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In 2007–2008, when food prices started to increase dramatically, purchasing power parity of consumers, especially the urban poor, started to decrease automatically. High food prices were argued to cause poverty, hunger, and food riots among urban populations. Henceforward, “food crisis” became a new storyline in the current debate. In contrast, in the pre-2007 period, when rural farmers had been facing negative welfare effects of low food prices for many years, there were no crisis talks. This article analyzes different media coverage of urban consumers and rural producers under changes in relative incomes for the 2000–2013 period and propounds media bias on the food crisis debate by using content analysis and the OLS regression model.  相似文献   
Our paper explores the prospects for the proposed East African Monetary Union (EAMU) by employing rigorous empirical tools to analyse business cycles synchronisation, structural cross-correlations, spectral decomposition and regional clusters to identify different cyclical episodes, periodicities and characterise the economic cycles of East African countries. We find that cyclical movements reflect various idiosyncratic, common, historical and external shocks in the region. Secondly, all countries appear to be structurally correlated with each other except for South Sudan and Burundi. Our results also observe that the contemporaneous co-movements of East African Community (EAC) cycles with those of Kenya and Tanzaniaare procyclical with coincidental path shift, while the same EAC cycles appear to be acyclical with those of Burundi. Additionally, from the spectral decomposition, Kenyan cycles take 10 years to complete, while those of Tanzania and Rwanda take 8 years. Ugandan and Burundian cycles take approximately 5 years, while the cyclical frequency for South Sudan corresponds to 3.3 years. Finally, the cluster characterisation of countries reveals that South Sudan, Burundi and Rwanda form a group, while Kenya and Tanzania from a group distinct from the rest. We urge the member countries to prioritise policies on regional risk-sharing and adjustment mechanisms, in addition to establishing credible institutional infrastructure that ensures surveillance and enforcement of convergence conditions adopted in EAMU protocol.  相似文献   
This paper attempts to investigate the relationships between development in the financial sector and the size of the underground economy in European Union countries. Our aim is to investigate the role of financial sector development when it comes to the size of the underground economy, as well as how financial development aids in meeting the growth objectives of the ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’. Panel data analysis will be conducted for the period 2004–2017 in order to examine the effects of financial sector development on the size of the underground economy. The main findings of this paper suggest that financial development has a significantly reducing effect on the size of the underground economy. In conclusion, development within the financial sector significantly lessens underground economic activity in the European Union. With further development of the financial sector, underground economies will not be an obstacle for the fulfilment of the cohesion and growth objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.  相似文献   
The participation of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War caused economic disruptions, huge budget deficits, surmounted inflation rates and excessive depreciation of Lira, the Ottoman currency. Based on the value of Lira against the currencies of Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden that were not in the war, we focus on the effects of news about the war on the foreign exchange rates at the ?stanbul bourse from 1918 to 1919. Our results signify some dates, which match the announcements of the armistices and peace meetings, heralding continuous depreciation of Lira. Thus, the findings support the presence of an expectation on the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire with the peace, marked by the escalation of the loss in trust for the Lira and the power of the state in foreign exchange interventions.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the formation of convergence clubs and examines the drivers of growth convergence in Africa by accounting for individual heterogenous effects and establishing transitional paths. We particularly employ the sophisticated log t test to identify underlying convergence clubs and use LSDVC as a benchmark model for analysing the drivers of convergence. We also apply the System Generalized method of moments (GMM) model for sensitivity purposes. Our results reveal four core convergence clubs; seemingly characterised by the measures of institutional stability with distinct transitional paths. We consequently highlight the importance of initial conditions, human capital and institutions in the formation of convergence clubs. Thus, the paper provides insights into the adoption of differentiated development policies consistent with the specific conditions of African countries with the integration agenda driven by accelerated levels of human capital development and technological progress.  相似文献   
