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This article studies the shareholder wealth effects associatedwith 875 new security issues in Japan from January 1, 1985,to May 31, 1991. The announcement of convertible debt issueshas a significant positive abnormal return of 1.05 percent.There is an abnormal return of 0.45 percent at the announcementof equity issues that is off-set by an abnormal return of 1.01percent on the issue day. Abnormal returns are negatively relatedto firm size, so that large Japanese firms have abnormal returnsless different from those of U.S. firms than small Japanesefirms. Our evidence is consistent with the view that Japanesemanagers decide to issue shares based on different considerationsthan American managers.  相似文献   
This article reexamines the value of tax trading when the taxrate on long-term realizations is less than that on short-termrealizations. In particular, the value of the option to realizelong-term capital gains and repurchase stock in order to increaseone's tax basis and restart the option to realize future lossesshort term is examined empirically. Our estimate of the incrementalvalue of restarting, which is based on the results of simulationsof several alternative tax trading policies over a large numberof independent return sequences, is generally much smaller thanthat reported by Constantinides (1984). The incremental valueof restarting is shown to depend critically on the particularpattern of realized returns and the assumed tax treatment ofunrealized capital gains at the end of the simulation period.The effects of stock price volatility, transaction costs, portfoliooffset rules, and realization cutoff levels on the value oftax trading are also investigated.  相似文献   
In a model of takeovers under asymmetric information, we identifya separating equilibrium in which the value of the bidder firmis revealed by the mix of cash and securities used as paymentfor the target. The model predicts that the revealed biddervalue is monotonically increasing and convex in the fractionof the total offer that consists of cash. We examine the modelrestrictions using data from Canada, where mixed offers areboth relatively frequent and free of the confounding tax-relatedoptions characterizing mixed offers in the United States. Wefind that the average announcement-month bidder abnormal returnin mixed offers is large and significant. However, maximum likelihoodestimates of parameters in both linear and nonlinear cross-sectionalregressions fail to support the model predictions.  相似文献   
The underreaction hypothesis and the new issue puzzle: evidence from Japan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article investigates the long-term equity performance ofJapanese firms issuing convertible debt and equity. We findthat issuing firms perform poorly (except for equity rightsissues) compared to nonissuing firms even though the stock-pricereaction to convertible debt and equity issues is not negativefor Japanese firms. This underperformance is strongest for firmsissuing public convertible debt. In contrast to the United States,poor performance is not concentrated in smaller firms and infirms with a high market-to-book ratio. Simple behavioral explanationsadvanced for the new issue puzzle in the United States do notseem consistent with the Japanese experience.  相似文献   
This article systematically examines the importance of exchangerate movements and industry competition for stock returns. Commonshocks to industries across countries are more important thancompetitive shocks due to changes in exchange rates. Weeklyexchange rate shocks explain almost nothing of the relativeperformance of industries. Using returns measured over longerhorizons, the importance of exchange rate shocks increases slightlyand the importance of industry common shocks increases moresubstantially. Both industry and exchange rate shocks are moreimportant for industries that produce internationally tradedgoods, but the importance of these shocks is economically smallfor these industries as well.  相似文献   
A theory of negotiated equity financing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the sale of equity within the context of a modelof negotiation between a firm and a less well informed purchaser.We introduce a simple form of negotiation by allowing the firmto set the price of the issue and by assuming that the purchaseis a financier-underwriter who acts strategically. This transactionis analyzed as a noncooperative game, and we identify sequentialequilibria that are consistent with observed behavior: namelythat negotiations occasionally fail, that market reactions toequity offers are not uniformly negative, and that equity placementsare often underpriced.  相似文献   
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