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Abstract: This paper investigates the effects of foreign variables on the demand for money in Côte-d'Ivoire during 1970. I-1986. IV. In the model specification, we consider that Côte-d'Ivoire is a member of the Franc zone. Within the zone, the CFA Franc is pegged to the French Franc, but outside the zone or with the generalized floating system, the CFA Franc espouses the form taken by the French Franc against other major currencies. The model satisfactorily explains behavioral relationships under these two regimes. Domestic determinants of the demand for real cash balances are the real GDP, the expected rate of inflation, the degree of credit restraint, and expectations of economic instability. International influences are captured by foreign interest and exchange rates. Stability and causality tests indicate that the money demand relation has been stable over time and is highly influenced by foreign interest rates. Résumé: Le présent document étudie les incidences des variables extérieures sur la demande de monnaie en Côte-d'Ivoire de 1970. I à 1986.IV. Dans la spécification du modéle, nous considérons que la COcte-d'Ivoire est membre de la Zone Franc, mais hors de la Zone ou avec le systéme flottant généralisé, le Franc CFA adopte les formes proses par le Franc Francais par rapport aux devise fortes. Le modéle explique de manié satisfaisante les rapprots aux devises fortes. Le modéle explique de manié satisfaisante les rapprots de comportement sous ces deux régimes. Les facteurs déterminants sur la demande de bilans de trésorerie réelle sont le PIB réel, le taus d'inflation prévisionnel, le degré de pénurie de crédit, les menaces d'instabilitééconomique. Les influences internationales sont représentées par les intéréts étrangers et les taux de change. Les tests de stabilité et der cause à effect indiquent que le rapport de la demande de monnaie a éaté stable au fil du temps et est fortement influencé par les taus d'intérét étrangers.  相似文献   
Empirical results based on the re-examination of the data and models offered by Kormendi and Meguire (1985) and Gupta (1988) suggest that the impact of political freedom on economic growth is positive and significant. In particular, the replacement of their civil liberties variable by a new varible representing social capabilities improves the magnitude and significance of the estimated parameters and explanatory power of the regressions. The marginal contribution of social capabilities to explaining the percentage variations in the mean rate of income growth is the third highest among all determinants of growth, suggesting that the effect of freedom on growth is more pronounced than previously measured. It is argued that freedom will enable individuals to expand the range of socio-economic opportunities and to establish greater control over the human environment in order to improve material well-being.  相似文献   
Demand and subsititution elasticities from a translog cost model are estimated for the manufacturing sectors of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Conventional formulae for the standard errors of the estimated elasticities are checked by a bootstrap experiment, and their validity is confirmed for the moderate-sized samples of India and Pakistan. The elasticity estimates indicate a high degree of substitutability among capital, labour, and energy resources in manufacturing sectors of these countries. The result yields important policy implications for employment expansion through changing relative resource prices and the ability of these three economies to adjust to energy price shocks without serious impairment to economic growth.  相似文献   
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