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The economic literature on capital flows to developing countries has shared two important commonalities since the 1990s. Published works (whether they focus on the external situation or stress the domestic determinants of capital flows) tend to assume a beneficial effect of capital inflows, which leads to an improvement of peripheral institutions, whose deficiencies are ostensibly the main cause of economic turmoil and/or failure in attracting capital flows, in continuity with New Institutional Economics. In doing so, mainstream economists deliberately overlook the asymmetric characteristics of the international monetary system and the persisting hegemony of dollar. Raul Prebisch’s pioneering work on business cycles in Latin America provide an alternative view, one capable of amending the existing mainstream literature. On the one hand, Prebisch stressed the destabilizing role of capital inflows on Latin American economies, particularly short-term speculative capital. On the other hand, Prebisch designed a set of counter cyclical monetary policies in order to contrast capital volatility, particularly during downturns. An analysis of stylized facts shows that, when correctly updated, Prebisch’s theory has remarkable explanatory potential when applied to Latin America’s current economic and financial situation.  相似文献   
由于规模经济的原因,作为信息劣势方——投资者公共利益代表者的政府必然成为强制性信忠披露的主体。政府按照参与约束原则和激励相容原则进行机制设计甄别金融组织,引导其确定合理的信忠披露边界,形成分离均衡,金融市场上的非对称信息转变为对称信息。但政府强制金融组织进行信息披露时,应尊重其利益追求和考虑金融市场发育程度等。  相似文献   
世界经济一体化与商业银行发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着各个国家经济联系范围不断扩大及各国对外经济准入政策的放宽 ,加之信息技术、网络技术的发展 ,使各国经济融入世界范围的经济一体化格局。国际资本流动速度加快、范围扩大和国际贸易的飞速发展 ,既是世界经济一体化的必然结果 ,也是促进世界经济一体化的重要因素。而这些相互关联的各个方面又同时对各国的银行业产生巨大的影响。本文通过分析当前世界经济一体化的格局、国际贸易的发展状况及国际资本流动趋势 ,研究在此基础上我国商业银行发展面临的机遇和挑战以及应对措施  相似文献   
两岸入世后,台湾当局的大陆经贸政策与世界贸易组织的要求是有一定距离的,特别是台湾当局为大陆度身设置的“大陆货品特殊防御机制”,似乎是为了利用中国大陆在其《入世议定书》中对世贸组织成员的特别的承诺条款,但从法律角度而言,这是有违台湾在世贸组织《保障措施协议》项下的义务的,极易成为两岸之间有限的经贸互动中争端的导火绳。  相似文献   
During the past decade a number of countries imposed capital controls that had two distinguishing features: they were asymmetric, in that they were designed principally to discourage capital inflows, and they were temporary. This paper studies formally the consequences of these policies, calibrates their potential effectiveness, and assesses their welfare implications in an environment in which the level of capital inflows can be sub-optimal. In addition, motivated by the fact that these types of controls have often been left in place after the dissipation of the shock that lead to the controls being implemented, the paper evaluates the welfare cost of procrastination in removing these types of controls.  相似文献   
Reductions in international interest rates are a major cause of capital flows to emerging economies. Increases in domestic interest rates are a frequent policy response to the resulting price increases. This is often unsuccessful. The paper suggests a theoretical explanation based on distinctive features of emerging financial markets, including imperfect asset substitutability and imperfect capital mobility for some sectors of the economy. It concludes that the appropriate policy response to capital inflows may be lower interest rates.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the issue of money superneutrality through an intertemporal optimizing model of capital accumulation with endogenous fertility, i.e. endogenous population growth. Two elements of this setup invalidate money superneutrality: (i) a demand for fertility that depends on real money balances, and (ii) an inverse relation between capital–labor ratio and population growth. Higher monetary growth increases fertility, since it reduces its opportunity cost, and hence diminishes capital intensity, and per capita output. This reverse Tobin effect is matched by an increase in aggregate capital and output growth rates. In this framework, the optimal monetary growth rule is a “distorted Friedman rule”.  相似文献   
我国资本市场是在新旧体制转换中建立起来的,先天就存在着制度和市场功能方面的缺陷,亟需要采取有效应对策略以弥补,使我国资本市场的发展走上正常轨道。  相似文献   
博弈理论是当代主流经济学发展最迅速和影响最大的分支学科之一。其中,进化博弈理论由于引入了“进化稳定策略”(ESS)的概念,有效解决了博弈双方有限理性的现实问题,在解释经济管理现象时更具说服力和生命力。本文结合人民银行实际,通过构建进化博弈理论的复制动态模型,试述人民银行员工激励路径的选择及机制设计的有关问题。  相似文献   
We analyze the potential competitive effects of the proposed Basel II capital regulations on US bank credit card lending. We find that bank issuers operating under Basel II will face higher regulatory capital minimums than Basel I banks, with differences due to the way the two regulations treat reserves and gain-on-sale of securitized assets. During periods of normal economic conditions, this is not likely to have a competitive effect; however, during periods of substantial stress in credit card portfolios, Basel II banks could face a significant competitive disadvantage relative to Basel I banks and nonbank issuers.  相似文献   
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