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五四运动以后,马克思主义得到广泛传播,一批具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子逐渐认识到需要建立一个以马克思主义为指导思想的工人阶级政党来领导革命。1921年7月23日,中国共产党第一次全国代表大会在上海举行,标志着中国共产党的诞生,给灾难深重的中国人民带来了光明和希望。  相似文献   
本文介绍了应用价值分析方法将MMB1312机床出手动改为半自动循环的过程,从而大大地降低了成本,提高了生产效率,创造了不菲的经济效益.  相似文献   
运用价值工程原理, 改进曾获国家科技进步一等奖的锻焊结构加氢反应器的筒节锻造工艺, 创新后的筒节锻造工艺又应用在其他两台类似的加氢反应器上,总计降低生产成本1700 余万元。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍我们近年来研制的部分具有特色的机械滤波器产品及其性能特点和应用情况。文未对今后机械滤波器技术的发展,提出了作者的见解。  相似文献   
本文应用价值工程观点,结合(?)拖公司产品设计过程中应用价值工程的具体情况,分析产品开发过程中运用价值工程进行价值创造性设计必要性和可行性.  相似文献   
运用价值工程原理,改进了获国家科技进步一等奖的锻焊结构加氢反应器的简节锻造工艺,创新后的简节锻造工艺又应用在其他两台类似的加氢反应器上,总计降低生产成本1700余万元.  相似文献   
当世界把注意力集中在欧共体1992年大市场形成之际,在大西洋的彼岸美洲却酝酿着更大的贸易一体化计划,这就是华盛顿官方于1991年2月5日宣布的,计划开始北美自由贸易协定(FTA,以下简称协定)的谈判。该协定将有别于以前的任何协定,是继美加自由贸易协定后又一贸易条约,它将使美国、加拿大和墨西哥三国溶入一个拥有3.6亿消费者,6万亿美元产值的世界最大的市场之中。本文试图对该谈判的背景以及对世界经济贸易发展的影响作一分析。  相似文献   
This paper investigates whether a firm's environmental orientation influences corporate brand value. In the discussion on sustainable development, corporate participation is a given, and increasingly firms are adopting environmental policies and practices. This paper observes corporate environmentalism from two perspectives: environmental embeddedness – the level to which environmental values are incorporated in brand identity; and environmental performance – the level of a firm's accordance with environmental policies and good practices. Cross‐analysis of these two perspectives generates four types of corporate environmental orientation: leaders, performers, advocates and laggards. The results do not provide conclusive evidence for whether consumers reward environmental leaders and punish environmental laggards by converting their environmental opinions into brand perceptions and purchasing decisions. It is believed that the hypothesized relationships are moderated and mediated by other stimuli, so managers are advised not to negate corporate social responsibility, but rather to invest wisely in environmental activities and its communication. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   
The design charts of this paper apply to the high velocity flow of a boiling liquid and its vapor during two-phase emergency pressure relief events. These charts are used to size relief system components to handle a given minimum relief flow requirement. This flow requirement is determined by computer simulation programs such as that described in [1], or by special-case models [2, 3, 4]. Though intended for use in sizing pressure relief systems, the charts are applicable to high-velocity flashing flow problems.  相似文献   
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