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The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) guarantees employees 12 weeks of unpaid leave. However, studies find either small or insignificant effects of the legislation on employment, work, leave-taking, and wages. Perhaps employees are unable to use the leave because it is unpaid or they do not need family leave because they already may take off work via vacation, sick leave, and disability leave policies. If so, then family leave legislation may have increased employer-provided family leave without corresponding effects on employment-related outcomes. This article examines family leave legislation's effects on employers' family leave policies, finding positive effects. (JEL J1, J2, J3 )  相似文献   
DAVID BAUM 《银行家》2004,(2):148-149
几乎没有哪个行业像金融服务行业那样竞争激烈.其市场领导人以执着于削减运营开支、发现有利可图的产品和服务而著称.Riggs银行就是一个最重要的例子.作为位于华盛顿特区顶尖的银行机构,Riggs银行负责为个人、非盈利机构、企业及诸如大使馆等政府机构提供金融管理产品和服务."过去,人们很难追踪诸如大使馆、外国代表团和商业账户等机构的盈利能力,"Riggs银行资深副总裁兼审计官Bob Cern说道,"目前,我们正在使用Oracle公司的盈利能力评估工具,仔细审核我们的客户关系并优化我们的定价策略."  相似文献   
DAVID BAUM 《银行家》2004,(2):156-157
当IT专业人员为信息系统集成和在不同的业务部门之间实施一体化的业务系统时,购并行为向金融服务企业提出了前所未有的挑战.金融巨头摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)就是一个例子,它收购了众多巨型企业,最终成为现在这样一个金融航母.因此,其财务会计处理过程随每一次购并而变得更为复杂,这使其获得综合资产负债表变得日益困难.  相似文献   
DAVID BAUM 《银行家》2004,(2):162-163
越来越多的安全性考虑、越来越高的法规要求以及越来越激烈的竞争压力正迫使金融服务公司简化其运营流程.在一个信息是主要流通方式的行业中,简化技术基础架构具有很大的挑战性而且成本高昂.因此毫不奇怪,很多银行正将其后台办公信息系统迁移到经济有效的Linux操作系统,甚至一些金融机构还在考虑将Linux用于其核心银行处理活动.  相似文献   
Organizational learning is central to a number of strategic theories. Recent arguments, however, identify risks associated with learning from own experience in the form of overattention to the short term and local conditions. The experience of the industry may offer opportunities for organizational learning that the experience of the organization does not, because industry experience is more varied, and not tied to the path-dependent history of any one organization. We investigate the influence of own experience and of two types of industry experience on the failure rates of U.S. hotel chains. The two types of industry experience are operating experience, which is a discounted sum of the units operated by U.S. hotel chains in the history of the industry, and competitive experience, which is a discounted sum of the number of failures of U.S. hotel chains in the history of the industry. We find that (a) organizations initially benefit from their own experience, but are harmed in the long run, (b) generalist organizations are more weakly affected by their own experience than specialists, (c) organizations benefit from their industry’s operating experience, accumulated both before and after the organization’s entry, and (d) organizations benefit from their industry’s competitive experience, but only after the organization’s entry. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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