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Neuman, Yoram, Abraham Pizam and Arie Reichel, Values as Determinants of Motivation: Tourism and Other Career Choices. Annals of Tourism Research 1980, VII (3): 428–442. This study examined the predictive validity of work values in explaining motivational patterns of three groups of career preparation differing in their occupational specificity: Tourism/Hospitality, Management, and Liberal Arts. It was found that the higher the occupational specificity of a career preparation the higher is the predictive validity of work values in explaining work motivations. As predicted, the best relationships between values and motivation was found in the maximally specified occupation, namely: tourism/hospitality students, followed by management students with the liberal arts students — the most flexible occupational group — having the lowest relationship between values and motivation. The implications of the findings for employee selection and motivation prediction in the tourism/hospitality industry are discussed.  相似文献   
Counterfeits have been a longstanding concern to global brand manufactures. However, recently, a new product category that partly imitates and partly innovates under the term shanzhai has entered into market. Shanzhai products mimic original leading brands through visual or functional similarities and may also provide additional features. Given this new copycat phenomenon, our study for the first time conceptually distinguishes shanzhai products from counterfeits, theoretically compares the values of consumers choosing shanzhai products versus counterfeits, and empirically tests such differences in one integrative model. Specifically, shanzhai buyers value product functional benefits more than counterfeit buyers, while counterfeit buyers value status consumption, yet experience less self‐clarity than shanzhai buyers. Our findings offer important implications for imitative innovation literature as well as for practitioners.  相似文献   
To identify issuer motives, we study the determinants of announcement effects of convertible debt issues in the Canadian market. Classified into equity‐ and debt‐like, wealth effects are significantly more negative for equity‐like convertible bond issuers. Equity‐like convertibles are significantly negatively affected by agency costs of equity. However, agency costs of debt have no significant effect on debt‐like convertibles. Consistent with Stein (1992), this suggests convertibles in particular represent a substitute for equity. Moreover, convertible debt offers announced by income trusts experience significantly less negative wealth effects than offers by nontrusts—a finding explained by a more debt‐like convertible design, very low agency costs of equity in case of income trusts, or both. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study is a sequel to one providing a methodological framework for evaluating the economic and soil-erosion effects associated with different crop rotational systems involving corn on southern Ontario cash-cropping farms. A multi-period linear programming (MPLP) model is used to estimate the impact on rational crop rotational choices, fam-level profitability and soil-erosion rates of having different values for the more important economic variables. The variables examined are relative cash-crop prices, fossil fuel energy-related production costs, discount rates, and values attached to soil lost through erosion. The MPLP model is solved in turn for each of a range of values for one of the economic variables at a time, the selection of values being based upon recent historical experience. Where no change in rotational system is prompted within the range, the MPLP model is used to find the value of each economic variable that would be required to trigger the choice of some alternative rotational system. Each of these model runs is performed for the case where yields of all crops over a 20-year time horizon are firstly assumed constant, and secondly assumed to suffer a cumulative decline. Cet article fait suite à une étude méthodologique dont le but a été d'valuer les effets économiques et érosifs de systémes de production produisant essentiellement du maïs en rotation avec d'autres cultures. Cette méthode d'analyse est appliquée à des exploitations agricoles localisées dans le Sud de I'Ontario et specialisées dans les cultures commerciales. Pour ce faire, un modéle linéaire multi-période (MPLP) est utilisé pour estimer I'impact d'un changement dans les principales variables économiques sur le choix des rotations culturales, le niveau de rentabilité des systémes de production et les taux d'érosion des sols. Les variables économiques prises en compte sont les prix relatifs des cultures commerciales, les coûts de production associés à la consommation d'énergie fossile, les taux d'actualisation et les pertes absolues en sol dues à l'érosion. Le modéle linéaire (MPLP) est de nouveaurésolu pour chaque variable économique en les paramétrisant sur un intervalle de valeurs selectionnées à partir de donntes historiques récentes. Lorsqu'il n'y a aucun changement dans la rotation culturale, le modéle détermine le niveau de chaque variable qui entrainerait la prise en considération d'une rotation culturale alternative. Toutes les simulations ont été effectuées sur une période de vingt ans en adoptant deux variantes sur I'tvolution des ren-dements des cultures commerciales: premierèment, les rendements restent constants durant toute la période, et deuxiémement, les rendements décroissent de maniére cumulative.  相似文献   
