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英特尔和美光投资50亿美元共建NAND闪存制造合资企业 2005年11月22日,通过与美光科技公司联盟共同投资50亿美元巨资兴建一家新的合资制造公司,英特尔突然高调进入火爆的NAND闪存市场。英特尔公司进入这一市场的时机  相似文献   
A new environmental performance model is developed, explained and subsequently applied to a study of the Canadian recycled paper industry. The strategic position of the industry is explored as it takes the progressive steps needed to improve its environmental performance and competitive advantage in response to this rising regulatory agenda. Three policy options facing the Canadian pulp and paper industry are examined: the status quo, process technology innovation and product development. The strategic position of the industry is also examined using measurement of stance, attitude, government response, values, planning horizon and environmental integration. The supplier-consumer relationship, capital-technology and locational factors are also used to further discuss the links between competitive advantage and environmental performance. From this discussion, conclusions are drawn on competitive environmentalism: ethics and profit are compatible; newsprint mills must improve their locational, technology and market actions; the industry must proactively seek out environmental market and stakeholder opportunities and; further management research is needed to demonstrate the links between environmental performance, innovation and competitiveness.  相似文献   
The center of a univariate data set {x 1,…,x n} can be defined as the point μ that minimizes the norm of the vector of distances y′=(|x 1−μ|,…,|x n−μ|). As the median and the mean are the minimizers of respectively the L 1- and the L 2-norm of y, they are two alternatives to describe the center of a univariate data set. The center μ of a multivariate data set {x 1,…,x n} can also be defined as minimizer of the norm of a vector of distances. In multivariate situations however, there are several kinds of distances. In this note, we consider the vector of L 1-distances y1=(∥x 1- μ1,…,∥x n- μ1) and the vector of L 2-distances y2=(∥x 1- μ2,…,∥x n-μ2). We define the L 1-median and the L 1-mean as the minimizers of respectively the L 1- and the L 2-norm of y 1; and then the L 2-median and the L 2-mean as the minimizers of respectively the L 1- and the L 2-norm of y 2. In doing so, we obtain four alternatives to describe the center of a multivariate data set. While three of them have been already investigated in the statistical literature, the L 1-mean appears to be a new concept. Received January 1999  相似文献   
Life-cycle stages require changes in both operations and management styles. Different personnel sales skills, qualities, and motivation are optimum for the various phases of industrial product life cycles. Early phases require creativity and informality. Growth phases require emphasis on operational planning, staging, training, optimism, problem solving, and stamina. Mature phases demand emphasis on efficiency, administration, judgement, and conservatism. Cutback phases place a premium on “hard-nosed” decisiveness, objectivity, judgement, and courage.  相似文献   
2006年1月份的消费类电子展上,三星公司推出的基于LED的背投电视令参观者眼花缭乱,最终赢得了市场,而另一家来自香港的NuVision公司也在8月份发布了LED单元。尽管早期的单元仍存在技术或生产问题,更多的制造商还是在紧随其后。  相似文献   
An empirical study based upon a sample of 645 small businesses assesses the relationship that life cycle stage and level of competition exhibit with the problems perceived to constrain small business strategic planning. Problems have been identified as either internal (cash flow) or external (competition); they have further been classified as either situational or core problems. Among the most prevalent problems reported by decision makers are customer contact, market knowledge, marketing planning, location, and adequacy of capital. A total of 16 problem areas were identified. Traditional wisdom offers the scenario where problems faced will vary as the organization progresses through the life cycle. Much of this research refutes conventional wisdom in that level of competition was determined to have more of an impact on problem perception.  相似文献   
虽然凌力尔特(Linear,原中文名称为:凌特。)只占全球模拟IC市场3%的份额,但是其高达40%的利润率却赢得了行业的很多尊重。《Electronic Business》杂志总编辑John Dodge采访了自从2005年1月以来担任凌力尔特首席执行官的Lothar Maier。Maier从公司创始人Bob Swanson手中接过这一重任,而后者是凌力尔特1981年成立以来唯一的一位首席执行官。该公司的产品包括放大器、电池管理设备、数据转换器、稳压器和电压基准等。  相似文献   
存储器可谓高技术领域的石油。就像这几年原油市场经常出现的情形一样,如果供给过度,价格便迅速下落。如果供应短缺,价格便会上涨。非常鲜见的是,供给和需求达到平衡,价格也趋于稳定。  相似文献   
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