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To explain China's dramatic economic growth, researchers have proposed a “tournament thesis.” According to this thesis, the central government's ability to set growth targets has played a crucial role in growth since political promotion is largely based on local economic growth. We use provincial officials' career mobility data to test this thesis. For both time periods (1979–1995 and 1979–2002), economic performance, measured in annual, average and relative terms, did not affect these officials' career advancement. We then sketch an alternative analytical framework to explain Chinese local officials' strong urge for developmentalism and, finally, draw policy implications from this explanatory framework.  相似文献   
Over the past three decades, few factors have changed the world economy more than China's growtk Hundreds of millions of people have experienced massive improvements in their conditions of living. As a result, the aspiration of billions of people worldwide to escape poverty has become a realistic prospect in the 21 st century. However, the Chinese experience also shows that realizing this prospect comes with the huge challenge of reducing environmental disruption fast enough.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the RD motivations of various multinationals operating in China, drawing on a large-scale, firm-level dataset of official Chinese statistics on science and technology activities. The present study shows that RD efforts in China have intensified for bothJbreign-owned and domestic firms, but less so for foreign-owned firms, perhaps because foreign-owned firms tend to operate on a foundation of technological capabilities developed within their home countries. Statistical analysis confirms that the major motivations for foreign RD in China are production-driven, not market-driven or technology-driven. Nevertheless, one sees significant variations in foreign RD strategies from region to region. Guangdong is characterized by production-driven RD. In Beijing, RD strategies tend to take a technology-driven approach, drawing on the clusters of scienl(fic institutions. In Shanghai, the RD efforts of multinationals tend to focus on support for market-driven RD,  相似文献   
桶椅,与赛车不可分隔的历史见证桶椅的出现虽与赛车无关,但它的进化却与赛车血肉相连。  相似文献   
作为学生一族,我们不太喜欢跟着旅行团到处跑,我们更喜欢自由的,随性的旅行活动。旅行的伙伴就是三五好友,同学一起,去一些一直想去的地方。韩国既是如此。  相似文献   
Mark 《汽车与社会》2014,(20):16-16
这是一个值得让我说真话的话题。或许这不是你认同的观点。不过,这确实是我作为改装行业的从业者内心深处对其的理解,而仅仅只代表我个人。改装一词说好听了叫做改装,说难听了充其量就叫做“换装”。在我接触的大大小小上百家改装店家中,能拥有自身独立技术资源的店家数量可能还不到10%。  相似文献   
Jerry 《致富之友》2011,(12):76-77
秋拍大戏正在上演,在这个舞台上,有的艺术家华丽演出继续。有的则黯然落幕。不同结局,不同声音,旁观者更是见仁见智。在观众日益挑剔的时代.名家名角.都保不齐有人喝倒彩。初出茅庐的愣头小子,要想出彩.更是需要功底和运气。  相似文献   
Lisa 《致富之友》2011,(3):24-25
“沃霍尔热潮”继续在2月16日的伦敦佳士得“战后及当代艺术”拍卖上升温,红白色的《自画像》一跃超越了它的估价(300—500万英镑).最终以1080万英镑成交,被拉里·高古轩夺得。这是伦敦本周当代拍品中成交价最高的作品。  相似文献   
Andy 《汽车与社会》2012,(3):63-65
相比宝马5系和奔驰E级,同为豪华品牌的凯迪拉克,早早地就在国内实现了行政级轿车的国产,同时凯迪拉克宽宽大大的设计理念,也从十几年前开始,就引导了国人对于后排空间的需要。然而,这款国产已久的SLS赛威,在当今的车市中却没有取得上佳的成绩。为什么?原因有很多,除去该领域里的各路竟品皆在品牌与口碑上拥有强大的优势外,SLS赛威自身也存在许多“水土不服”的原因。  相似文献   
“中国”,一直都是近几届巴塞尔国际钟表珠宝展的热门词,今年也不例外。除了大批中国钟表经销商前去参观订货外,还有一批能够代表中国精尖技术的中国腕表企业入驻2号馆。巴塞尔国际钟表珠宝展组委会还专门针对中国市场召开了一次新闻发布会,参会发言嘉宾的规格和全球官方新闻发布会一样,这也足以表现了主办方对中国市场的高度重视。  相似文献   
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