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In this study we investigate whether the importance of accounting information in contracting and communication with shareholders and creditors affects earnings timeliness in publicly disclosed general‐purpose financial statements. To operationalize the relationship between timeliness demands and the importance of accounting information to shareholders and creditors, we compare the (asymmetry in) earnings timeliness of public firms with that of private firms. We attribute public versus private firm differences in timeliness to shareholders’ demands when a country’s institutions provide strong investor protection. Similarly, we attribute these differences to creditors’ demands when the institutions provide strong creditor protection. Our analysis of public and private firms in 13 Western European countries suggests that creditors and shareholders have different timeliness demands. In particular, we find that the public versus private firm difference in asymmetric timeliness is not associated with a country’s degree of investor protection but positively associated with a country’s degree of creditor protection. The results further suggest that shareholders demand symmetric rather than asymmetric timeliness. An important implication of our study is that general‐purpose financial statements are responsive to creditors’ reporting demands, which contrasts with the idea that these — primarily private — creditors would use special‐purpose reports.  相似文献   
Financial economists have long debated whether monetary policy is neutral. This article addresses this question by examining how stock return data respond to monetary policy shocks. Monetary policy is measured by innovations in the federal funds rate and nonborrowed reserves, by narrative indicators, and by an event study of Federal Reserve policy changes. In every case the evidence indicates that expansionary policy increases ex-post stock returns. Results from estimating a multi-factor model also indicate that exposure to monetary policy increases an asset's ex-ante return.  相似文献   
An “effects‐based” or “economics‐based” approach to competition policy requires a theory of harm that causally links a business practice and its allegedly anti‐competitive effects and also weighs anti competitive effects against the pro‐competitive effects of the practice. This implies a shift away from per se prohibitions of certain practices towards case‐by‐case analysis – a move that has been hotly debated, especially in Europe. Using a case study of the recently concluded British American Tobacco case, we study the core features of an effects‐based approach to vertical restraints. We find the approach followed in the British American Tobacco South Africa case generally consistent with an effects‐based analysis, but highlight some limitations.  相似文献   
This paper addresses two sets of issues relevant to current and prospective future E(M)U members: the consequences of the Stability & Growth Pact for fiscal‐financial sustainability and macroeconomic stability, and some risks associated with operational independence of the central bank. To be effective as a lender of last resort or to stabilise demand when short nominal interest rates are close to their zero lower bound, the central bank must coordinate and cooperate with the fiscal authorities. Central bank independence is unlikely to survive if such coordination and cooperation are not forthcoming.  相似文献   
In a sticky price model with investment spending, recent research shows that inflation-forecast targeting interest rate policy makes determinacy of equilibrium essentially impossible. We examine a necessary and sufficient condition for determinacy under interest rate policy that responds to a weighted average of an inflation forecast and current inflation. This condition demonstrates that the average-inflation targeting policy ensures determinacy as long as both the response to average inflation and the relative weight of current inflation are large enough. We also find that interest rate policy that responds solely to past inflation guarantees determinacy when its response satisfies the Taylor principle and is not large. These results still hold even when wages and hours worked are determined by Nash bargaining.  相似文献   
Les auteurs se demandent si l’importance de l’information comptable dans l’établissement de contrats et la communication avec les actionnaires et les créanciers a une incidence sur la rapidité de publication de l’information sur les résultats (c’est‐à‐dire sur l’actualité de cette information), dans les états financiers à vocation générale diffusés dans le public. Pour opérationnaliser la relation entre les exigences relatives à l’actualité de l’information et l’importance de l’information comptable pour les actionnaires et les créanciers, les auteurs comparent l’actualité de l’information sur les résultats (l’asymétrie de cette information) dans les entreprises à capital ouvert par rapport aux entreprises à capital fermé. Ils attribuent les écarts dans l’actualité de l’information entre les entreprises à capital ouvert et les entreprises à capital fermé aux exigences des actionnaires, dans les pays où les institutions assurent une solide protection aux investisseurs. De façon analogue, ils attribuent ces écarts aux exigences des créanciers, dans les pays où les institutions assurent une solide protection aux créanciers. Leur analyse des entreprises à capital ouvert et à capital fermé dans 13 pays de l’Europe occidentale semble indiquer que les créanciers et les actionnaires ont des exigences différentes relativement à l’actualité de l’information. Les auteurs constatent notamment que l’écart entre les entreprises à capital ouvert et les entreprises à capital fermé en ce qui a trait à l’asymétrie de l’actualité de l’information n’est pas associéà la mesure dans laquelle un pays protège les investisseurs, mais qu’il affiche une relation positive avec la mesure dans laquelle un pays protège les créanciers. Les résultats de l’étude tendent également à démontrer que les actionnaires réclament la symétrie plutôt que l’asymétrie de l’actualité de l’information. Ces observations débouchent sur une conclusion importante : les états financiers à vocation générale sont sensibles aux exigences d’information des créanciers, ce qui contraste avec l’hypothèse selon laquelle ces créanciers — essentiellement privés — s’intéresseraient aux rapports à vocation spéciale.  相似文献   
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