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Drawing on Denison and Mishra (1995)’s framework of organizational culture, this study examines why and when organizational culture is related to knowledge workers’ affective commitment. Data were collected from 640 employees working in three high-technology companies in China. The findings indicate that the relationship between organizational culture and affective commitment is mediated by perceived psychological contract fulfilment. In addition, organizational tenure moderates the relationship between two external dimensions (i.e. adaptability and mission) of organizational culture and perceived psychological contract fulfilment. This study extends the current theoretical framework of organizational culture by demonstrating the underlying mechanism and the boundary condition of the relationship between organizational culture and affective commitment. The findings also provide practical implications for international managers to design appropriate human resource management policies and practices in China.  相似文献   
Marken ohne Mehrwert haben keine Existenzberechtigung. Nicht immer liegt der Mehrwert jedoch im Produkt oder der Dienstleistung selbst. Vielmehr kann die Kommunikation selbst einen Mehrwert für Marken schaffen. Deshalb wird im folgenden Beitrag gezeigt, wie man den Markenmehrwert einerseits klar kommunizieren und andererseits durch die Kommunikation selbst Mehrwert zum Nutzen für den Kunden und für das Unternehmen schaffen kann.  相似文献   
When accepting the Maastricht treaty, the members of the Euro-zone agreed on the establishment of a very independent European Central Bank (ECB). Over the years, however, French political leaders systematically brought forward proposals undermining the ECB’s independence, much to the dismay of their German counterparts. This pattern of political disagreement on central bank independence has again surfaced during the current sovereign debt crisis, and has contributed to the discord amongst the Euro-zone members on the causes and proper solutions to the problems. This article conducts tests of various factors generally expected to influence the preference for central bank independence. It shows that economic explanations are unable to account for the persistent differences amongst European member-states on this issue. In contrast, national differences in political and economic culture and especially a nation’s score on the dimension Power Distance—its acceptance of centralisation of power in political leaders or institutions—does show a correlation with the different levels of internalisation of the norm of central bank independence. These findings show that institutionalisation of economic norms does not imply their internalisation by the political and the economic elite. In the broader context of current European politics, this may mean that even if European leaders will be able to come up with a common institutional answer to the current crisis, more profound convergence of their underlying economic and political cultures is needed for the successful and sustainable implementation of these solutions.  相似文献   
Marken hinterlassen an allen Kontaktpunkten mit Kunden Spuren und Fingerabdrücke. Dessen sind sich Manager und Mitarbeiter oft nicht bewusst. Das Management sowie die marken- und kundenspezifische Abstimmung aller Kontaktpunkte bieten somit gro?es Potenzial für Unternehmen zur wirksameren Vermarktung ihrer Marken. Unternehmen, die Kunden ganzheitlich positive und zufriedenstellende Markenerlebnisse an allen Kontaktpunkten vermitteln, sind erfolgreicher im Wettbewerb.  相似文献   
Religion has always rejected the concept of materialism and urged people to live in simplicity and moderation. Nonetheless, reality reveals a different phenomenon. Studies on religion and materialism have found inconsistent results. We examine the effect of religion on materialism and affective attitudes towards luxury goods and the mediating effect of materialism on affective attitude towards luxury goods. We propose the idea that many religious people reject the concept of materialism, but they consider luxury goods consumption compatible with their religious beliefs. 355 university students show that youth consumers with high intrinsic religiosity possess an affective attitude towards luxury goods. The results show that consumers perceived materialism and luxury goods as two separate constructs. Religious consumers reject the concept of materialism as an attachment to worldly possessions, but they maintain their emotional affection towards luxury goods. The results have several implications for both business and religious leaders. First, from a business perspective, there are no significant differences between religious and nonreligious youth consumers, especially in their acceptance of luxury goods. Simply put, religious youth consumers love God, but they also love Gucci (i.e., luxury goods). On the other hand, if religious leaders are teaching their congregations to reject materialism, they may need to shift the focus of their teaching from materialism to the role of luxury goods in their lives and how the purchase and ownership of luxury items may not reflect the true values of their beliefs.  相似文献   
Following the Selective Activation, Reconstruction, and Anchoring (SARA) and consumer‐based brand equity models, high awareness brands are expected to serve as anchors for forming impressions of co‐branded entities. Comparing the brand personality profiles of fictitious brand alliances with high and low awareness brands, the brand anchoring effect is found in Studies 1 and 2. Moreover, Study 3 shows that the effect generalizes to specific brand characteristics and results from making brand‐related information more available. Future research on brand awareness and on the brand anchoring effect is discussed. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt im Bereich des Preiscontrollings, ihr Dissertationsvorhaben besch?ftigt sich mit dem empirischen Nachweis von Rationalit?tsdefiziten im Preismanagement.  相似文献   
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