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Journal of Business Ethics - Prior research has demonstrated a strong relationship between team performance and team members’ team efficacy beliefs and perceptions of social integration....  相似文献   
This study investigates the wealth effect of defensive common stock repurchase (CSR) on outside shareholders. It is found that the impact varies with the type of corporate control activity that precipitates the repurchase. Outside shareholders suffer wealth losses when a CSR announcement follows an unsolicited bid for the firm. The impact of the CSR announcement following a partial acquisition is negative but not as strong. However, outside shareholders benefit from CSR following antitakeover charter amendments. This study also documents a nonlinear relationship between managerial equity ownership and changes in the value of the firm at the announcement of a defensive CSR.  相似文献   
We use survey data to examine new firms in Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Russia and Ukraine. By measures of job growth, security of property, and market development, our countries fall into two groups: an advanced group including Poland, Romania and Slovakia, with Slovakia falling somewhat behind the other two; and a backward group of Russia and Ukraine. Macroeconomic stability is not sufficient for private-sector growth. A lack of bank finance does not seem to prevent private-sector growth. More inhibiting than inadequate finance are insecure property rights.  相似文献   
Veblen's and Commons's contributions are outlined and related to the approaches to economics and political actions over the years of the author. Commons's philosophy and pragmatic contribution to economic and political institutions in order to help create decent living conditions for wage-earners within capitalism are reflected in the author's rethink in the late 1970s of what was possible for a social democratic government in Australia to achieve. The implication of John Kenneth Galbraith's example and writings on the war in Vietnam are linked to the author's actions in Australia during Australia's involvement in the war. The relevance of Veblen's damning critique of J.B. Clark's views on capital theory for the arguments of the Cambridge - Cambridge controversies in capital theory of the 1950s-1970s, first noted by Joan Robinson, are set out. Veblen's biting analyses of the nature of capitalism in his major writings are argued to be even more relevant now for the modern world of haves, have nots and have lots.  相似文献   
Vietnam's firms contract without the shadow of the law and onlypartly in the shadow of the future. Although contracting restsin part on the threat of loss of future business, firms oftenare willing to renegotiate following a breach, so the retaliationis not as forceful as in the standard repeated-game story andnot as effective a sanction. To ensure agreements are kept,firms rely on other devices to supplement repeated-game incentives.Firms scrutinize their trading partners. Community sanctionsare occasionally invoked. Transactions with greater risk ofreneging are supported by more elaborate governance structures.  相似文献   
Courts and Relational Contracts   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Post-communist countries offer new evidence on the relativeimportance of courts and relationships in enforcing contracts.Belief in the effectiveness of courts has a significant positiveeffect on the level of trust shown in new relationships betweenfirms and their customers. Well-functioning courts also encourageentrepreneurs to try out new suppliers. Courts are particularlyimportant when specific investments are needed for a relationshipto develop. While relationships can sustain existing interactions,workable courts help new interactions to start and develop.  相似文献   
A large share of the World's poor is self-employed. Accurate measurement of profits from microenterprises is therefore critical for studying poverty and inequality, measuring the returns to education, and evaluating the success of microfinance programs. However, a myriad of problems plague the measurement of profits. This paper reports on a variety of different experiments conducted to better understand the importance of some of these problems, and to draw recommendations for collecting profit data. In particular, we (i) examine how far we can reconcile self-reported profits and reports of revenue minus expenses through more detailed questions; (ii) examine recall errors in sales, and report on the results of experiments which randomly allocated account books to firms; and (iii) asked firms how much firms like theirs underreport sales in surveys like ours, and had research assistants observe the firms at random times 15–16 times during a month to provide measures for comparison. We conclude that firms underreport revenues by about 30%, that account diaries have significant impacts on both revenues and expenses, but not on profits, and that simply asking profits provides a more accurate measure of firm profits than detailed questions on revenues and expenses.  相似文献   
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