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In this paper, using the GMM technique we attempt to empirically investigate the Dutch disease effect of remittances. The analyses are based on an annual balanced panel data set for 18 developing countries, which have remittances to GDP ratio of 5 percent and above, over the years 1999–2015. It is found that an inflow of remittances has a positive effect on economic growth, whereas it leads to a depreciation of the real effective exchange rate.  相似文献   
Akamatsu, Sato, and Nguyen (2006 Akamatsu, T., Sato, S., &; Nguyen, X. L. (2006). Tradable time-of-day bottleneck permits for morning commuters (in Japanese). JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning 62(4), 605620.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) proposed a first-best pricing scheme based on the concept of bottleneck permits. The scheme allows permit holders to pass a bottleneck at specified times and is shown to be able to minimize social cost. However, the scheme is not always Pareto-improving in that it may harm some drivers. The objective of this study is to design Pareto-improving pricing scheme with bottleneck permits for a V-shaped two-to-one merge bottleneck. First, the paper formulates the morning commute model in the network and describes the arrival time choice equilibrium in the network with merging bottleneck. Secondly, we show that the first-best pricing scheme with bottleneck permits for this V-shaped network does not always achieve a Pareto improvement, with the cost of one group of drivers is increased by the permit pricing, a phenomena akin to the bottleneck paradox of Arnott, de Palma, and Lindsey (1993 Arnott, R., de Palma, A., &; Lindsey, R. (1993). Properties of dynamic traffic equilibrium involving bottlenecks, including a paradox and metering. Transportation Science 27(2), 148160.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We propose three implementations of bottleneck permits for Pareto-improving: (1) merging priority rule is included in the bottleneck permits scheme by creating different market for each origin; (2) the permit revenues are refunded as monetary compensation to drivers whose cost is increased; and (3) the permit revenues are used to expand bottleneck capacity. For each implementation, we derive their equilibrium solutions and demonstrate that the Pareto improvement is achieved and social cost is decreased by using the permit revenues for expanding the bottleneck capacity.  相似文献   
This study evaluates quantitatively the effect of three policies (payments for cropland retirement, fertilizer use taxes and payments for crop rotations) on agricultural land use in the upper Mississippi River basin. This is done by estimating two logit models of land use decisions using data from the 1982, 1987,1992 and 1997 Natural Resource Inventories. The models predict farmers' crop choice, crop rotation and participation in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) at more than 48,000 Natural Resource Inventories sites under each of the three policies. Results suggest that an increase in the CRP rental rates would significantly increase the CRP acreage, but most of the acreage increase would come initially from less fertilizer‐intensive crops. In contrast, a fertilizer use tax would significantly reduce acreage planted to more fertilizer‐intensive crops, and thus would likely be cost effective for reducing agricultural chemical use and pollution. Although an incentive payment for a corn‐soybean rotation would raise acreage of this rotation and reduce the acreage of continuous corn, the acreage response is in general quite inelastic. Cette étude évalue quantitativement les effets rovoqués par les trois politiques (paiements pour le retrait des terres cultivables, taxes sur l'utilisation d'engrais et paiements pour l'alternance des cultures) sur les terres agricoles du bassin supérieur du Mississipi. Ceci est obtenu en évaluant deux modéles logit des décisions sur l'utilisation des terres provenant des données des «Natural Resource Inventories» de 1982, 1987, 1992 et 1997. Les modéles prédisent le choix des cultures des agriculteurs, l'alternance des cultures et la participation du «Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)» dans plus de 48 000 Natural Resource Inventories dans le cadre de chacune des trois politiques. Les résultats suggérent qu'une augmentation des taux de location du CRP accroisse de maniére significative la surface de CRP, mais la majeure partie de cet accroissement de surface provenaient initialement de cultures moins intensives sans engrais. Cependant, l'utilisation d'une taxe sur l'utilisation d'engrais pouvait réduire de maniére significative la surface plantée avec des récoltes intensives utilisant plus d'engrais, et ainsi ce serait sans doute plus économique pour réduire la pollution et l'utilisation de produits chimiques en agriculture. Bien que des paiements incitatifs à l'alternance maïs‐soja réduisent la surface d'une culture continue de maïs et augmentaient la surface de l'alternance maïs‐soja, les résultats aux transformations des surfaces des terres seraient tout à fait rigides.  相似文献   
This paper examines how different education systems affect GDP by influencing the diversity of human capital. We construct an overlapping generation model in which agents are heterogeneous in income and innate ability, and the final goods are produced with differentiated intermediate goods. It is shown that under a realistic condition, the diversity of human capital induced by income inequality always lowers the GDP of the next period, while the diversity of human capital induced by heterogeneous ability can increase GDP, if the produced intermediate goods are sufficiently substitutable and firms have a large span of control. Hence, as public education equalizes education resources across households, it mitigates the negative effect of income inequality on GDP, while the effects of ability tracking crucially depend on the production structure of the economy.  相似文献   
The growth in conservation programs has created a need for modeling frameworks capable of measuring microlevel behavioral responses and macrolevel landscape changes. This paper presents an empirical model that predicts farmers' production practices and the resulting levels of agricultural runoffs at more than 42,000 agricultural sites in the upper-Mississippi river basin under alternative conservation policies. Results suggest that payments for conservation tillage and crop rotations increase the use of these conservation practices. However, the acreage response is inelastic and the programs are not likely to be cost effective on their own for addressing hypoxia problem in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
In this article, using the VECM model we attempt to empirically examine the Dutch disease effect of remittances in Georgia. The analyses are based on quarterly data covering the years 2000–2016. It is found that an inflow of remittances leads to an appreciation of the real effective exchange rate in the long run, whereas it has the reverse effect in the short run.  相似文献   
This paper models entrepreneurship as the entrepreneur’s information processing activity in order to predict changes in demand and reallocate resources. The results show that allocative efficiency—and therefore aggregate productivity—increases through intensified competition by entrepreneurs grasping at opportunities. This fierce competition leads to price reductions that result in the improvement of measured aggregate productivity. The price reduction also forces relatively less able entrepreneurs to become workers. As resources are then dealt with only by relatively talented entrepreneurs, this selection effect also increases aggregate productivity. The paper also discusses how the selection effect influences the distribution of firm size.   相似文献   
This paper analyzes a risk sharing incomplete contract under which an airline agrees to serve an airport in exchange for payment to/from the airport based on the difference between a realized and a target load factor. The key results are that we specified the relevant conditions on payments and utilities under which the incomplete contract can overcome the under-effort problem and achieve the efficient utility levels. These results are numerically illustrated by showing the impacts of the project prospect deterioration and the uncertainty increases on effort and utility levels.  相似文献   
Understanding the basic interaction mechanism among nations surrounding the CO2 emissions is critically important for the policy formulation analysis in aviation sector at present, especially for market-based measures such as emission allowance trading. We performed simulation analysis of the effects on pricing of emission allowances by including major players such as China and India into the hypothetical global CO2 emission trading scheme according to non-cooperative game framework. In the presence of a negative public good, i.e., CO2, we extended the Lindahl–Bowen–Samuelson condition to include a class of uncertainty typical in climate change policy into utility. By using the result, we explained, with some numerical examples, the welfare effects caused by the changes of factors, such as level of uncertainty, degree of risk averse, asymmetric utility structure, initial allocation among players, based on our model surrounding the bargaining of CO2 emissions allocation games.  相似文献   
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