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Residential lawns provide diverse benefits, including social (e.g., enhancing humans’ physical and psychological well‐being), economic (e.g., increasing real estate values), and environmental (e.g., supporting local ecosystems) benefits. However, improper lawn fertilizer applications can cause adverse environmental consequences, such as excessive chemical runoff into adjoining watersheds leading to water contamination. Currently, the importance of eco‐friendly fertilizers to homeowners has not been assessed. This study uses a discrete choice experiment to test whether eco‐friendly fertilizer attributes influence homeowners’ preferences for sustainable landscape management. The findings show that eco‐friendly fertilizer attributes positively influence homeowners’ preferences and willingness to pay, supporting the premise that the promotion of eco‐friendly fertilizer features could improve local ecosystems through increased adaptation. Furthermore, this study tests whether certain fertilizer attributes influence homeowners’ preferences in states with and without fertilizer restrictions. Since the regulatory environment affects homeowners’ preferences for sustainable landscaping, this study compares the results between regulated and unregulated states. The findings reveal that homeowners are more likely to use and are willing to pay higher premiums for sustainable fertilizers in states with residential fertilization regulations. This suggests that with strict fertilizer ordinances, homeowners are more geared toward eco‐friendly landscaping options and that related educational programs should be made available. Les pelouses résidentielles offrent divers avantages, incluant les avantages sociaux (comme la valorisation du bien‐être physique et psychologique humain), économiques (comme la valeur immobilière), et environnementaux (comme l'appui des écosystèmes locaux). La mauvaise application des fertilisants a parfois des conséquences environnementales négatives comme le ruissellement chimique excessif dans les bassins hydrographiques attenants menant à la contamination des sources d'eau. En raison de l'importance des fertilisants respectueux de l'environnement pour la protection de ce dernier, cette étude emploie une expérience avec choix discrets pour évaluer si les attributs écologiques des fertilisants influencent les préférences des consommateurs et leur volonté de payer pour une gestion durable de l'aménagement. Les résultats indiquent que les attributs écologiques des fertilisants influencent positivement les préférences des consommateurs et leur volonté de payer, appuyant ainsi la prémisse selon laquelle la promotion des attributs écologiques des fertilisants de gazon pourrait améliorer les écosystèmes locaux. De plus, cette étude évalue l'influence des attributs de certains fertilisants sur les préférences des propriétaires résidentiels dans les états avec et sans restrictions sur l'application des fertilisants. Puisque le cadre règlementaire peut avoir un impact sur les préférences des consommateurs pour une gestion durable de l'aménagement paysager, cette étude compare les prévisions des états avec et sans cadre règlementaire. Les résultats démontrent que les consommateurs sont plus aptes à utiliser, et sont disposés à payer un surplus pour les fertilisants durables dans les états où des règlements concernant l'utilisation de fertilisants résidentiels sont en vigueur, portant donc à croire que les programmes éducatifs concernant l'aménagement paysager respectueux de l'environnement devraient être accompagnés d'ordonnances strictes en matière de fertilisants.  相似文献   
The article continues researches started under the guidance and with active participation of E.Yu. Faerman, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), within the framework of the RAS Central Economics and Mathematics Institute Population, Incomes, and Consumption system, aimed at modeling and forecasting the population composition, incomes, and consumption using a number of methods (including the multilevel complex structuring of the population and its incomes and consumption, modeling and forecasting shadow employment and incomes, and so on) and a complex statistical database. Comparative analysis of the results of four variants of inertial forecasts of socioeconomic indicators of different levels (the population as a whole, its functional layers, and their social and socioeconomic constituent groups) has been performed, including official and unofficial incomes and shadow employment; scenarios of social policy have been studied, including the income policy, labor compensation problems, and the social transfer policy; and economic consequences of the income legalization scenario have been evaluated.  相似文献   
This article estimates the effects of advertising expenditures on annual gross sales of green industry firms using a quasi-experimental framework. In order to account for potential selection bias, a generalized propensity score and a dose-response function are used to estimate advertising treatment effects. The method used allows us to investigate the relationship between the dose (advertising expenditures) and the response (firm sales). We use data from the National Green Industry Surveys of 2009 and 2014 to conduct the analysis. To further investigate potential heterogeneous advertising effects of the size of the firms, we separate the sample into small firms and large firms, according to their annual gross sales. The results indicate that the magnitude and shape of the response function depend on the size of the firm. For small firms, increasing advertising spending yields to higher sales within a range of advertising spending. Beyond this range, advertising spending increases do not impact sales any more. Thus, small firms’ management should carefully monitor advertising input. For large firms, on the other hand, the current evidence does not support a positive relationship between advertising spending and sales since the marginal treatment effect is insignificant almost over the entire range of adverting spending.  相似文献   
Buying impulsiveness is frequently triggered by point-of-sale information. In order to impact consumer behavior, this information must be visually noticed. In this study, researchers propose that consumers’ level of buying impulsiveness impacts their visual attention to point-of-sale information (i.e., signs, displays). Specifically, individuals scoring high on the buying impulsiveness scale (BIS) fixate less on point-of-sale information. This was tested in two experiments where participants’ task was to rate their purchase likelihood for ornamental plants. Both experiments demonstrate that consumers with high BIS fixate less on in-store signs but more on displays than low BIS consumers. High BIS participants’ visual attention to informational signs positively impacts their purchasing behavior while their visual attention to the displays does not. Theoretical contributions to consumer behavior literature and implications for retail marketing efforts are discussed.  相似文献   
Microfinance institutions are gradually evolving into multiservice organizations offering not only loans but also savings, and other financial and nonfinancial services. We contribute to the literature aimed at identifying how combining credit with savings affects outreach and sustainability in microfinance institutions (MFIs). We apply the propensity score matching method as well as its augmented dose–response version to compare the performance of loans‐plus‐savings MFIs with that of lending‐only in a sample of 710 observations from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Owing to our unique capital structure data, we control for the use of subsidized capital, which related work ignores while existing evidence points to tradeoffs between subsidies and savings. We find that financial performance and breadth of outreach are positively associated with savings mobilization, while the evidence on depth of outreach points to a possible mission drift.  相似文献   
The strategic value of organic production and origin promotions may vary based on product end‐use. Conjoint analysis and eye‐tracking technology were used to investigate consumers’ purchase likelihood (PL) and visual search behavior for esthetic and food‐producing ornamental plants. Organic production methods, in‐state, and domestic origins positively impacted participants’ PL. Respondents’ visual attention to the organic production attribute had a strong positive effect on PL for food‐producing plants as did sociodemographic variables. Findings imply that producers and retailers could successfully implement signage emphasizing organic production methods and origin designations to generate consumer interest.  相似文献   
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