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The sheer numbers are impressive:since it opened its doors for the very first time in January 2003,Berlin Fashion show has experienced steady growth.Berlin Fashion week from July 8th to14th was another milestone in this range of growths figures:More than 200,000professional visitors were attracted by over 200 events, 100 of which were fashion shows.  相似文献   
时尚 《中国纺织》2007,(11):131-131
日前,国际顶级奢侈品展TOPESSENCE在北京举办,NE·TIGER、Hennessy、Christofle等国际顶级品牌悉数登场,尽显奢华。作为中国奢侈品行业领军者,NE·TIGER以一场皮草时装秀揭开本次展会序幕。  相似文献   
去年7月27日,就在距伦敦奥运会开幕不到9个小时前,中国男装品牌依文带着来自喜马拉雅雅鲁藏布江源头雪山融化的水和北京周口店的土,用一场以“和”为主题的时装秀震惊了伦敦!  相似文献   
目前,在大连举行的2011中国国际棉花会议的“中国棉花之夜”时装晚宴上,华孚作为唯一的色纺纱企业代表,与国内其他四家纺织企业一起展示了家居、休闲、职业和时装四个种类的服装时尚,上演了一场特别的纯棉时装秀。此次晚会的主题是纯棉时装秀,来自世界20多个国家和地区的逾千名棉业代表共同体验了这场独特的纯棉盛宴。  相似文献   
杨度 《中国纺织》2008,(1):113-113
每天你会用多少时间欣赏镜中的自己?当你把自己投射到镜子另一面的空间里的一刻,你的主体和客体是否分解开来,你找到了一个伙伴,一个值得欣赏,值得爱慕,也值得憎恨的伙伴,她是你的影像,还是你本身?  相似文献   
盛业振 《商》2012,(13):195-195
时装秀的本质是一个商业推广,时装秀,包括不仅在概念和展示的主题设计师。也有一个商业因素和传播的精神。在时尚市场经济的时代,在资本因素驱动技术的进步,各种时装秀作为一个广义的时尚,不能分开的商业推广,也蕴含着巨大的商业价值。  相似文献   
In the fall of 2011,the world's two fashion cities-New York and Beijing presented a fashion show themed with Sketch·New York Impression within one month,which attracted lots of spotlight.The same theme impressed audience differently at different times and different places.And the show owner is the renowned Chinese designer Richard Wu."Just like the name of the brand launch-Sketch,I want to present a sketch,a creative space.With a definite orientation,I create parts of the content and consumers the rest part.People from diverse cultures and having various preferences may bring their individualism into full play by matching and accessories",said Richard Wu when he was interpreting the theme of the show.At the creative VLOV 2012 Spring & Summer collection show,the exquisite and low-pitched design aesthetics was unanimously praised by professional media and buyers during the NewYork Fashion Week.What's worth mentioning,apart from the 36 outfits exhibited in New York,the designer created an extra 8 outfits based on the actual New York impressions in a move to present a feast for the eyes of the Chinese audience during the China Fashion Week.  相似文献   
继纽约和伦敦时装周之后,米兰时装周也于今日正式开锣并持续至3月1日。共有200多个来自意大利和外国的秋季成衣女装系列在此展示,其中包括78个品牌的86场时装秀,有些公司还将在米兰展示旗下的多个系列.  相似文献   
冯诗琦 《中国纺织》2011,(11):156-156
近日,蓝冰小筑在广州芳村大道中侣50创意园隆重举行了时尚儿童混搭时装秀。据悉,该场发布会是首届国内大型的童装招商活动。BlueCottage运用独特的剪裁、工艺、色彩、板型、细节,强调非传统的混搭理念,全新打造贵族气质的时尚品牌。生产设计总裁白小姐主张把时尚妈妈的关爱与百变的潮流精髓融入童装设计中,“我希望让快乐、时尚伴随所有小朋友的纯真童年,给时尚童装界带来焕然一新的灵感与惊喜。过去许多童装的设计都较为单调与正统,我希望蓝色小筑能让大家看到更多如时装般绚烂百变  相似文献   
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