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基于变革时代背景对企业的资金资源配置行为进行研究发现:资产专用性能够抑制企业的现金持有水平.盈余管理和股价崩盘风险在资产专用性抑制现金持有水平的作用中分别发挥正向和负向的调节效应.以代理成本推动的"帝国建造"行为、以研发投入代表的"革故鼎新"行为,均在资产专用性抑制现金持有水平作用中发挥中介传导效果.这为变革时代背景下如何指导企业资产结构的合理优化、实现企业"精准"匹配资金资源,提供了新的方向与思路.  相似文献   
Using a large and unique patent‐merger data set over the period 1984 to 2006, we show that companies with large patent portfolios and low R&D expenses are acquirers, while companies with high R&D expenses and slow growth in patent output are targets. Further, technological overlap between firm pairs has a positive effect on transaction incidence, and this effect is reduced for firm pairs that overlap in product markets. We also show that acquirers with prior technological linkage to their target firms produce more patents afterwards. We conclude that synergies obtained from combining innovation capabilities are important drivers of acquisitions.  相似文献   
公司治理与IPO抑价——来自中国股票市场的经验证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jensen与Meckling(1976)认为,代理成本是投资者愿意支付的价格与公司内在价值之间的差异。投资者对公司代理成本的预期也会体现在IPO定价过程中,良好的公司治理结构有助于降低公司IPO抑价。本文以我国2002—2003年的133家IPO公司为研究样本,研究样本公司治理结构特征对IPO抑价的影响。结果发现,控制权结构特征以及关联交易性质对IPO抑价有显著的影响,而董事会独立性对IPO的抑价影响则不显著。本文的结果表明,良好的公司治理结构可以显著地降低IPO抑价,降低公司股权融资成本。  相似文献   
基于最大熵原理的地铁换乘站乘客流线优化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理的乘客流线设计是地铁换乘站客流组织的关键技术之一.通过引入乘客流线优化测度熵的概念,基于最大熵原理,将乘客流线优化抽象为最大化测度熵的非线性约束优化问题,并构建了乘客流线优化模型.算例结果表明,不同O-D需求下,由于流线方案与换乘站建筑空间布局匹配程度的不同,导致流线方案集合T的概率分布p(xj)差异显著.  相似文献   
Current advances in iron nutrition are remarkable. This study was carried out to determine the level of knowledge among the university and college students in Japan, Korea, Thailand and Indonesia. Although about 90% of the students participating in the study knew that iron deficiency causes anaemia, they have poor overall knowledge about iron nutrition. More Korean students believed that milk and its products are a good source of iron and the promoter for its absorption. This may be attributed to misunderstandings engendered by the mass media. Iron nutrition education in home economics classes at primary and junior high schools is important, and home economics teachers in South-east Asia must emphasize this importance.  相似文献   
Asset write-ups or revaluations are a common feature of Australian accounting and reporting practice. This paper adopts the perspective that efficiency rather than opportunism is the reason for revaluations. It argues asset revaluations are a low-cost mechanism for mitigating underinvestment problems induced by the presence of risky debt and exacerbated by the manner in which conventional borrowing limitations are written. It is hypothesized that revaluation should be positively related to the presence of growth opportunities, financial leverage and the presence of borrowing limitations; and negatively related to a firm's ability to finance growth internally. The empirical results generally support the hypothesized relationships.  相似文献   
Model uncertainty affects the monetary policy delegation problem. If there is uncertainty with regards to the determination of the delegated objective variables, the central bank will want robustness against potential model misspecifications. We show that with plausible degree of model uncertainty, delegation of the Friedman rule of increasing the money stock by k percent to the central bank will outperform commitment to the social loss function (flexible inflation targeting). The reason is that the price paid for robustness under flexible inflation targeting outweighs the inefficiency of money growth targeting. Imperfect control of money growth does not change this conclusion.  相似文献   
Some China scholars have suggested that ‘business groups’ in pre‐Communist China adopted a ‘hierarchical’ structure of management. This perception is re‐examined in a study of the inter‐firm relationship among the firms in which the Rong brothers, prominent industrialists of the 1910–30s, invested. We find that equity control, marketing, purchasing, and financing of these firms show a high degree of individuality among the firms, while the Headquarters Company functioned as their coordinator. It suggests that the hierarchical‐controlled ‘business group’ structure in pre‐war China is either a phantom creation of historians or the projected image of later generations who created it during the nationalisation of firms in the 1950s.  相似文献   
新共和主义的两大分支——新雅典共和主义和新罗马共和主义都对"公民参与"持积极态度。但由于二者自由观的差异,前者较为保守,后者更为激进。"公民参与"在规范意义上遭受的质疑反映出新共和主义面临的挑战,其实质是自由主义政治理论在当代西方社会仍具有较强生命力。新共和主义试图与自由主义并驾齐驱,在其理论构建上尚须完善。  相似文献   
Recent developments in international financial markets have highlighted the role of banks in the transmission of shocks across borders. We employ dynamic panel methods for a sample of OECD countries to analyze whether banks' foreign assets react to macroeconomic shocks at home and abroad. We find that banks reduce their foreign assets in response to a relative increase in domestic interest rates, and they increase their foreign assets when the growth rate of world energy prices rises. The responses are characterized by a temporal overshooting and a dynamic adjustment process that extends over several quarters.  相似文献   
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