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Current methods for assessing capacity and its utilisation infisheries operate at the firm-level, but neglect industry capacity.Here, we introduce the Johansen-Färe measure of plant capacityof the firm into a multi-output, frontier-based version of theshort-run Johansen industry model. The model determines firmcapacity utilisation such that current industry outputs aremaintained, while minimising the use of fixed inputs at industrylevel and assuming abundant variable inputs. Policy extensionsrelevant to combating overfishing include tightening quotas,seasonal closures, linking economic and plant capacity, decommissioningschemes and area closures, implementation issues and equityconsiderations. The application to the Danish fisheries revealssubstantial overcapacity in the Danish fleet.  相似文献   
To solve the problem of illegal landings this article proposes a new tax mechanism based on the regulator's own aggregate catch estimates and ex ante self-reports of planned catch by fishermen. We show that the mechanism avoids illegal landings while ensuring (nearly) optimal exploitation and generating (nearly) correct entry and exit incentives. Finally we simulate the mechanism for the Danish cod fishery in Kattegat to obtain a rough indicator of the size of the tax. It turns out that the average tax payment as a percentage of profit is surprisingly low.  相似文献   
In recent years, in overall value, the EU has become a net importer of organic food to supply increasing demand. Financial support for farmers during the conversion period has been made to help expand organic production as this was seen as a barrier to conversion. Meanwhile, farmers have been marketing products produced in this conversion period and labelled as such, the extent to which is described here for the UK, Portugal, Denmark, Ireland and Italy. Consumers’ attitudes towards, and willingness-to-pay for, conversion-grade food in these countries is examined. It was found that consumers would be prepared to pay a premium for conversion-grade produce of around half the premium for organic produce with vegetables attracting a higher premium than meat. Finally, the potential of policies for marketing conversion-grade products to encourage more conversion is examined, together with barriers to achieving this. It is concluded that barriers to marketing such products, particularly from retailers, will be formidable. Thus, alternative policies are suggested.  相似文献   
An age structured model of a fishery is studied where two fishing fleets, or fishing agents, are targeting two different mature age classes of the fish stock. The agents are using different fishing gear with different fishing selectivity. The model includes young and old mature fish that can be harvested, in addition to an age class of immature fish. The paper describes the optimal harvesting policy under different assumptions on the objectives of the social planner and on fishing selectivity. First, biomass yield is maximized under perfect fishing selectivity, second, equilibrium profit (rent) is maximized under perfect fishing selectivity, and third, equilibrium profit is maximized under imperfect fishing selectivity. The paper provides results that differ significantly from the standard lumped parameter (also surplus production, or biomass) model.  相似文献   
The latter half of the 1990s saw a new international agendadevelop: the ‘strengthening of the international financialsystem’ through the globalisation of standards and codesof ‘best practice’. The author calls for criticalreflection on this normalisation of ‘free market’capitalism and its global enforcement through a comprehensivesystem of economic standardisation and surveillance. To thisend, Michel Foucault's analysis of liberalism is shown to behighly relevant.  相似文献   
The cod stock in the North Sea is threatened by overexploitation. To recover this fishing stock, pressure needs to be reduced. This implies that catch compositions with small amounts of cod are preferred by public policy makers. The present analysis assesses the technological efficiency of fishing trips in terms of the substitution possibilities away from cod by considering landings of cod as an undesirable output. A conservative non-parametric frontier technology approach imposing minimal assumptions and based on directional distance functions is applied to explore alternative fishing activities for Danish gill netters operating in the North Sea with the goal of reducing cod catches. Since performance on different fishing trips may be influenced by the operating environment, a four-stage approach is applied to correct for exogenous factors (Fried et al., J Product Anal 12(3):249–267, 1999). The corrected directional distance function efficiency scores reveal the behavioural inefficiencies, i.e., prospects for decreasing the catch of cod while catch of other species are increased.   相似文献   
