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笔者在基层财政工作多年,发现乡镇财政普遍存在一些错误的指导思想和作法,甚至经常违规违法而不知觉。产生这些现象的主要原因是由于乡镇财政工作地点偏僻、业务人员来源复杂、以及工作业务与党政相互交缠,以致在理财过程中,稍有不慎便滑入误区。笔者认为,乡镇理财应有如下十忌。  相似文献   
茶树的花蕾、花朵、幼果多,对茶叶的生长和产量均有直接的影响。如果在茶树开花期用棍棒打掉花、蕾,即花工费时,又不够彻底,还会损坏枝叶,不利茶叶生产。如果用“乙烯利”(又名“一试灵”)疏除花果,一般喷后15天落花率可达80%以上。其具体使用方法是:一、喷药浓度10月中旬至11月上旬茶花含苞待放时用浓度为800×10-6乙烯利(即每克药兑水1.25公斤)喷施,若大部分茶花已经开放,植株生长缓慢和气温较低,喷药浓度可提高到1000×10-6(每克药兑水1公斤),喷药时尽量均匀地喷在花朵、花蕾及幼果上。二…  相似文献   
Spokesperson from People's Bank of China said on June 19th, "further advance the reform in RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, and strengthen the flexibilitv of RMB exchange rate." This is the first time for China central bank give a clear attitude on reform in RMB exchange rate, which attracts great attention for global market. Does strengthening the flexibilityof RMB exchange ratemean that RMB will appreciate again? Why the central bank announces the news at this moment? How to choose the time for the reform in RMB exchange rate formation mechanism?  相似文献   
一、扦插法。1、苗圃选择:选阴凉、湿润、腐殖质较多的半沙质土壤或肥沃的沙壤土作扦插的苗圃地。2整地:苗圃地经过深挖后施足腐熟的人、畜、禽粪作底肥,然后作宽1米、高20厘米的龟资形苗床。3、扦插的时间和方法:在“惊蛰”前将一年生的枝条剪下,切成5个芽头的插条,上部一个芽要与顶端切面相平,下端切口面成马耳形,然后随即插入苗床中,所插深度为插条的三分之二,株距8~10厘米,行距20~25厘米。4、管理:扦插后要经常保持厢面湿润,高温季节搭建高1~1.5米遮阳棚,并覆盖6~7厘米厚的稻草或麦草,以保持用…  相似文献   
冬春季节增加蔬菜大棚的采光量 ,是保证蔬菜正常生长的重要措施。因此 ,除了合理的大棚朝向和棚顶角度外 ,还须注意以下几点 :一、保证棚膜清洁。对棚膜上的水滴和灰尘要经常打扫和清洗。下雪后要及时清除棚面上的积雪。晴好天气可在日出后放风排湿30~40分钟 ,以减少膜面水珠 ,让阳光照射棚内。二、巧除棚膜水滴。将大豆(黄豆)磨成细粉 ,每平方米用大豆粉10克 ,兑水150克浸泡2小时后用细纱布过滤液用喷雾器对着棚膜上的水滴喷洒 ,能使水滴很快落下 ,并能保持15~20天不生新水滴。三、改善采光条件。在保证棚内温度的前提下…  相似文献   
In the transition from “made in China” to “invented in China,” what is the motivation of Chinese firms in applying for patents? Why do some firms bypass patents? How is patenting developing within Chinese firms? This paper attempts to answer these questions using data of Chinese firms in the Yangtze River Delta region. Results indicate that, for product innovation, obtaining the lead time for market entry is of top priority in innovation protection, followed by confidentiality and patent protection. As for process innovation, confidentiality ranks first, followed by patent protection and obtaining the lead time. There is a significant and positive relationship between prior experience of patent licensing and possibility of future patent licensing. Firms with painful patent litigation experience tend to avoid it in the future. It is also found that there are great differences in patent behaviors between Chinese enterprises and their foreign counterparts.  相似文献   
Korean direct investment in China is growing fast recently with a clear layout directing Yangtze River Delta. Confronted with the characteristics of Korean direct investment, local cities are advised to seize the opportunity, accelerate opening and decrease the overlapped reconstruction and vicious competition in attracting foreign investment. More Korean direct investment should be introduced into Yangtze River Delta to upgrade the industrial structures and promote the international competitiveness of locai industry.  相似文献   
If you are considering to trade with companies in Japan or expanding your .business to Japan, we are ready to help from the very beginning." You will find this greeting at the first sight on the Chinese website of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). JETRO has committed itself in delivering highly efficient and quality services to meet the demand of internal and external customs including Japanese companies, hence winning a good reputation in the international trade arena. In recent years, with its priority in advancing business cooperation in South and East Asia, JETRO has made great achievement in promoting trade between China and Japan. Therefore, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. Yoichi Maine, Deputy Director General of JETRO BEIJING.  相似文献   
教学辅导被认为是远程教育系统中完善学习者支持服务的一个关键因素。韩国国立开放大学(KNOU)于2005年启动了一项新的辅导系统——对新生采用混合式辅导,以帮助新生适应新环境,更好的学习,进而提高远程学习系统的教育质量。KNOU的混合式辅导系统包括在线辅导和非在线辅导,实现了传统教学方法与现代技术的新结合。学生通过大学主页与辅导教师网站的链接,与各自的辅导教师进行联系(每个辅导教师大约辅导150名学生),对于非在线辅导,学生则被分成小组定期与辅导教师见面。本研究目的是调查学生对混合式辅导的满意程度,以及混合式辅导系统的有效性。研究者收集了以下资料:1785名学生接受过辅导的课程成绩,这些学生在第二学期的注册信息;288名参加过辅导的学生的问卷反馈。对以上数据采用SPSS软件进行均值、卡方检验和T测验分析。结果表明,混合式辅导系统是一种非常有效的方法,参加过辅导的学生对该辅导非常满意。混合式辅导可以显著提高学生的课程成绩和第二学期的注册率。基于以上结果,笔者就巨型开放大学如何更好地应用混合式辅导系统提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
一、粉碎 将阴干或晒干的秸秆粉碎成长10毫米、宽1~3毫米的草粉。各种原料需单独粉碎,即禾本科植物与豆科植物分别粉碎。 二、发酵 将粉碎好的禾本科草粉和豆科草粉按3:1的比例混匀。冬天用40~50℃温水拌草粉,湿度以手捏成团、落地即散为适。然后在背风屋角  相似文献   
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