Input-output techniques are used to assess the role of tourism in the economic diversification in Hong Kong. It is found that, in comparison with domestic manufacturing, the value-added content and labor productivity of tourism are relatively high, and tourism requires very little energy, not many laborers, moderate amounts of capital and appreciable amounts of skills, all of which are ideal in an environment of rocketing energy costs, rising wages, and fast growth with rapid accumulation of capital and skills. Moreover, the shares of tourism in GDP and total employment have been increasing due to decreasing leakage. On the demand side, the growth of tourist exports is more stable than many major commodity exports partly because tourism is less subject to import protectionism. Tourism is thus considered a prime choice in the current economic diversification of Hong Kong.  相似文献   
FAS 157, the U.S. accounting standard that prescribes how fair values of assets and liabilities are to be measured when other U.S. GAAP standards require fair valuation, stipulates that fair values be measured as the exit values of assets and liabilities—the proceeds for assets hypothetically sold on the date of the financial report, and, correspondingly, the amount required to settle liabilities on the date of the financial report. This conceptual article argues that exit values do not reflect the value of the net assets of the firm to shareholders, which is best reflected by discounted cash flows to maturity. Moreover, exit values—biasing fair values downward when markets are illiquid—have a pernicious, systemic risk effect; specifically, they give rise to write‐downs that in turn cause contagion: prices of equities and other financial instruments of peers react negatively, leading to further write‐downs by those peers. This may have aggravated the recent financial crisis. However, while exit values are not proper measures of value to shareholders, they are useful measures of downside risk when prospects turn sour for a firm. Thus, both exit values and discounted cash flows should be presented in financial statements.  相似文献   
This study examines the relationship of perceived organizational values to employee mobilization behaviours as mediated by perceived organizational support (POS) and affective organizational commitment. Firstly, a scale comprising three types of perceived organizational values (interpersonal values, formal values, and individual well‐being‐centered values) was developed and validated using a sample of 580 employees. Secondly, the relationships among variables were examined using structural equations modeling on an independent sample of 260 employees. POS mediated the relationship between employees' perceptions that their organization values the individual well‐being of its members and their affective organizational commitment, which in turn mediated the relationship between POS and individual mobilization behaviours. The contributions of these findings to advancing scholarship and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present Part 3 of a historical review and analysis of the role played by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) in accounting and auditing from the 1960s onward. Part 1 dealt with the period from the 1960s to 1985 (Zeff and Radcliffe, 2010a). Part 2 reviewed the work of the first four chief accountants, from 1986 to 1996 (Zeff and Radcliffe, 2010b). This third and final part reviews the work of the fifth chief accountant, John A. Carchrae, from 1996 to 2008. It began with the reorganization of the OSC and the reassignment of functions. The chief accountant position was now that of a permanent employee, albeit still as head of a very small department. The second part of Carchrae's tenure was dominated by the need to respond to the financial crises of the early 21st century with extensive regulatory change as well as addressing the shift to international accounting standards in Canada.  相似文献   
This study uses a sample of 832 Canadian public servants to test a theoretically derived framework which hypothesizes that generational cohort: (1) predicts the importance public servants place on intrinsic and extrinsic work values, (2) predicts the perceived availability of such rewards in public service workplaces, and (3) impacts the relationship between perceived availability of important rewards, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Our study adds to the limited body of research on generational cohort and work values in the public service. Generational cohort had little impact on the importance of work values, but did predict perceived availability of work‐rewards and the relationship between perceived availability of important rewards, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Findings could help public service organizations' recruitment and retention efforts. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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