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为了全面研究金融市场的随机事件以及准确分析后续预期事件,从随机事件和预期事件全样本角度出发,首先,构建了统一框架下的双断点回归模型,并从理论分析的角度阐述了新模型的可行性、优越性和广义性;然后,以“长生疫苗”和“长生退市”为对象,进行两次断点回归和双断点回归的拟合实证,结果分别从拟合效果、参数趋势、稳健性、实际内涵上展示了新模型在预期事件研究中的优越性,表明中国医药市场属于成熟型市场,适合理性投资者关注。研究结论为相关投资者和监管者未来进一步处理随机事件对金融市场的冲击提供了参考。  相似文献   
邵勃 《江苏商论》2020,(3):77-79
旅游景区的管理与建设对旅游业的发展至关重要。然而,截至2019年7月底,全国有数百家A级景区由于管理与建设不善,受到摘牌、降级等处罚。对照《旅游景区质量等级的划分与评定》可以发现,被处罚的景区主要存在的问题:景区配套设施管理差、旅游交通不畅、游览设施与服务不健全、景区卫生差、景区市场吸引力小等。因此,政府必须与景区相配合,采取相应对策,强化景区建设与管理;提升景区资源、市场吸引力等,以扭转被动局面,推动旅游景区的健康发展。  相似文献   
近几年来面对股价的持续低迷,在美国上市的中概股公司纷纷启动了私有化进程,通过退市维护企业价值,以分众传媒退市为例,企业退市主要以要约收购为基本交易模式,整个私有化过程的重点在于收购价格的确定、提交符合监管要求的文件、合理避免潜在诉讼。只要能严格依照交易规则进行交易,企业就能够顺利实现私有化,实现在资本市场的顺利转型。  相似文献   
证券法此次修订大幅提高了对财务造假行为的惩戒力度,并新增域外效力条款,将证券法管辖范围延伸至境外发行和交易活动。对于中概股财务造假,管辖权的主张应在遵守国际礼让原则的前提下,结合境内市场和投资者利益受影响程度审慎为之。在发行注册制改革的背景下,提高发行上市企业质量的关键还是在于强化事中事后监管,特别是要提高民事和刑事追责力度,积极推进退市市场化、常态化。  相似文献   
Previous studies report mixed evidence regarding the effect of political connections on firm value. We seek new evidence in China, an important emerging market with a hallmark of a relationship-based economy. Using financially distressed firms (special treatment or ST firms) as a unique sample, we identify a direct channel through which political connections enhance firm value by showing that politically connected firms receive more government subsidies. Moreover, such effect becomes stronger for state-owned enterprises (SOEs), for firms with a better chance of survival, and after the government implemented a new policy to more strictly enforce the delisting in 2012.  相似文献   
We examine individual IPO betas and provide further evidence that the documented decline in IPO betas results primarily from a seasoning or information effect and not from the delisting of high beta securities. We employ stochastic coefficient regression analysis which permits the estimation of individual IPO betas at all points in time, and therefore avoids disadvantages associated with grouped cross-sectional beta estimates and average individual time-series beta estimates. We find that IPO firms with the lowest betas are more likely to delist, and that individual IPO betas, on average, decline over time which provides support for the information hypothesis.  相似文献   
退市难一直是A股的难题,退市率极低。由于退市制度设计缺陷、IPO非市场化及监管不到位等原因,致使“垃圾股”的“壳”价值高,上市公司保“壳”冲动高。在当前IPO加速的背景下,科学合理地提高退市率,积极完善退市制度,使A股形成“有进有出”的良性生态环境是亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   
This paper examines the impact of cross-country variation in shareholders' and debt holders' rights on post-IPO performance and survival of newly listed stocks across the globe. Using a sample of 10,490 initial public offerings (IPOs) in 40 countries between 2000 and 2013, we find that post-IPO performance and survival is better in countries with stronger shareholder protection, but the impact of creditor protection is negative i.e. stronger creditor protection leads to poor post-IPO performance and survival. This effect is driven by rules requiring creditors’ consent for company reorganization and the mandatory replacement of incumbent managers. Reputable IPO advisors exacerbate the positive impact of shareholder rights and the negative impact of creditor rights.  相似文献   
本文在深入剖析上海证券交易所《关于完善上海证券交易所上市公司退市制度的方案(征求意见稿)》和深圳证券交易所《关于改进和完善主板、中小企业板上市公司退市制度的方案(征求意见稿)》的基础上,对陕西省上市公司的相关退市风险和存在问题提出了可行对策和政策建议,为促进和引导资本市场健康有序发展提供参考。  相似文献   
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