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Die Notwendigkeit zur wertorientierten Führung und Steuerung von Unternehmungen gewinnt durch die zunehmende Professionalisierung der Kapitalmarktteilnehmer, die Basel-II-Richtlinien für Banken sowie die Neuregelung zum Goodwill Impairment weiter an Dynamik. Innerhalb der Wertkonzepte nehmen Kapitalkosten als zentraler „value driver“ eine herausragende Bedeutung ein. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden die unterschiedlichen Verfahren zur Ermittlung von Kapitalkosten, darunter auch das erst kürzlich vorgestellte Market-derived Capital Pricing Model, diskutiert und mittels eines zu entwickelnden Kriterienrasters systematisch miteinander verglichen. Schlie?lich entwickelt der Beitrag aus den Erkenntnissen des Verfahrensvergleichs sowie einer Expertenbefragung praktische Anwendungsempfehlungen.  相似文献   
Helmut Hofer  Peter Huber 《Empirica》2003,30(2):107-125
This study analyses the effect of trade and migration on wages and labour marketmobility. We estimate wage growth equations and a multinomial logit mobilityequation on an individual data set ranging from 1991 to 1994. We find substantialdifferences in the reactions of white and blue-collar workers wages and mobilityto trade and migration. In Austria exports have a positive and imports a negativeimpact on wage growth only for blue-collar workers. Migrants also reduce onlyblue-collar workers wage growth. Our results indicate that higher imports and aninflow of migrants reduce sectoral mobility of all types workers. The risk of beingout of work by contrast is increased by migration and imports only for blue-collarworkers, but reduced by exports for all types of workers. In general our results suggestenlargement of the EU would have only small effects on the Austrian labour market.  相似文献   
Summary Theses and Counter-theses. Notes to Milton Friedman’s monetary concept of “New Liberalism.” —This paper summarizes Milton Friedman’s most important statements concerning problems of national money supply and credit policy into the following seven theses, to each of which the author opposes a counter-thesis. Thesis 1: The total amount of money in circulation is the most important monetary factor. Counter-thesis 1: The liquidity balance is the most important monetary factor. Thesis 2: The total amount of money influences nominal income and prices. Counter-thesis 2: Expenditure influences the amount of money. Thesis 3: The total amount of money can be manipulated by monetary policy. Counter-thesis 3: The amount of money in circulation cannot be manipulated. Thesis 4: Bank credits should be curtailed. Counter-thesis 4: Bank credits should be directed. Thesis 5: Monetary policy only with open market transactions. Counter-thesis 5: Credit policy through several combined instruments. Thesis 6: Price stability through a continuous development of the amount of money in circulation. Counter-thesis 6: Price stability through a continuous development of bank liquidity. Thesis 7: Monetary policy instead of fiscal policy. Counter-thesis 7: Credit policy and fiscal policy.
Résumé Thèses et contre-thèses. Remarques au sujet de la notion monétaire ?New Liberalism? de Milton Friedman. —Cet article résume les propositions les plus importantes de Milton Friedman concernant les problèmes de l’approvisionnement national en argent, et de la politique de crédit, en les présentant sous forme de sept thèses, à chacune desquelles l’auteur oppose une contre-thèse: Thèse 1: Le total de l’argent en circulation représente le facteur monétaire le plus important. Contre-thèse 1: Le solde de liquidité est le facteur monétaire le plus important. Thèse 2: Le total de l’argent en circulation exerce une influence sur le revenu nominal et les prix. Contre-thèse 2: Les dépenses exercent une influence sur le total de l’argent. Thèse 3: On peut contr?ler le total de l’argent en circulation par des mesures de politique monétaire. Contre-thèse 3: On ne peut pas exercer d’influence sur le total de l’argent en circulation. Thèse 4: II faut arrêter les crédits bancaires. Contre-thèse 4: II faut diriger les crédits bancaires. Thèse 5: Politique monétaire seulement avec des transactions de marché ouvert. Contre-thèse 5: Politique de crédit au moyen de plusieurs instruments combinés. Thèse 6: Stabilité des prix grace à un développement continu du total de l’argent en circulation. Contre-thèse 6: Stabilité des prix grace à un développement continu de la liquidité des banques. Thèse 7: Politique monétaire au lieu de politique fiscale. Contre-thèse 7: Politique de crédit et politique fiscale.

