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This study examines a comprehensive range of executional elements in a sample of permission-based e-mail marketing campaigns. The sample comprised almost 1000 promotional e-mails sent over an 18-month period by twenty leading U.K. e-retailers. Content analyses of the e-mail campaigns reveal that different tactics of format, address, subject lines, hyperlinks and interactivity are applied to initially attract customers' attention and then encourage further interest. Interviews with nine of the twenty marketing executives who designed the campaigns pointed to managers' reasons for use of the tactical alternatives.  相似文献   
Tim Doherty 《广告大观》2009,(12):138-140
大家最近有去唱过卡拉OK吗?其实从唱K中获得的欢乐与用户自创内容活动颇有相似之处。在卡拉OK娱乐场所,流行歌曲和伴奏音乐固然是至关重要的。没有它们,就没办法唱歌!  相似文献   
This article attempts to identify moral hazard in the traditional reinsurance market. We build a multiperiod principal–agent model of the reinsurance transaction from which we derive predictions on premium design, monitoring, loss control, and insurer risk retention. We then use panel data on U.S. property liability reinsurance to test the model. The empirical results are consistent with the model's predictions. In particular, we find evidence for the use of loss‐sensitive premiums when the insurer and reinsurer are not affiliates (i.e., not part of the same financial group), but little or no use of monitoring. In contrast, we find evidence for the extensive use of monitoring when the insurer and reinsurer are affiliates, where monitoring costs are lower.  相似文献   
This is a talk, rather than a research or survey paper. Very little of what I say will be original, but I wish to stimulate discussion on a set of issues that arise from the nature of risk and that I consider problematic to our profession. The paper is not exhaustive of references and many of my arguments have been treated elsewhere. However, I suspect few will have approached the issues from the same starting point and assembled them in the same way.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the processes, outcomes and tensions of a cross-sectoral collaborative venture involving several organizations with multiple logics and is based on empirical evidence from a collaborative ‘Empty Homes’ project. While, paradoxically, multiple logics are a basis for the partnership's existence (for example ‘value for money’ and local community benefit) to achieve these different aims simultaneously, its other aims or logics at times conflicted, resulting in intra-partnership tensions. Hence we offer novel insights into the practical aspects of collaboration at a local level and on multi-organizational relationships.  相似文献   
Though a valid and widely used approach in leisure, recreation, and psychology, the experience sampling method (ESM) is rarely used in tourism studies as a way to collect data on immediate conscious experiences during tourist events. This paper examines the use of ESM as it relates to tourist experience research. We begin by introducing ESM before exploring the application of this method to emerging smartphone technology. We then introduce a research approach, which incorporates the use of a digital ESM modified to act as a predominantly qualitative procedure, using voice recording software, to study the experience of educational tourists in Peru. The data gathered using this approach are analysed to examine the application and operational aspects of ESM. We consider the methodological implications of this research method by presenting findings on the length of qualitative discussions, reported mood, qualitative content related to ESM procedures, and post-trip recollection of ESM. The discussion that follows focuses on evidence of participant burden, reactivity, and anthropomorphism related to the use of smartphones as data collection tools. This paper concludes by outlining future research areas, with specific reference to spatial aspects, affect, and smartphone use, which expand the potential of ESM in tourist experience studies.  相似文献   
The authors provide a fundamental rethinking of how corporations should evaluate various kinds of risks and risk management solutions—a rethinking that leads to a major shift in British Petroleum's approach to insuring property and casualty losses, product liability suits, and other insurable events. Conventional corporate practice—and until the early 1990s (when this article was written) the longstanding policy of BP and most large oil companies—was to insure against large losses while self‐insuring against smaller ones. In this article, the authors explain why BP has chosen to go against the conventional wisdom and instead buy insurance for mainly smaller losses while self‐insuring larger ones. The BP decision came down to factors affecting the market supply of insurance as well as the corporate demand for it. On the demand side, the authors demonstrate that the primary source of demand for insurance by large public companies is not, as standard insurance textbooks assume, to transfer risk away from the corporation's owners. Because corporate stockholders and bondholders effectively manage the effects of such risks by diversifying their own portfolios, the corporate demand for insurance in BP's case stems from the insurers' comparative advantage in evaluating and monitoring BP's smaller risks and in processing claims. On the supply side, the authors explain why the capacity of insurance companies and markets to underwrite very large or highly specialized exposures—when compared to the industry expertise and financial resources of companies like BP—is quite limited, and likely to remain so. Since premiums would be experience‐rated and prior years' losses simply rolled into the following years' premiums, there would be no effective transfer of risk, and so no gain to BP from buying insurance.  相似文献   
Employee Rights Theory (ERT) and Labor Process Theory (LPT) are two major bodies of knowledge in contemporary social science committed to empowering employees in the workplace. Despite their seemingly common goals, the two have emerged almost independently of each other. The current article compares and contrasts these perspectives and suggests that empowerment can be better understood and fostered by drawing on ERT and LPT simultaneously. Specifically, a synergistic view suggests that empowerment occurs when individuals are willing and able to assert their interests and rights in a given situation. This assertion perspective to empowerment emphasizes the interaction of micro- and macro-level processes, a combination of conflict and cooperative strategies, use of the rights rhetoric to incite action, and the role of emotions in stimulating and/or preventing change.  相似文献   
This article analyzes the economic functions of independent insurance intermediaries (brokers and independent agents), focusing on the commercial property–casualty insurance market. The article investigates the functions performed by intermediaries, the competitiveness of the market, the compensation arrangements for intermediaries, and the process by which policies are placed with insurers. Insurance intermediaries are essentially market makers who match the insurance needs of policyholders with insurers who have the capability of meeting those needs. Intermediary compensation comprises premium‐based commissions, expressed as a percentage of the premium paid, and contingent commissions based on the profitability, persistency, and/or volume of the business placed with the insurer. Empirical evidence is provided that premium‐based and contingent commissions are passed on to policyholders in the premium. However, contingent commissions can enhance competitive bidding by aligning the insurer's and the intermediary's interests. This alignment of interests gives insurers more confidence in the selection of risks and thus helps to break the “winner's curse” and encourages insurers to bid more aggressively. Independent intermediaries also help markets operate more efficiently by reducing the information asymmetries between insurers and buyers that can cause adverse selection.  相似文献   
In a recent JACF article, Prakash Shimpi proposed a new way of calculating a firm's cost of capital that incorporated a concept of "risk capital" as well as operational capital. The premise of the Shimpi approach was that purchasing hedging instruments effectively "releases" equity that is no longer needed to ensure the firm's creditworthiness.
This article shows that Shimpi's cost of capital calculations incorporate this released equity in a misleading way, exaggerating the capital base and underestimating its true cost. It also demonstrates how conventional cost of capital approaches can be modified to integrate risk capital, thereby avoiding such distortions and accurately representing the cost of capital of a company with a policy of active risk management.  相似文献   
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