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This article presents a legislative history of Subtitle C of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA '87). It articulates the philosophy behind the act and describes the economic and organizational impact on the nursing home industry. Additionally, data from Connecticut nursing homes are analyzed to determine the factors that affect the costs of complying with OBRA.  相似文献   
In this fictional case study, Adam Lawson is a promising young associate at Kirkham McDowell Securities, a St. Louis underwriting and financial advisory firm. Recently, Adam helped to bring in an extremely lucrative deal, and soon he and a few other associates will be honored for their efforts at the firm's silver anniversary dinner. George Campbell, vice president in mergers and acquisitions, is caught unprepared when Adam tells him that, after serious reflection, he has decided to bring his partner, Robert Collins, to the banquet. George is one of Adam's biggest supporters at the firm, and he personally has no problem with Adam being gay. But it is one thing for Adam to come out of the closet at the office. It is quite another to do so at a public company-client event. After all, Kirkham McDowell's client roster includes some very conservative companies--one of the country's largest defense contractors, for example. George is concerned with how Adam's openness about his sexual orientation will play with their clients and, as a result, how senior management will react. Adam has not come to George for permission to bring Robert to the dinner. But clearly Adam wants some sort of response. George has never faced sexual diversity issues in the workplace before, and there is no company policy to guide him. Just how negative an effect could Robert have on Adam's career with the firm and the firm's relationship with its clients? Isn't it possible that even the firm's most conservative clients will simply decide that Adam's choice of guest is a personal matter--not a business one?(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
2002年对我来说是很忙也很充实的一年,和朋友合伙开的灯具代理公司已走过了创业的艰辛,业务量稳步上升。作为二把手(其实公司目前就我和朋友两人),我是个事必躬亲的完美主义者,大到与客户谈判,小到办公用品的添置,我都会极认真地对待。前两天我们办公用的喷墨打印机出了点故障,卡纸现象太频繁,而且耗材费用也是笔不小的支出。权衡之下,我们决定添台激光打印机。当然,这件事责无旁贷地落在了我身上。一大早就来到了海龙,因临近春节,到处都是商家的促销广告。好在我是个很现实的理性购物派,做任何交易都不会随波逐流,更不会盲目追逐品牌效应。所以先容我把打印机柜台转完,做番比较再说。真是不来不知道,现在的打印机品牌可谓繁多,像佳能、惠普、爱普生和利盟这些国际大厂商自不必说,国内大腕如联想、方正也是林林总总占了相当大的比  相似文献   
Patient safety remains a strategic goal and of societal importance for better health care. Direct observation remains an ineffective and expensive means of providing for patient safety. The nursing quality team found that using assessment tools helped to objectively categorize which patients are at risk. Defining patient volume, actual productive sitter usage, and assessing demand for patients in psychiatric crisis and patients at high risk to fall in the form of average daily census provided an easy-to-translate, familiar unit of measure to compare patient volume to demand and utilization. The sitter utilization case was unable to provide correlation of sitter use to decreased fall rates, elopement, or assault behaviors. Currently, there is no research to suggest the use of constant observation reduces the risk of patient harm related to their risk for falling or harming themselves.  相似文献   
Adapting to environmental jolts   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
This paper examines organizational adaptations to an environmental jolt--a sudden and unprecedented event (in this case, a doctors' strike)-- that created a natural experiment within a group of hospitals. Although adaptations were diverse and appeared anomalous, they are elucidated by considering the hospitals' antecedent strategies, structures, ideologies, and stockpiles of slack resources. Assessments of the primacy of the antecedents suggest that ideological and strategic variables are better predictors of adaptations to jolts than are structural variables or measures of organizational slack. Although abrupt changes in environments are commonly thought to jeopardize organizations, environmental jolts are found to be ambiguous events that offer propitious opportunities for organizational learning, administrative drama, and introducing unrelated changes.  相似文献   
中空客厅又被称为复式客厅,从底楼仰头,可以望到顶楼的顶。可一到天冷的时候,气派的中空客厅就给主人出了道难题:热空调开着好像不管用。要解决空调的制热问题。我们还是从中空客厅隔还是不隔说起吧。为此,我们采访了中空客厅的住户、家装设计师以及空调的供应商等,他们的意见大致分为以下几种:  相似文献   
AD狂人 《国际广告》2010,(12):64-65
金秋十月,喜讯北来。旭日因赛广告广州总部的“招商银行-i理财”《打酱油篇》广告.以简约清新的创意、人性化又不失俏皮的表现,从彩视、平面、广播、户外四大类共两千多件作品中脱颖而出,一举摘得第17届中国国际广告节中国广告长城奖“全场大奖”!  相似文献   
本文评述了适用于毫米波和亚毫米波的天线设计。该频段在通信、雷达和遥感方面的应用正在迅速发展,并且需要高性能天线。许多新颖的设计都致力于毫米波特性的开发利用。较短的波长意味着更严格的公差。从而要求更精密、更有效的反射面和馈源喇叭。本文综述了反射面天线、透镜天线、喇叭天线、平面天线、行波天线和集成天线。  相似文献   
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