In this study, we assess empirically whether consumer confidence indices contain information about future private consumption growth in Turkey. To this end, we estimate models for quarterly total, durable, and nondurable consumption growth with and without sentiment indicators. We evaluate in-sample forecasts and one-step-ahead out-of-sample forecasts from recursive ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates. We also test permanent income and precautionary savings hypotheses with our results. We use overall indices of CNBC-e and Turkstat-CBRT Surveys, and Consumer Expectations Index (CEI) and Propensity to Consume Index (PCI) from the CNBC-e Survey as sentiment measures. We show that the lagged values of consumer sentiment have explanatory power on consumption growth. However, when used in conjunction with other economic variables such as real labor income, real stock price, real interest rate, and exchange rate, only CNBC-e for total consumption, and CBRT and PCI for nondurable consumption provide independent information about future consumption growth. Similarly, the gains in out-of-sample forecasts are observed under the absence of other variables and disappear in almost all cases following their inclusion to the estimations. Finally, we find no clear evidence for either precautionary savings motive or permanent income hypothesis on the link between consumer sentiment and future total consumption changes.  相似文献   
In this article, we compute the potential welfare gains and the realized gains from risk-sharing among Middle East and North African (MENA) countries, including the oil-rich Gulf region and the resource-scarce economies. We find that the overall potential welfare gains across MENA countries are positive for all countries under the assumption of full risk-sharing. The potential welfare gains among the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries are positive even though the magnitudes are smaller compared to those of the rest of the MENA region. We also quantify the extent of risk-sharing for the MENA region and show that it is significant for the MENA region and its subgroups; however, we could not find any sign of inter-temporal smoothing across the same groups. Decomposing the aggregate output shocks shows that the extent of risk-sharing is significant when only positive output shocks exist across the resource-scarce MENA economies. However, we observe that GCC countries share output risks with each other even under negative output shocks.  相似文献   
The paper quantifies the most likely trade effects of the exceptional cases of the GATT/WTO system, namely, Regional Integration Agreements, on the selected member as well as non-member countries of the EU, NAFTA, MERCOSUR and AFTA. To this end, the gravity model was estimated through fixed effects model and panel cointegration analysis. It was found that the explanatory power of the latter has superseded the former one. For the case of EU, it was found that the intra-union trade-creation effect is approximately six times larger than extra-union effects. In NAFTA, exports to outside countries are significantly diverted. For MERCOSUR, on the other hand, results indicate that the integration has not contributed to intra-union trade. The members are still significantly dependent on extra-union imports, just like the members of AFTA.  相似文献   
Studies on increasing the effectiveness of municipality services will be carried out only by measuring and increasing the public’s satisfaction with the services. Such studies are considered as feedback for increasing the quality of municipality services and maintaining the productivity of these services. In recent years, thanks to the services provided in line with the understanding of social municipality services, Eskisehir, which has become one of the most popular cities in Turkey, set an example for the municipalities of other cities. The purpose of the present study was to determine the factors influencing the degree of public satisfaction with the services provided by the Metropolitan Municipality of Eskisehir and to establish a mathematical model determining the public’s level of overall satisfaction with the services. In the study, first, the attitudes of the public in Eskisehir towards the services of the Metropolitan Municipality of Eskisehir were examined via factor analysis. As a result of the analysis, the factor scores regarding the factors obtained from the public’s satisfaction with the municipality services were considered as independent variables, and a mathematical model determining the public’s level of overall satisfaction with the services was created. Because, while creating this model, outliers were found in y direction within the data set, M regression analysis, resistant to such outliers, was applied. With the help of the mathematical model established as a result of the study, it was possible to determine all the factors influencing the public’s overall satisfaction with the municipality services and to find out how influential these factors were on the degree of their satisfaction with such municipality services as the transportation and traffic regulations, cultural and art activities, environmental cleaning and planning and arrangement of parks/gardens and sports areas.  相似文献   
The social responsibility aspect of the luxury product concept has recently started to receive more attention from researchers and practitioners. However, the luxury product perceptions measurement in the literature often does not incorporate the sustainable environment friendly dimensions of the luxury goods consumption. Therefore in this study, we attempt to investigate the role of sustainable environment benefits in consumers’ value perceptions of the luxury products. Data for the study was collected from n?=?218 female consumers who were shopping in high-end luxury apparel retailers located in exclusive shopping centers in Turkey. Study results show four dimensions (exclusiveness, normative beliefs, self-directed pleasure, and social/prestige) of luxury goods perceptions of female Turkish consumers. Practical and research implications of the study findings are presented.  相似文献   
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