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In this study, we examine whether governance practices brings down agency cost. We find that board size, board attendance, and CEO duality are important governance characteristics that influence the agency cost. We also bring out systematic differences in governance practices of the business group affiliated firms and stand‐alone firms. Larger board and proportion of independent director helps in reducing the agency cost for group affiliated firms supporting monitoring hypothesis. On the other hand, the governance structure of stand‐alone firms supports commitment hypothesis where we observe that board busyness and CEO duality help in reducing the agency cost.  相似文献   
Stock prices have always been considered as unpredictable phenomena due to their dynamic patterns. Identifying the forces that contribute to variations of stock prices is probably one of the most researched areas in finance. This study relates stock prices to the stock volatility (measured by beta) and to corporate attributes, i.e., size, liquidity, profits, leverage, and returns. The study is based on manufacturing sector in India, and it is based on a sample of 3,027 manufacturing companies during the periods from 1991-1992 to 2006-2007 collected from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) database. The regressions were performed with the dummies for time effect and firm effect separately and then for both effects together. Panel data models have been used to estimate the stock prices equation. The model finds out fixed and random effects between independent and explanatory variables and analyzes them through Hausman test. The paper also studies multicollineairity that may exist amongst the selected variables. The study shows that volatility (represented by Beta), profit (represented by earnings per share (EPS)), and size (represented by market capitalization (MCAP)) significantly influence the stock prices (at the level of 5%). Panel data analysis using Hausman test supports the fixed effect model.  相似文献   
We examine the impact of corporate governance on firm performance and stock return behavior using panel data for Indian listed firms for 2006 to 2015. Our results suggest that corporate governance improves firm performance. However, corporate governance information fails to provide excess risk‐adjusted returns to investors, as governance information is well assimilated in prevailing stock prices. In addition to extending the scant literature focused on emerging markets, our findings will prove useful to investors, fund managers, and rating agencies in making investment decisions and regulators in assessing the impact of governance norms.  相似文献   
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