goal is to determine whether financing decisions by firms can signal valuable information about large stakeholders who have a substantial investment in those firms. In particular, we focus on financing decisions by firms after they had been partially acquired to determine whether these decisions signaled information that affected the values of their corresponding partial acquirers. We find that some financing policies by partially acquired firms may not only signal valuable information about themselves, but may also signal valuable information about their corresponding partial acquirers. We also find that the magnitude of the signal for the partially acquired firm that enacts a financing policy is dependent on the degree of monitoring imposed by the respective partial acquirer. JEL classification: G14, G34  相似文献   
We examine the asymmetric effects of daily oil price changes on equity returns, market betas, oil betas, return variances, and trading volumes for the US oil and gas industry. The responses of stock returns associated with negative changes in oil prices are higher than that associated with positive changes in oil prices. Stock risk measured by market beta is influenced more due to oil price decreases than due to oil price increases. On the other hand, oil risk exposures (oil betas) and return variances are more influenced by oil price increases than oil price decreases. The results of our study indicate that oil and gas firm returns, market betas, oil betas, return variances respond asymmetrically to oil price changes. We also find that relative changes in oil prices along with firm-specific factors such as firm size, ROA, leverage, market-to-book ratio (MBR) are important in determining the effects of oil price changes on oil and gas firms’ returns, risks, and trading volumes.  相似文献   
Abstract:   We test the hypothesis that the passage of the Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) of 1999 has spillover effects cross‐nationally, using a sample of US, non‐US transactional (Australian, Canadian, and UK), and relationship (German, Japanese, Dutch, and Swiss) banks. Our results suggest that financial modernization in the US has limited cross‐national effects. We find strong evidence that US banks were affected favorably. Although we detect some evidence of significant reactions by banks in certain countries, a closer examination reveals that the reaction is most likely attributable to events in the respective countries during the event period. We do find, however, that non‐US transactional banks have been more likely to elect financial holding company status compared to relationship banks, suggesting they are positioning themselves to exploit the expanded opportunity set created by the FSMA. Nonetheless, the majority of elections have been made by US banks. In general, the results suggest that the respective banking markets are efficient in filtering events that are largely country‐specific with only limited implications for other international banks.  相似文献   
This study attempts to determine if stock splits affect the long-term stock performance of forms, and to explain cross-sectional variation in this performance proxy among firms. The consequences of both higher percentage transaction cost following a stock split and an investor overreaction hypothesis are expected to render negative effects on stock values. The consequences of any earnings and dividend signaling accompanying splits are expected to have a positive impact on stock values. The results of the analysis suggest that the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) are positive and statistically significant through the eleventh month after a stock split. The CARs then decrease nearly monotonically through the thirty-sixth month after the split (CAR=?8.23%). This indicates that initially the signaling effects dominate, but later the consequences of investors' downward revisions of previous expectations and the increase in percentage transaction cost dominate. The cross-sectional results indicate that firms with higher earnings-growth rates exhibit higher CARs, and firms with higher share prices just before the split exhibit lower CRRs.  相似文献   
Previous empirical studies show that announcements of seasoned common stock registrations and issuances lead to significant reductions in common stock prices and shareholder wealth. Nevertheless, some firms issue common stock frequently. Our empirical study of nonutility firms that issued common stock four or more times within ten years shows that market reactions to announcements of offerings and to registrations are less unfavorable than typical reactions for infrequent issuers. A cross-sectional analysis reveals no unique characteristics that distinguish frequent issuers from one-time common equity issuers. In fact, the only detectable characteristic unique to the firms is that they issue common stock frequently.  相似文献   
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