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We develop real rainbow option models to value an operating asset with the flexibility to choose between two commodity outputs. We provide a quasi-analytical solution and a numerical lattice solution to a model with continuous switching opportunities between two commodity outputs, taking into account operating and switching costs. The models are applied to an illustrative case, demonstrating that the quasi-analytical solution and the lattice approach provide near identical results for the asset valuation and optimal switching boundaries. We find that the switching boundaries generally narrow as prices decline. In the presence of operating costs and temporary suspension, however, the thresholds diverge for low enough prices. A fertilizer plant with flexibility between selling ammonia and urea is valued in an empirical section using our real option models. Despite the high correlation between the two alternative commodities, ammonia and urea, there is significant value in the flexibility to choose between the two. Both strategic and policy implications for stakeholders in flexible assets are discussed, with some generalisations outside the fertilizer industry.  相似文献   
Property development activities often occur in stages, which are appropriately modeled as sequential American exchange property options, where there are interim expenditures required in order to keep the property development options “alive”. Normally American exchange options require a numerical solution, but herein there is a new closed-form approximate solution, which is computationally efficient and accurate. This method combines repeats of Margrabe European exchange and Geske compound option solutions with tight upper boundaries of either American perpetuities or European exchange options with a high volatility. Illustrations are provided of the sensitivity of the real sequential options and optimal timing to changes in several parameters, which provide a framework for property policy (tax, subsidy and regulatory) guidelines and for property development strategy evaluation. There are several plausible applications of these real option models in commercial and residential property development, within commercial property leases, with regard to switching tenants, and agricultural alternatives.  相似文献   
This study investigates the structure of the implied volatility smile, using the prices of equity options traded on the LIFFE. First, the slope of the implied volatility curve is significantly negative for both individual stocks and index options, and the slope is less negative for longer‐term options. The implied volatility skew can be described by risk‐neutral skewness and kurtosis, with the former having the first‐order effect. Moreover, the implied volatility skew for individual stock options is less severe than for index options. Finally, the relationship between the real and risk‐neutral moments implied in option prices is significant. The results indicate that, for equity options traded on the LIFFE, the slope of the implied volatility skew is flatter than that on the Chicago Board of Exchange (CBOE). © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 28:57–81, 2008  相似文献   
The effect of macroeconomic crises on child health is a topicof great policy importance. This article analyzes the impactof a profound crisis in Peru on infant mortality. It finds anincrease of about 2.5 percentage points in the infant mortalityrate for children born during the crisis of the late 1980s,which implies that about 17,000 more children died than wouldhave in the absence of the crisis. Accounting for the precisesource of the increase in infant mortality is difficult, butit appears that the collapse in public and private expenditureson health played an important role.  相似文献   
We provide an alternative analytic approximation for the value of an American option using a confined exponential distribution with tight upper bounds. This is an extension of the Geske and Johnson compound option approach and the Ho et al. exponential extrapolation method. Use of a perpetual American put value, and then a European put with high input volatility is suggested in order to provide a tighter upper bound for an American put price than simply the exercise price. Numerical results show that the new method not only overcomes the deficiencies in existing two-point extrapolation methods for long-term options but also further improves pricing accuracy for short-term options, which may substitute adequately for numerical solutions. As an extension, an analytic approximation is presented for a two-factor American call option.  相似文献   
Recent evidence suggests that future performance is predictable from past performance, that is, funds with superior (inferior) performance in the past are likely to remain good (bad) performers in the future. This research addresses the persistence of mutual fund performance in a European regional market (the Portuguese equity fund market). Some of the problems in evaluating fund persistence are identified in the context of limited sample size and using the peer group median as a benchmark for contingency table analysis of performance persistence. The criteria for assessing performance persistence based on the contingency table methodology of repeated winners and losers are presented in terms of significance statistics, adjusted for small sample bias. The adjustments are accomplished through the Yates continuity correction and Fisher's exact p-value. The appropriateness of each criteria under different circumstances is also discussed. The analysis of the returns of all Portuguese domestic equity funds, since a representative number was established, shows some performance persistence (on a quarterly basis). The persistence, however, is reduced when the returns are controlled for the various dimensions of risk. Significant risk persistence has been documented. Furthermore, for more or less frequent intervals of measurement, the industry persistence is rejected, although individual funds exhibit superior/inferior performance.  相似文献   
This article evaluates Tourinho's (1979b Tourinho, O. A.F. 1979b. “The valuation of reserves of natural resources: an option pricing approach”. Berkeley: University of California. PhD thesis [Google Scholar]) work as one of the earliest contributors to the real options literature. His model pioneered the application of risk neutrality to uncertain investments, but his originality of introducing an option-holding cost albeit to overcome the extraction paradox is rarely imitated. We claim that the combination of a convenience yield and an option-holding cost produces a more satisfying representation. Moreover, variations in the holding cost give rise to a host of investment decisions ranging from the standard real option solution for a zero-holding cost to a net present value solution for an infinite-holding cost. Not only does the holding cost mediate between these two poles, but it provides the option seller (usually a landowner or a government) with a policy instrument for influencing the extraction timing and thus the extraction profit of the option buyer. We derive the holding cost that optimizes the landowner's combined value of the option premium, holding costs and eventual royalties.  相似文献   
We use data from the Whitehall II Study to examine the joint evolution of health status and economic status over the life course. We study the links between health and socioeconomic status in childhood and health and employment status at older ages. We find early life socioeconomic status is significantly associated with health over the life course, even though selection into Whitehall mutes the effects of childhood. In addition, we find that current position in the civil service is not associated with future self-assessed health, but current self-assessed health is significantly associated with promotion in the civil service.  相似文献   
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