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The European Employment Strategy is the subject of controversial discussion. It is hard to find an economic justification for transnational responsibility since European labour markets are heterogenous and spillover effects of national employment policies are almost negligible. In its latest communication, the European Commission fails to provide a masterplan for a recovery of the struggling labour markets, although it provides convincing and less convincing proposals for tackling unemployment in EU member states. There is a suspicion that the package mainly serves as a first step towards transferring employment policy responsibilities from the national to the EU level. But the EU labour market policy lacks appropriate instruments and competences. Finally, it is questionable whether the package fits in an economic growth plan.  相似文献   
Marktintransparenz und deren Bedeutung für die Preisbildung auf M?rkten wurden in der ?konomie lange Zeit vernachl?ssigt. Die für ihre Search-and-Matching-Theorie geehrten Wirtschaftswissenschaftler haben ma?geblich dazu beigetragen, dieses Manko zu überwinden. In ihren Arbeiten zeigen sie, wie informationsbedingte Friktionen zu dauerhaften Marktungleichgewichten führen k?nnen und welchen Einfl uss staatliche Institutionen dabei haben.  相似文献   
Die Komplexit?t des deutschen Steuersystems hat in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder Kritik hervorgerufen und zu verschiedenen Verbesserungsvorschl?gen geführt, von denen jedoch bislang noch keiner ungesetzt wurde. Denn um eine breite politische Akzeptanz zu erlangen, müssen Reformvorschl?ge zum Steuersystem neben Transparenz und Einfachheit gleichzeitig sicherstellen, dass die Einkommensungleichheit nicht versch?rft, das Steueraufkommen insgesamt nicht zu gering wird und die Erwerbsanreize nicht gef?hrdet sind. Durch Steuervereinfachung alleine werden diese Ziele nicht per se erreicht.  相似文献   
Crude oil, natural gas and coal currently are the most important energy sources and will be the backbone of the energy industry for the next few decades to come. The discussion about the future availability of these fossil fuels was revived by the sharp rise in energy prices since 2004 to a record high in mid-2008. This posed a question as to how long non-renewable energy resources may be available in sufficient quantities in the future. The annual report 2010 “Reserves, resources and availability of energy resources” from the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in Hanover analyses the global situation of crude oil, natural gas, coal, uranium and thorium. The focus is on the analysis of reserves and resources, but also aspects of production, consumption and trade as well as prices are being covered. The main emphasis is put on conventional energy resources, but also non-conventional hydrocarbons are discussed. As a result of the study, the situation for crude oil becomes increasingly critical. From a geological point of view there are still sufficient quantities of natural gas and uranium. Coal has the by far greatest long term potential, but in comparison with other fossil fuels it is more pollute.  相似文献   
The Spokesman of Deutsche Bank's Board of Managing Directors delivered The Gilbart Lecture on Banking last year under the auspices of King's College London at an occasion sponsored by the National Westminster Bank plc and organised by the Chartered Institute of Bankers. The text of Herr Kopper's lecture is reproduced here with permission.  相似文献   
Hilmar Kaht 《Intereconomics》1973,8(11):348-351
Tunisia is at the beginning of the second decade of its development planning. The first decade (1961–1972) was put under the heading of Socialism. The influence of the socialist conception on development planning was reflected by a high share of public investments in total investments as well as intensified furthering of agricultural cooperatives.  相似文献   
Im Koalitionsvertrag wird eine Steuerreform mit einem Stufentarif für Anfang 2011 in Aussicht gestellt. Gleichzeitig erkl?ren die Regierungsparteien dort ihre Absicht, ein Bürgergeld einzuführen. Welche Wirkungen diese Ma?nahmen auf die Besch?ftigung, die Staatsfinanzen und die Einkommensverteilung haben würden, untersucht eine Arbeitsgruppe aus dem Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA). Sie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass von diesen Reformvorschl?gen abzuraten sei.  相似文献   
Die aktuelle Diskussion über zu hohe Managergeh?lter am oberen und zu niedrige L?hne am unteren Ende der Gehaltsskala führt zu den Grundregeln der Lohnbildung. In der ?konomischen Theorie stehen dabei vor allem individuelle Produktivit?tsunterschiede als Ursache von Lohnunterschieden im Vordergrund. Wenig — wie einige ?konomen finden zu wenig — wird dabei auf die Machtstrukturen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt geachtet.  相似文献   
The effect of demographic change on the labor force and on fiscal revenues is topical in light of potential pension shortfalls. This paper evaluates the effect of demographic changes between 2010 and 2030 on labor force participation and government budgets in the EU-27. Our analysis involves the incorporation of population projections, and an explicit modeling of the supply and demand side of the labor market. Our approach overcomes key shortcomings of most existing studies that focus only on labor supply when assessing the effects of policy reforms. Ignoring wage reactions greatly understates the increase in fiscal revenues, suggesting that fiscal strain from demographic change might be less severe than currently perceived. Beyond, our micro-based approach captures the impact on fiscal revenues more accurately than previous studies. Finally, as a policy response to demographic change and worsening fiscal budgets, we simulate the increase in the statutory retirement age. Our policy simulations confirm that raising the statutory retirement age can balance fiscal budgets in the long run.  相似文献   
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