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I. IntroductionNations at every stage of development and in every region of the world are more closelylinked through trade in goods and services, through flows of funds and investments ineach others’ economies than ever before. But in sharp contrast to more and more nationsloosening restrictions on international trade, controls over capital flows are still substantialnearly everywhere except in the most developed economies. This is certainly the case inChina, where restrictions on movements …  相似文献   
Agricultural research that increases knowledge is an important component of agricultural productivity and development. This paper focuses on understanding and formulating the interactions among factors involved in the knowledge production process. A conceptual mode of research input-output relationships is developed based on the existing literature. These relationships are estimated based on cross-sectional time-series data for the public research system in Israel. Research resources (inputs) such as direct cost and senior scientific manpower were found to extend knowledge production, while resources such as junior researchers and technicians were found to be nonsignificant. Use of the estimated functions for forecasting and control of agricultural development is also illustrated.  相似文献   
以联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会为代表的众多科学家所提出的全球气候变暖的科学结论虽然受到诸多质疑,但他们的科学结论所引发的拯救地球家园的口号反映了对环境污染有着切肤之痛的广大民众的强烈愿望,并已开始落实到世界各国的实际行动之中。在自然界中没有孤立发生的东西,气候变化正是大气污染、水质恶化、土壤沙化、热带雨林减少等环境问题相互联系和作用的集中表现,是西方发达国家自产业革命以来长期无节制地使用化石燃料、排放温室气体给地球戴帽保温的量变过程所造成的结果,也是人类与自然界矛盾激化的反映,而解决人类与自然界的矛盾的关键在于解决好人类内部的矛盾。当前,一场以低碳经济发展为代表的新产业革命和社会革命正在兴起,而人类从第一次产业革命前的低碳低排时代进入其后的高碳高排时代、目前又开始转向低碳低排时代,正是唯物辩证法的否定之否定规律的又一个生动例证。近年来,围绕全球气候变暖的争论十分激烈,但是,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会依据过去22年来发表的数千页严谨的科研文献所得出的气候变暖的总体结论的科学性并未动摇,人类必须紧急行动起来,捍卫我们的生存权利和文明成果。  相似文献   
受新制度经济学关于制度变迁的学理启发,作者提出了国际制度变迁的理论分析范式,并以此探讨国际制度变迁如何影响东亚体系的和平转型。未来和平转型后的东亚体系将呈现一种嵌套交叠式制度联系模式,在这种模式中,东亚多边合作体系与美国双边同盟体系互相交叠、兼容共存。多边合作体系既不能化解美国双边同盟体系,美国双边同盟体系也不能主导多边合作体系。在这种情况下,中国外交的现实做法是从兼容美国双边同盟体系的这一路径出发,在东亚地区积极开展多边外交、推动建立多边合作体系。  相似文献   
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