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An Evaluation of the Cod Fishing Policies of Denmark, Iceland and Norway Many ocean fisheries are subject to a fundamental economic problem generally referred to as the common property problem. This problem manifests itself as excessive fishing fleets and fishing effort, depressed fish stocks and little or no profitability of the fishing activity, irrespective of the richness of the underlying marine resources. European fisheries represent some of the most dramatic examples of the common property problem. This article employs simple empirical models and recently developed mathematical techniques to examine the economic efficiency of three European fisheries, namely the Danish, Icelandic and Norwegian cod fisheries, The optimal harvesting policies for each of these fisheries are calculated. Comparing these optimal policies with actual harvests provides a measure of the relative efficiency in these three cod fisheries. The comparison confirms the widely held impression that the cod harvesting policies of ail three countries have been hugely inefficient in the past. Moreover, it appears that the inefficiency has been increasing over time. Only during the last few years of our data are there indications that this negative trend may have been halted. Somewhat more surprisingly, in spite of radically different fisheries management systems, we find relatively little difference in the level of stock over‐exploitation between these three countries. Politiques compareées de pêhe à la morue au Danemark, en Islande et en Norvège Beaucoup de pêcheries océaniques sont confrontées au problème nique fondamental de la “propriété collective”. Celui‐ci se manifeste par des flottes de taille excessive, au service d' efforts de péche exagérés, qui aboutissent à détruire les stocks de poisson et la rentabilité des pécheries, en dépit de la richesse des ressources marines sousjacentes. Les pêcheries européennes constituent actuellement l'un des exemples les plus dramatiques des problèmes associés a la propriété collective. On présente ici un modèle empirique assez simple mais associéà de nouvelles techniques mathématiques récemment développé es pour mesurer l' efficacitééconomique de trois types de politiques de pêche à la morue, au Danemark, en Norvège et en Islande. On commence par calculer le volume optimal des prises pour chacun de ces pays. La comparaison entre le niveau optimal et le niveau réel des prises permet de mesurer le degré d' efficacité des politiques suivies. Elle permet de confirmer l'opinion largement répandue selon laquelle les politiques passées ont été extrêmement peu efficaces. En outre, il apparaît que l'inefficacité est croissante avec le temps. C'est seulement dans les toutes dernières années des séries de données que l' on observe un infléchissement de cette tendance négative. Enfin, et c'est le plus surprenant, on trouve peu de differences entre les trois pays en ce qui conceme le degré de surexploitation du stock, et cela, bien que les principes de gestion des pêcheries y soient entiArement différents. Eine Bewertung der Kabeljaufischereipolitik in Dänemark, Island und Norwegen ahlreiche Hochseefischereien tehen einem grundlegenden ftliehen Problem gegenüber, das allgemein als Problem des kollektiven Eigentums bezeichnet wird. Dieses Problem zeigt sich in übermäßig großen Fangflotten und beträchtlichem Fischereiaufwand, geschrumpften Fischbeständen und geringer oder fehlender Rentabilität der Fischerei; dabei ist die Höhe der Fischressourcen unbedeutend für das Problem. Die europäischen Fischereien stellen einige der drastischsten Beispiele für das Problem des kollektiven Eigentums dar. In diesem Beitrag werden einfache empirische Modelle und kürzlich entwickelte mathematische Verfahren angewendet, um die wirtschaftliche Effizienz von drei europäischen Fischereien zu untersuchem der dänischen, der isländischen und der norwegischen Kabeljaufischerei. Für jede dieser Fischereien wird die optimale Nutzungsstrategie berechnet. Aus dem Vergleich dieser optimalen Nutzungsstrategie mit den tatsächlichen Erträgen ergibt sich ein Maß fur die relative Effizienz, die bei diesen drei Kabeljaufischereien vorliegt. Der Vergleich bestätigt den weit verbreiteten Eindruck, dass die Strategien zum Kabeljaufang in alien drei Ländern in der Vergangenheit enorm ineffizient waren. Darüber hinaus wird deutlich, dass die Ineffizienz im Laufe der Zeit zugenommen hat. Lediglich die Daten der letzten jahre enthalten Hinweise darauf, dass dieser negative Trend zum Stillstand gekommen sein könnte. Obwohl sich die Fischwirtschaft in jedem dieser drei Länder sehr stark unterscheidet, lassen sich erstaunlich wenige Unterschiede im Maß der Übernutzung des Fischbestandes finden.  相似文献   
The economic efficiencies of the Danish, Icelandic, and Norwegian cod fisheries are examined. For this purpose, nonlinear aggregate models of these fisheries are constructed. Comparing the calculated optimal harvest and biomass quantities with the actual fisheries provides a measure of the degree of efficiency in these fisheries. The comparisons confirm that the cod harvesting policies of these countries have been hugely inefficient in the past. It appears that inefficiency has been increasing over the last three to four decades, even after TAC regulations replaced open access, indicating that the management policies adopted by all three countries have failed to cure overfishing.  相似文献   
Journal of Business Ethics - Social media platforms have been vested with hope for their potential to enable ‘ordinary citizens’ to make their judgments public and contribute to...  相似文献   
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