Resumen Tésis y antitesis. Comentarios sobre el concepto monetario del ?New Liberalism? de Milton Friedman. —En el presente trabajo el autor sintetiza las principales afirmaciones de Milton Friedman sobre problemas de provision de dinero y de política crediticia en siete tésis a las que opone otros tantos contraargumentos: Primera tesis: El volumen de dinero es la variable monetaria más importante. Contraargumento: El saldo de liquidez es la variable monetaria más importante. Segunda tesis: El volumen de dinero incide en el ingreso nominal y los precios. Contraargumento: Los gastos inciden en el volumen de dinero. Tercera tesis: El volumen de dinero puede ser regulado a través de la política monetaria. Contraargumento: El volumen de dinero no puedo ser regulado. Cuarta tesis: La creaci?n de crédites bancarios ha de ser reprimida. Contraargumento: La creaci?n de crédites bancarios ha de ser regulada. Quinta tesis: La politica monetaria debe basarse exclusivamente en operaciones del Banco Central en el mercado abierto. Contraargumento: La politica monetaria debe consistir en la aplicaci?n combinada de varios instrumentes. Sexta tesis: La estabilidad de precios se logrará por medio de una evolución continua de la masa dineraria. Contraargumento: La estabilidad de precios se logrará mediante una evolutión continua de las disponibilidades liquidas de la Banca. Séptima tesis: La politica coyuntural debe valerse de operaciones monetarias y no de operaciones fiscales. Contraargumento: La politica coyuntural debe valerse de operaciones tanto monetarias como fiscales.

Riassunto Tesi e controtesi. Osservazioni all’abbozzo monetario del ?New Liberalism? di Milton Friedman. —Le affermazioni più importanti di Milton Friedman sui problemi dell’approvigionamento nazionale del denaro e della politica di credito sono riassunte nel présente saggio nelle sette tesi seguenti, alle quali l’autore di volta in volta contrappone una controtesi: Tesi I: La quantità di denaro è la più importante grandezza monetaria. Controtesi I: II saldo di liquidità è la più importante grandezza monetaria. Tesi II: La quantità di denaro influisce sul reddito nominale e sui prezzi. Controtesi II: Le spese influiscono sulla quantità di denaro. Tesi III: La quantità di denaro puó essere diretta dal punto di vista della politica monetaria. Controtesi III: La quantità di denaro non puó essere influenzata. Tesi IV: Creazione di credito délie banche deve essere ostacolato. Controtesi IV: Creazione di credito délie banche deve essere diretto. Tesi V: Politica monetaria soltanto con transazioni di mercato aperto. Controtesi V: Politica creditizia con l’impiego combinato di più strumenti. Tesi VI: Stabilità dei prezzi mediante sviluppo continuo della quantità monetaria. Controtesi VI: Stabilità dei prezzi mediante sviluppo continuo della liquidità bancaria. Tesi VII: Politica monetaria invece di politica fiscale. Controtesi VII: Politica creditizia e politica fiscale.
Abstract. During the last decade, many Western economies reformed their welfare systems with the aim of activating welfare recipients by increasing welfare‐to‐work programmes (WTWP) and job‐search enforcement. We evaluate the short‐term effects of three important German WTWP implemented after a major reform in January 2005 (‘Hartz IV’), namely short training, further training with a planned duration of up to three months and public workfare programmes (‘One‐Euro‐Jobs’). Our analysis is based on a combination of a large‐scale survey and administrative data that is rich with respect to individual, household, agency level and regional information. We use this richness of the data to base the econometric evaluation on a selection‐on‐observables approach. We find that short‐term training programmes, on average, increase their participants' employment perspectives. There is also considerable effect heterogeneity across different subgroups of participants that could be exploited to improve the allocation of welfare recipients to the specific programmes and thus increase overall programme effectiveness.  相似文献   
The Economic Value of Water Quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stated preference values for water quality ratings based on the US Environmental Protection Agency National Water Quality Inventory ratings provide an operational basis for benefit assessment. Iterative choice survey results for a very large, nationally representative, Web-based panel imply an average valuation of $32 for each percent increase in lakes and rivers in the region for which water quality is rated “Good.” Valuations are skewed, with the mean value more than double the median. Sources of heterogeneity in benefit values include differences in responses to average water quality information and the base level of water quality. Conjoint estimates are somewhat lower than the iterative choice values. The annual economic value of the decline in inland US water quality from 1994 to 2000 is over $20 billion.   相似文献   
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